You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code 01

This route develops into the territory in the Valdastico along narrow white and paved roads and allows you to pedal for about 34 kilometers with a 579-meter level off from Arserum to arrive until San Pietro Valdastico.

Start point

The starting point is in Arsero-Via dei Longhi where you start with a breakfast / merenda at the bar Campagna with coffee and brioche.

Arserum-Old Railway Station- Cartiera Rossi

From the starting point, the Old Railway Station is reached strongly by Alessandro Rossi, ledader of the Italian industrialists, who promoted and financed the construction to connect the manufacturing plant of Schio, Piovene Rocchette and Arserum.
The path continues in the direction Cartiera Rossi, founded in 1878 by Francesco Rossi, a major company in which over 1300 employees were employed, becoming in a few years the largest European cartiera of the era.

Contrà Pria-Valdastico

Profollowing our path comes to the Treatoria all 'Isola, typical trattoria where you can taste typical homemade dishes, then continue to Contrà Pria, also known as the "Caribbean of the Veneto", prestigious location immersed in nature, where the river forms some anse by creating small, ideal ponds for bathing.
It is still continuing to arrive at the Torrions of Pedescala, ancient guard towers placed in an 'altura between Contrà La Pria and Barcarola site in the territory of Cogollo in the Horographical Left of the Astico valley falls into this defense optics and is thought to be used as a signalling tower in the event of danger by being in visual correspondence with the castle of Velo. Some scholars argue that the foundations are of Roman invoice.
Profollowing the journey to the valley of the Valdastic, there is a fascinating "Il Gorgo", fascinating place with regoglish waterfalls, fostered upstream directly from the mountain, creates unique beauty landscapes, its sassi beach allows it to relax and freshen up in its waters.
This place is also associated with the ancient Italo-Austrian border.
From here it is pedal to the pizzeria Antica Valdastico, local rennomed for its gourmet pizza.

Anelli delle Anguane

After a short culinary break, you go back to the ferrata "

Anelli delle Anguane", recent ferrata composed of an intertwining of vertical ferred streets, equipped dines and ribbed paths that develop along about 300 mt. of a peak rocky bastion on the Val d' Astico. There are three vertical traits and a Tibetan bridge.
You are almost at the end of the 'ring' itinerary at the return ebike point.

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