You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code EX03

Guided evening tour with artisanal gelato tasting at Rome's finest gelaterias (Giolitti, Fassi, Fatamorgana, La Fonte delle Salute, etc.). The route traverses Rome's city center, following the Aventino's cycle path, passing by the Circus Maximus, and reaching the Colosseum. From there, the journey continues along Via dei Fori Imperiali, arriving at the Capitoline Hill while admiring the Roman Forums. Starting from Piazza Venezia, you ascend towards the Quirinal Palace, then passing by the Trevi Fountain, Via del Tritone, and ascending to Villa Borghese and the Pincio Terrace. From the Pincio's terrace, the entire panorama of Rome and its magnificent skyline can be admired.

Subsequently, descending, you reach Piazza del Popolo, and among Via del Corso's alleys, you arrive at the renowned gelateria Giolitti (alternatively, with different routes, Fassi, Fatamorgana, La Gourmandise). After savoring this delicacy, amidst picturesque streets and various shops, you visit Piazza Navona and Campo dei Fiori. Crossing the Tiber River, you arrive at Trastevere and its charming neighborhood. Once the journey through alleys and characteristic taverns is concluded, you return to the Aventino.

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