Church of Santa Croce d' Ete

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Church of Santa Croce d' Ete: what's to know

By running our streets, far from the great routes, venturing between the necks and valleys that characterize the maceratese landscape, it has the furnace of imparting itself in places suggestive, often enriched by magnificent churches, tangible signs of the religiosity of our ancestors. One of the most beautiful of these, in the territory of Mogliano, between the valley of the Dead Ete that stands solitary in the middle of the green of a well-cultivated countryside, is the church of the Holy Cross of Ete.

The Church, dating back to 1579, is at a nave with a Latin cross plant for the presence of two lateral altars in the transept ; at the sides a porch to accommodate the pilgrims, once also present in front of the facade.

Along an ancient road to Fermo, near an ansa of the Ete creek and the border with Ghave and Francavilla, there existed a newsstand, probably dates back to the second half of the dry XIV, on whose wall a beautiful image of the Crucifix with the Eternal Father was frescoed.
In the second half of 1500, an episode resulted in a radical change. It is passed that one day, presumably in the spring of 1578, within this "pinturetta", perhaps for a sudden watercolour, a pastorella was repaired, dubbed "the caprara" that had with them the animals at pasture, but an entry intimated them to leave from that place of oration. Sbigottite and frightened told the incident : the news spread quickly and first the Mogliese, then numerous foresters, went to the place to worship the image for a long time neglected. The handouts were so abundant that in order to treasure them, they were remembered at an iron dresser (today in the parish museum of S. Maria di Piazza).
Meanwhile, the already numerous prodigies attributed to this icon were multiplied by the Archbishop of Fermo, who after the soprano decided to have a large church built on the site with the copious offers collected

On November 11, 1579, the archbishop ordered a public procession of all the clergy and fraternities, to which a large crowd also participated. On foot they went to the chapel ; the archbishop venerated the image, celebrated the Mass and, dressed in pontifical clothes, blessed and placed the first stone, dedicating the church to the Crucified Church. The episode is remembered in a tombstone placed on the background wall.

The Church of the SS. Crucifix d' Ete (or Holy Cross) still exerts a particular fascination today on the inhabitants of Mogliano and the surroundings. The main appointment is for the feast of Holy Cross on May 3. In addition to the liturgical celebrations and the fair, it is the appointment for the traditional merenda on the meadows that surround the church.

Where it is Church of Santa Croce d' Ete

Photo Gallery

Church of Santa Croce d' Ete

Contrada Sant'Antonio, 62010 Mogliano MC


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