You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code DDPER04

Ring itinerary between nature and history in the Po Delta, starting from Comacchio and through country roads you reach Lagosanto where in the locality of Marozzo there is the historic drainage pump used for reclamation. You then arrive in Codigoro where the cycle path begins that leads to the Abbey of Pomposa, a masterpiece of Romanesque art dating back to the 6th-7th century. The Pomposian monastery welcomed illustrious personalities of the time, including Guido d'Arezzo, the monk inventor of musical writing based on the seven-note system. The itinerary resumes crossing the vineyards of the sands from which typical wines such as Fortana are produced, then take the road that goes towards the sea parallel to the Po di Volano stopping at the Canneviè Naturalistic Oasis with its typical paths on walkways through the reeds. Arriving at Lido di Volano, take the forest road that runs through the green pine forest to the Lido delle Nazioni where you can see the hut where Garibaldi, after landing in 1849, took shelter on the run from the Austrians. Continue following the coast to Porto Garibaldi, an important navy in the upper Adriatic for the fleet of fishing boats. The return to Comacchio takes place along the cycle path.

Video itinerary

Itinerary traced and designed by Deltaciclando

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