Tipi Percorsi
The most suggestive e-bike itinerary of the Castelli Romani park. The route passes through the joyful Frascati, the volcanic lakes in Nemi and Castel Gandolfo, crossing Lanuvio, Genzano, Ariccia and finally Marino and Frascati. The itinerary has an easy practicability and during the trip you will enjoy fantastic panoramas. Each town has its own peculiarity: Rocca di Papa with its fortress, Nemi with its lake and its misterious town, Lanuvio is full of history with its walls and its temples, Ariccia is famous thanks to its "fraschette", Genzano has fantastic boulevards, Albano with its joyful main avenue. Finally you can taste the characteristic wine of Marino and Frascati in the most famous villas of Grottaferrata and Frascati.
Pedalata in e-bike dalle sorgenti termali di acqua sulfurea al rifugio di Malboschetto in connessione spirituale con la natura.
Latronico fu feudo dei Sanseverino, dei Corcione e dei Gesuiti. Poi passò alla Corona e al demanio.
La popolazione dal ‘700 è profondamente devota a S. Egidio, figura presente nell’arte, nella storia e nel costume del paese.
Tra i luoghi di principale interesse: la Cappella di San Cataldo del XIII sec., la Chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie, la Chiesa di S. Egidio e quella di S. Nicola, Palazzo Arcieri e Palazzo Gioia. Tra le risorse naturalistiche le sorgenti di acque minerali La Calda e l’enorme sagoma di un pesce fossile di 30 milioni di anni fa in località Solarino di Iannazzo.
Vuoi vivere un'esperienza unica in bici tra i vigneti del Monferrato? Questa è l'esperienza che fa per te.
Puoi noleggiare le e-bike da Nizza Monferrato e fermarti per una degustazione alla cantina La Barbatella che propone un assaggio di 3 Vini base e 2 Cru abbinati a piccoli assaggi delle eccellenze gastronomiche del territorio.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Cliclovia dei parchi , Variante lago Angitola lungo la riserva Naturale WWF nella tratta Serra San Bruno-Girifalco
in the Parco delle Serre, in the Natural Serre Park, in the Serre Park in Calabria
L’itinerario ad anello si sviluppa nel territorio sub urbano/rurale a sud dell’abitato di Caltanissetta. Lungo il percorso si attraversano paesaggi collinari, interrotti da rilievi rocciosi, campi cerealicoli, mandorleti, vigneti, pescheti ed uliveti. Lungo la ciclopasseggiata sono previste due tappe fondamentali:
Visita guidata dell’antico Borgo rurale di Santa Rita, che sorge su uno sperone roccioso e ha una fondazione datata nel 1895. Abitato ormai da pochissimi abitanti dediti all’agricoltura e alla pastorizia, questo piccolo Borgo è oggi celebre per il pane del forno “Santa Rita” di Maurizio Spinello e della sua famiglia ritenuto, sin dal 1999, tra i migliori al mondo e fatto esclusivamente di grani antichi siciliani e farine biologiche. I prodotti ottenuti da queste farine hanno proprietà nutrizionali e organolettiche uniche grazie all’alto contenuto proteico e all’alta digeribilità. Il grano antico siciliano, infatti, è povero di glutine e ricco di proteine. Tutto ciò fa di questo piccolo agglomerato di case di pietra un luogo di forte attrazione. Il pane è una vera e propria eccellenza isolana ed è frutto di una memoria antica della famiglia Spinello, una delle poche rimaste in questo borgo abitato in passato da oltre trecento persone.
Visita dell’azienda vitivinicola “Tenute dell’Abate”, che con i suoi 62 ettari di vigneti allevati a controspalliera e potati a cordone speronato è una importante realtà vinicola dell’entroterra siciliano.
Fuori percorso è possibile visitare le Borgate di Canicassè-Casale, Cozzo di Naro, Prestianni e Furiana
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
This splendid e-bike tour among the prestigious Monferrato vineyards will allow you to discover, without too much effort, the most beautiful villages and landscapes in the area.
It is a circular route that starts and ends in Nizza Monferrato and allows you to admire the splendid landscapes of vineyards of Barbera and Nizza docg.
How to visit Nizza Monferrato:
Nice is the most important agricultural and commercial center located in the heart of Monferrato area, one of the most famous Italian places of wine production in the world, especially as regards red wines. UNESCO World Heritage Site for its landscape assets and for the Barbera and Nizza DOCG wines, it is the most important center of the province and of the Belbo Valley.
In Nice it is worth taking a stroll through the streets of the center and stopping to admire the Campanon tower, in the town square, the oldest civic tower in the city, incorporated into the Town Hall.
The historic center is beautiful, full of typical bars and restaurants where you can taste the specialties of Nicese and Piedmontese cuisine based on Cardo Gobbo, a renowned local product.
There will certainly be the possibility of some amazing tasting of red wine at the Regional Winery of Nice, located near the splendid Palazzo Crova, an admirable example of an 18th century noble town residence.
At the end of the tour, the more "daring" will be able to reach the Church of Madonna della Neve, one of the highest points in the town.
It can be reached via a very steep climb but the view over the city and the surrounding municipalities is certainly worth the effort.
Castel Boglione and Castel Rocchero
In Castel Boglione and Castel Rocchero you can enjoy breathtaking landscapes that perfectly embody the concept of Monferrato.
These hills, shaped by the constant and incessant work of winemakers, became a UNESCO heritage site in 2014 and are recognized and admired all over the world.
Don't forget to taste the prestigious wines of "La Torre" winery in Castel Rocchero, one of the stops on our tour.
Here you will have a wide choice in tasting fine wines typical of the area.
How to visit Castelletto Molina
After the La Torre di Castel Rocchero’s Winery you will reach the charming town of Castelletto Molina, famous for its Medieval Castle characterized by high defensive walls and five towers used for defense and as ancient prisons.
The track will allow you to go around the Castle to admire it in all its beauty.
Also characteristic is the Museum of Agricultural Arts, at the entrance to the town.
If you are hungry, do not miss a stop at the Trattoria da Nello e Lina, whose typical dishes will brighten your day.
How to visit Fontanile
Continuing along secondary roads, we will arrive in the characteristic village of Fontanile, famous for its wines, the Murales, but above all for its mammoth Church of San Giovanni Battista, whose dome, designed by the engineer architect Francesco Gualandi, stands out in the center of the village dominating the whole surrounding landscape.
Do not miss a visit to this characteristic monument whose dome is the highest in the province of Asti!
From here you can continue towards Mombaruzzo enjoying a stop at the Giant Bench of Fontanile, located in a splendid panoramic position.
The return: Mombaruzzo Stazione, Casalotto
After the Big Bench you can consider a stop at the “da Erminio” restaurant in Mombaruzzo Stazione for a short refreshment on the way back.
The route will then continue until it touches the Municipality of Casalotto.
From here, turning towards Fontanile, you can once again admire the dome of its “cathedral” dominating the whole surrounding landscape.
In Casalotto it is certainly worth making a detour to the “Berta Distilleries”, a prestigious company of grappas and spirits.
Here you cannot miss a taste of the amazing Grappa alle Rose, the real highlight of their production.
Resuming the route towards Nizza Monferrato, you will use your electric bikes for the last climbs immersed in landscapes of vineyards as far as the eye can see.
A last long descent will accompany you gently to Nizza Monferrato and, after crossing the center, you will reach the end point of the tour.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Are you at Camping Weekend but feel like taking a dip in the lake? By E-Bike you can easily reach the camping Sivinos and take a swim in the lake while still having access to the facilities of the campsite, as both campsites are managed by Vacanze col Cuore.
You don't want to reach Sivinos? It doesn't matter, because along the way there are already some beautiful beaches easily reachable by E-Bike, such as Lido di Manerba, Garda Beach and others.
at Lake Garda, in Manerba del Garda, in Salò, in Moniga del Garda, in San Felice del Benaco, in Desenzano del Garda, in Padenghe, in Peschiera del Garda, in Valeggio sul Mincio, on the Cycleway of Mincio,
Valpolicella: the name comes from the ancient latin "Val Polis Cellae", valley with many wineries. Even if the origin of the name is not sure, the region is still nowadays a paradise for wine lovers.
This easy ride crosses the wine region of Valpolicella. The itinerary goes out the city following a safe bike path that leads us to the immense vineyards of Valpolicella. Then, after a easy climb, we reach the top of a hill from where we can enjoy a great view over mountains and hills. On the road we can also see many Venetian Villas, elegant building built since the XV century.
We suggest to have a break in a winery, in order to experience the best of Valpolicella, the wine: there are many of them on our route.
Finally, the itinerary follow the river Adige and goes back to the city passing in front of the Arena and crossing the main squares.
in Verona, in Valpolicella, in South Adige parc
Il percorso di oggi ci porta nelle prime colline faentine e forlivesi, lungo una delle piú belle salite della zona dalla cui cima, nelle giornate più limpide la vista spazia fino al mare. Scendiamo verso Castrocaro famosa per le sue terme e a Terra del Sole, voluta nel 1564 da Cosimo de’ Medici come città fortificata e splendido esempio di ingegneria militare e urbanistica del Rinascimento. Continuiamo lungo le pendici delle prime colline tra i vigneti del Sangiovese per tornare verso Faenza. Per chi volesse, in città il Museo Internazionale della Ceramica offre una splendida collezione di pezzi unici dell'arte maiolicara che rese Faenza famosa in tutto il mondo.
a faenza, a imola, a ravenna, a forlì
Part from Torre Lapillo, in the shadow of the historic tower, the fifth stage of the Cyclovia of the Ionian Salento. After a fresco on a fantastic spunnulata (a resurgence), it pedal between the woods of Arneo and the coast with its naturalistic jewels : the paths in the perfumed stain of the Palude of the Count, the pink fenicacles in flight on the lake mirror of Salina dei Monaci, the freezing and crystalline water of the mouth of the Chidro River. And then straight into the interior, beyond the woods there is first Manduria, with its millennial history, and finally the borgo of Avetrana.
Cosa può esserci di più green di una vacanza in e-bike che parte dal centro di Genova (Piazza
Manin) con il trenino storico Genova - Casella ed arriva in Val Borbera, in una delle zone più verdi e
panoramiche dell 'Appennino Genovese? Da Casella, al termine dell'emozionante risalita di circa
un'ora con lo storico trenino, potrai continuare su una potente e-bike che senza fatica ti farà scoprire
con una facile pedalata assistita un territorio ricco di storia in un contesto naturale e di quiete dove
ad ogni angolo potrai scoprire scorci e panorami inaspettati.
Potrai noleggiare l'e-bike e percorrere uno degli anelli consigliati dall' app di BikeSquare in cui
trovare punti d'interesse e di ristoro dove degustare i formaggi e i vini locali come il Timorasso e il
Montebore. Oppure potrai pernottare in una delle strutture ricettive della Valle Borbera ed
assaporare i deliziosi piatti tipici godendoti la frescura ed il silenzio di un territorio ricco
di spunti naturalistici tutti da scoprire, come i panorami mozzafiato di Vendersi, il Castello di Borgo
Adorno, le strette di Pertuso, uno dei dei canyon più lunghi d'Italia, le cascate di Gordena e
l'imponente Castello della Pietra in Valle Vobbia.
Se si vuole viaggiare senza bagaglio si può richiedere il servizio locale di sherperaggio di BikeSquare.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Percorso ad anello sulle tracce dei Franchi e dei pellegrini salendo all'imponente Sacra di San Michele per poi ridiscendere fino ai Laghi e al borgo medioevale di Avigliana lungo un tratto del Sentiero dei Principi.
Il percorso parte da Sant'Ambrogio per risalire la valle lungo l'inaspettata Strada Segreta del Diacono Martino che attraversa Chiusa San Michele e Vaie per raggiungere Sant'Antonino di Susa da dove si imbocca la strada che sale alla frazione Cresto.
Superato il Cresto la strada si inerpica lungo il boscoso versante nord della valle, seguendo una lunga serie di tornanti fino a raggiungere le borgate di Folatone e Bennale, da dove si possono godere suggestivi scorci panoramici sulla valle e sulla Sacra. Di qui, per un breve tratto di strada non asfaltata si arriva al Colle Braida (1007 m. slm) per poi riscendere sulla carrozzabile fino alla Sacra di San Michele... un vera e propria opera di arte sacra e architettura medioevale, permeata di storia, che vale la pena visitare, magari dopo esservi ristorati e aver ricaricato le batterie alla Cascina dei Canonici, un agriturismo immerso nel verde poco lontano dalla Sacra. La discesa prosegue poi imboccando il Sentiero dei Principi che vi porterà alla borgata Mortera passando dall'azienda agricola Carlo Guerra. Subito dopo Mortera è possibile fare una visita alla Certosa di San Francesco prima di proseguire la discesa fino a raggiungere la strada ciclabile che entra nel Parco dei Laghi di Avigliana e, costeggiando il Lago Grande, aggiunge il centro storico, sovrastato dalle rovine del Castello, da cui si può tornare a Sant'Ambrogio lungo vicoli e strade secondarie che rivelano angoli poco conosciuti di Avigliana tra cui il famoso Dinamitificio Nobel.
in Val Susa, in Valsusa, in Avigliana, in Caprie, in Villadora, in Condove, to Sacra of San Michele, to Rocca Sella
Discover modern, Moorish and medieval CĂłrdoba on this fantastic 2-hour electric bike tour.
Your guide will explore with you different corners of this ancient city to show you all the history that its walls can tell.
A time travel from the modern city center, to Roman times, passing through the Christian Reconquest and the unforgettable Moorish Cordoba, capital of the Arab world, with the grandeur of the Mosque and the peace of the river side.
We will start with a small tour through the Juderia - the Jewish quarter, the Mezquita (Cordoba Cathedral) and its famous alleys. After that we will follow the river to see the Alcázar and then we will visit the district of San Basilio (one of the most traditional neighborhoods of the city, where you will see many typical "patios").
Afterwards, we will return through the Ribera Boulevard, along the Guadalquivir, and we will go to the most characteristic and particular square, Plaza de la Corredera, which will close our beautiful tour.
Price: 25 euros per w / p (minimum 2 p / p)
Meeting point: Elektrik.es - Calle Maria Cristina 5 (near the Roman Temple)
in Cordoba
Enjoy this 2,5 hour electric bike tour which will introduce you to the main attractions of Barcelona.
You will get an overview of the Old City and its origins: you will be head to the charming medieval district, where you will enjoy the marvellous Santa Maria del Mar (the Cathedral of the Sea), the Roman ruins, the narrow streets and much more. Then you will enter the magic world of Ciutadella Park, the green lung of BCN. From here you will discover the beaches and the ancient district of fishermen, la Barceloneta. Finally we will escape the crowds in the Montjuic, a peaceful hill where you will be able to enjoy the spectacular views as well as explore the Olympic stadium and the Olympic Swimming pool. Finally we will stop for a fresh drink at the sunset, watching Barcelona from one of the most amazing viewpoint of the hole city.
- Summer: Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 5pm
- Winter season:Thursday & Saturday at 10am and 3.30pm
in Barcellona, in Barcelona
in Chianti, in Greve in Chianti, in Cavriglia, in Radda in Chianti, in Gaiole in Chianti, in Castellina in Chianti, Eroica, Tuscany in ebike
Ebike tour across the hills of the Monferrato astride Rocchetta Tanaro’s Natural Park.
Beautiful landscapes will frame this tour through woods and vineyards.
How to visit Belveglio
Our tour starts from Ortondo’s B&B in Cortiglione.
After a short ride on the crest of the hills surrounding the town, you will arrive at “Bricco di Belveglio”, a place wherer it is possible to have a 360 degrees view of the surrounding landscape.
Belveglio is a town of 336 inhabitants in the province of Asti. In the Middle Ages the town was known with the name of Malamorte. It is likely that the toponym derives from the continuous struggles that raged in the territory, such as to consider them lands of bad death. The first lord of Malamorte was Raimondo Turco (1003 - 1092), coming from a noble family of Asti.
The Aleramic marquises of Incisa became masters of the locality after the descent of Federico Barbarossa in 1155, who defeated and set fire to the city of Asti, but after the peace of Costanza (1183) they were forced to return it to the Municipality of Asti. Following the civil wars in Asti between the Solaro and Guttuari Malamorte factions, many destructions followed one another, up to the passage of the city of Asti under the domination of Luchino Visconti.
In 1387, the village appears in Valentina Visconti's dowry for her marriage to Luigi di Valois and probably in this period the locality changed its name to Belvedere (Bellumviderium Astensium).
In 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte included the village in the Department of Marengo and in this period the name changed (the last one) from Belvedere to Belveglio.
The route winds through the streets of the center of the village until it leaves the main road to start a long secondary road immersed in the surrounding woods.
Rocchetta Tanaro and its Natural Park
The track will lead you to the borders of the Rocchetta Tanaro’s Natural Park.
Pay attention to the descent on the gravel road that will allow you to enter the park and enjoy, in summer, some shade and coolness.
Leaving the main dirt road you will find yourself near the town of Cerro Tanaro, from where a long cycle path will start on the banks of the Tanaro river.
At the end of the track, a small tunnel will take you past the railway to reach (this time on asphalt) the town of Rocchetta Tanaro.
In the open countryside, once on the banks of the Tanaro, stands the small church of Santa Maria de Flexio with a Romanesque apse.
In the Sant'Emiliano region stands the homonymous church, formerly a dependency of the Abbey of Azzano which extended its jurisdiction over farmhouses and lands in the Rocchetta area bordering "Roca".
In the concentric, the Salone Santa Caterina, once the Church of the Confraternity of the ss. Annunziata or dei "Battuti", it preserves a chiselled fresco under study by the Superintendency of Artistic Heritage, Romanesque columns and corbels.
The parish church built in 1700 on a pre-existing medieval chapel dedicated to Saint Stephen, has a Romanesque bell tower dated 1474. It preserves a marble stoup with the engraved "Comunitas Rocheta 1476", a painting attributed to the Caccia school, a painting by Michelangelo Pittatore, an ivory crucifix by 1700 of Provençal school.
Also worth seeing is the Rocchetta Tanaro Natural Park, where the presence of “Il Frutteto della Memoria” and the "large beech" (called "Faggio Emilio") of the Val du Gè (Valle del Gelo), an ultra-centuries-old specimen over 25 meters and with a diameter of the crown of around 20 meters that grows to the minimum altitude for Piedmont (130 meters above sea level), and represents a reminder of the beech woods spread throughout the area at the end of the last glacial period, and the Integral Nature Reserve " Il Verneto ", WWF oasis.
In Rocchetta there are also two museums: the “Tanaro and Contadinerie Museum”, with the reconstruction of some typically Rocchettese peasant life environments, and the Museum of wine labels, an ideal journey through the Italian regions which, through its graphics, invites visitors to discover the best national wines;
Also worthy of note is the Castle of the Marquises Incisa della Rocchetta, where for centuries the wines of the Marquises Incisa della Rocchetta were produced in the cellars, transferred since 1994 to "La Corte Chiusa" (an ancient family property).
A cylindrical tower and parts of the building remain of the ancient medieval castle. The castle is now privately owned (not open to visitors).
Continuing along the track, you will arrive to take the road towards the Mogliotti’s Road to rejoin the track of the starting point again.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
This ebike route runs between ancient hamlets and breathtaking mountain landscapes at the foot of the 'King of Stone', Monviso.
This itinerary is divided into two loops that can be cycled together or separately.
The first is simpler and climbs the slope towards Pian Munè, passing through the hamlets of Croesio, Borghini, Salis and Rocciaia, along secondary dirt roads and then descending to Paesana along the tarmac road.
The second loop, recommended for experienced cyclists, starts from Pian Munè and reaches Mount Turnour at an altitude of 1,554 metres. It then descends along well-maintained but challenging mountain dirt roads to the villages of Serre and Oncino and from there, via the provincial road, to Paesana.
In this itinerary, thanks to the aid of e-bikes, you can reach one of the most beautiful panoramic balconies towards the plains of Turin and Cuneo, Pian Munè. It is the ideal place for a quiet break away from the worries of the city after a pleasant ride that nonetheless has quite a bit of elevation gain. From there, our advice is to take the easy dirt road to Monte Turnour and continue a few hundred metres until Monviso appears in all its majesty, with its 3841 metres of altitude.
The descent from Pian Munè towards the hamlets of Serre and Oncino passes from the high-altitude meadows full of flowers in spring to the beech and chestnut woods surrounding the two hamlets.
in paesana, at pian del re, at pian della regina, in ostana, in sanfront, in revello, in saluzzo, in staffarda, in bagnolo, in barge, in crissolo, at pian mune, in valle bronda, in brondello, in castellar, in rifreddo
Visit Radda in Chianti on this ebike tour. Itì very easy for families, the route is the same both down to Radda and back to the starting point. In Radda you can visit the village with its restaurants, bars, wineries and there is even a playground for kids.
in Chianti, in Greve in Chianti, in Cavriglia, in Radda in Chianti, in Gaiole in Chianti, in Castellina in Chianti, Eroica, Tuscany in ebike
One-day 40 km tour in the Monferrato area around Acqui Terme. Visit Montechiaro d'Acqui and Castelletto d'Erro.
Castelletto d'Erro
Population 155, it's one of the peaks of this mountain area coloured by lavender fields. What to see: the medieval fortress now is just a square tower. The Assunta church contains a painting ascribed to Pietro Ivaldi called "il Muto" (the Mute"). Visit Sant'Onorato, a small chapel 1 km far from the village.
Montechiaro d'Acqui
The village is 15 km from Acqui Terme. The highest part is on the crest between Bormida and Erro Valleys: the landscape is astonishing. Its main features are the cobblestones streets, the vaults, the staircases made of sandstone. All of the houses are made of stones with plaques, gates and emblems with signs of the past centuries. You can visit the parish curch of Saint George (16th Century) and the Saint Catherine oratory, the latter is now the Peasants' Museum.
During the Roman Age via Aemilia Scauri passed here. An original mileston was found here and is now protected under the City Hall arcades. Visit the ruins of the Marquis of Carretto castle and the parish church of the Assunta. Every year, on the last Sunday of April, there is the Sagra del Polentone, which is the Festival of the Big Polenta (local cornmeal mush).
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
The ring route by ebike starts from the MOU Contadini Birrai rental point in Genazzano, near the Colonna Castle. Crossing the historic center you can admire the wonderful alleys and architectural monuments, in particular along the road of the olive groves you can admire the famous Nymphaeum of Bramante (https://www.genazzano.org/comune/ninfeo-bramante/128 to be inserted as connection). Continue along the sloping road, surrounded by nature and olive groves, until you reach the panoramic observation point from which you can admire the entire historic center of Genazzano. Continuing along the path, always on a gentle slope, you will find the valley on the left and the mountain on the right, located on the top you can see the village of Capranica Prenestina. Arrived in the village of San Vito Romano you will cross the charming historic center, the grove, and then take the road that will lead you to the olive groves of the La Rosciola farm. Here you can take a welcome break and learn about the art of olive milling in the La Rosciola company oil mill. The ring excursion will end, still following roads immersed in the hills planted with olive groves, returning to the historic center of Genazzano, where you can taste the craft beers of MOU Contadini Birrai, buy the products, and on Sundays you can also visit the Colonna Castle.