You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code M07

With this route you can take a dip into the past and visit 4 historically important castles of the Southern area of Lake Garda; you visit, in order, the castles of Moniga, Padenghe, Polpenazze and Soiano. In the castles, from which you have a marvelous view of the lake, you can admire the ancient walls and old buildings. 

To return to the present you can stop at the Big Bench of Chiaretto, or Pink Big Bench, not far from winery La Guarda, which organizes tastings of wine and of typical products and prepares delicious picnics.


  • 30 Km

  • 27 giorni 18 ore 40 minuti
  • Difficulty:   2

What do you find along the route