You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code P04

The route begins with a sweet climb, crossing breathtaking landscapes between groves and green meadows. The road snows for 36 km until it reaches Genevris, where a historic lighthouse dominates the panorama, offering a spectacular view over the surrounding territory. The climb, while challenging, is repaid by the natural beauty and tranquility of the path.

Arrived at Genevris, after a short break to admire the panorama and take a few photos, begins the descent. This trait is steep and technical, recommended only to experienced cyclists. The descent from Costa Piana is an adrenalinic challenge, characterized by narrow curves and sassy traits that require attention and skill. The pathway ends with a sense of satisfaction and a good dose of adventure, ideal for those looking for a bike excursion rich in excitement and enchanting landscapes.

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