You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code 002

Ring itinerary on the island of Donzella, the largest in the Delta. It starts from the rental point BikeSquare Delta del Po, headquarters and along the embankment that runs along the Po di Tolle you arrive in Scardovari, a fishing village home to a large fish market, followed by the tourist village of Barricate with its beaches with crystal clear waters and the Seashells Beach. The itinerary continues on the road that runs alongside the Sacca degli Scardovari, here the fishermen carry out their work based mainly on the breeding of mussels, of which the mussel is one of the products of excellence. The route runs along the entire perimeter of the pocket until it meets the mouth of the Po della Donzella, from here you go up the river to Cà Tiepolo where you return to the Po of Venice.


  • Departure from Porto Tolle.

  • 69 Km

  • 34 days 17 hours 20 minutes
  • Difficulty:   1

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