You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code E32

This 39 km route will make you discover the landscapes of Muscat, for a stretch along the Belbo river.

From Castagnole delle Lanze, where you can rent bikes and e-bikes in the BikeSquare Point Cyclists on Sunday, start the route on secondary roads in cultivated countryside, past the village of Calosso (you can take a detour to the castle), and then continue towards Canelli .

Canelli is famous for the siege of 1613, whose re-enactment every year in mid-June brings hundreds of tourists, and for Asti Spumante, one of the most exported DOCG wines from Italy.

Continue to Santo Stefano Belbo, birthplace of Cesare Pavese, and home to the exclusive Relais San Maurizio, where you can stop for lunch or dinner.

From here on secondary roads back to Castagnole delle Lanze.


  • Departure from Castagnole delle Lanze

  • 39.00 Km

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