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 Tour of the ancient appian way with a small detour in the Caffarella park. The Appia Antica park includes the Caffarella valley and the Aqueduct Park. Walking along the ancient appian way, you turn right entering a branch of dirt paths and admiring the Tomb of Annia Regilla, the sacred source of Egeria water and its sacred wood in front of the ancient Church of San Urbano (not open to visitors). It does not seem to be 1 km from the center of Rome. Everything is intact and authentic. From there you take the ancient appian way, on the right the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, the circus of Maxentius, and the tomb of Romulus. Returning to Rome you can admire the church of San Sebastiano and its catacombs. After an immersive tour in the Roman countryside, we return to the Eternal City by retracing the Via Latina reaching the Circus Massimo.


Starting from €25
per person

  • 28,5 Km

  • 5/11/24, 2:30 AM h

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