Thanks to BikeSquare APP you can discover the best e-bike routes Enna Caltanissetta created by experienced local guides.
BikeSquare routes Enna Caltanissetta can be guided or self-guided, you can travel them on your e-bike and with your rythm, discovering on the APP which experiences the territory offers Enna Caltanissetta, or ask for one of our guides which will accompany you on your search for curiosities and small secrets that only a local would know
Enna Caltanissetta: BikeSquare's e-bike tracks are usually on panoramic secondary roads, with marked difficulty degree.
Tipi Percorsi
Il percorso prevede la visita di luoghi della memoria mineraria nissena, la visita di un geosito, l’attraversamento della Riserva Naturale Orientata di Monte Capodarso e della Valle dell’Imera Meridionale, la visita di una antica borgata rurale.
Tappa 1 – dopo la partenza dalla ciclofficina di Caltanissetta si percorre la via che facevano a piedi i Carusi per recarsi nelle antiche solfare
Tappa 2 – stop nell’ex villaggio minerario di Santa Barbara per descrizione dei luoghi e della storia, visita del geosito delle Maccalube di Terrapelata
Tappa 3 – discesa verso il Ponte ad arco di Capodarso (XVI sec.) ed attraversamento di una delle più belle Riserve Naturali dell’entroterra siciliano
Tappa 4- arrivo a Borgo Cascino (EN) e degustazione di prodotti tipici locali
Tappa 5 - Ritorno a Caltanissetta con sosta a Monte Sabucina e scoperta dell’antico sito archeologico, con insediamenti che si collocano cronologicamente dall’età del bronzo antico (fine III – inizi del II millennio a. C.) all’età ellenistica (inizi del III sec. a.C.).
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
L’itinerario ad anello si sviluppa nel territorio sub urbano/rurale a sud dell’abitato di Caltanissetta. Lungo il percorso si attraversano paesaggi collinari, interrotti da rilievi rocciosi, campi cerealicoli, mandorleti, vigneti, pescheti ed uliveti. Lungo la ciclopasseggiata sono previste due tappe fondamentali:
Visita guidata dell’antico Borgo rurale di Santa Rita, che sorge su uno sperone roccioso e ha una fondazione datata nel 1895. Abitato ormai da pochissimi abitanti dediti all’agricoltura e alla pastorizia, questo piccolo Borgo è oggi celebre per il pane del forno “Santa Rita” di Maurizio Spinello e della sua famiglia ritenuto, sin dal 1999, tra i migliori al mondo e fatto esclusivamente di grani antichi siciliani e farine biologiche. I prodotti ottenuti da queste farine hanno proprietà nutrizionali e organolettiche uniche grazie all’alto contenuto proteico e all’alta digeribilità. Il grano antico siciliano, infatti, è povero di glutine e ricco di proteine. Tutto ciò fa di questo piccolo agglomerato di case di pietra un luogo di forte attrazione. Il pane è una vera e propria eccellenza isolana ed è frutto di una memoria antica della famiglia Spinello, una delle poche rimaste in questo borgo abitato in passato da oltre trecento persone.
Visita dell’azienda vitivinicola “Tenute dell’Abate”, che con i suoi 62 ettari di vigneti allevati a controspalliera e potati a cordone speronato è una importante realtà vinicola dell’entroterra siciliano.
Fuori percorso è possibile visitare le Borgate di Canicassè-Casale, Cozzo di Naro, Prestianni e Furiana
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
With this tour you can :
-immerse yourself in the scenic landscapes of the Sicilian interior and admire the beauty of nature and local countryside with its fields of wheat, olive groves, vineyards, almonds and calcareo-gessose;
-visit some disused mineral areas (former sulfur and salt mines) and archaeological sites frequented from the ancient Bronze Age (2200-1450 BC), that represent an important testimony of the history and millennial culture of the Sicily center ;
-get to know the authentic flavors of Sicilian cuisine and discover the local agro-food products of high quality.
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Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
Il percorso ad anello prevede un'escursione in bicicletta, di circa 45 km, con le seguenti tappe conoscitive:
- Borgo Petilia - ultimato alla fine del 1940, e che comprendeva una chiesa, una scuola elementare, la delegazione podestarile, una caserma dei carabinieri, un ufficio postale, un abbeveratoio, una trattoria-rivendita e gli alloggi per gli artigiani;
- La Fiumara e l’Abbeveratoio - Costituita da due grandi vasche rettangolari in pietra, una con bordo più alto, per abbeverare gli animali, e l’altra più bassa, con i bordi realizzati con larghe lastre di pietra lavica, poste leggermente inclinate e scanalate a formare dei lavatoi;
- Santa Caterina Villarmosa - paese a forte economia agricola, che si distingue per la produzione di grano, olive e mandorle. Tipici fra i prodotti artigianali sono i lavori all'uncinetto e i ricami;
- Santuario, Filo e Portella delle Rocche;
- Masseria Montecanino.
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
The 2023-2024 school year was characterized by an extraordinary initiative which saw the students of class 4G of the Liceo Scientifico “A. Volta” of Caltanissetta, accompanied by professor Ivo Cigna, engaged in a one-of-a-kind cycle tour.
Thanks to the collaboration with Legambiente and its Ciclofficina, which supplied the E-bikes, the students had the opportunity to explore some important testimonies of the mining period that affected Caltanissetta between the beginning of the 19th century and the 1970s 900: places rich in history and culture.
This project not only allowed the children to discover an important industrial and natural heritage of Sicily, but also promoted the use of sustainable mobility and environmental education. The carefully planned itinerary included guided tours and educational activities, offering students an immersive and educational experience.
“Responsibility is caring for another being when it is recognized as a duty, becoming «apprehension» in the event that the vulnerability of that being is threatened.” -Hans Jonas
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
Right in the heart of the Rocca di Cerere UNESCO Global Geopark, a short workable route in half a day between the Lake of Pergusa and the Hill of Cozzo Matrice, site of an ancient indigenous settlement with the remains of a vast sacred enclosure dedicated to Demeter (Ceres) and Kore-Persephone (Proserpine. Landscapes breathed at 360 ° on almost the entire island and unusual natural aspects for the Sicily of the grain. It is part of the Visitor center site of the rental and it is inert to us towards Cozzo matrix passing through the many villas of the Village Pergusa. Reaching the top, the site of the vast archaeological area, lies along the main path, perfectly cycling on a dirt road to reach the area of the sacred enclosure with the remains of the temples and the two caves that for the ancient inhabitants of Sicily were the entrance to the Ade. The ancient hall of the Misterical Meetings, the "Leske" from which it enjoys a magnificent panorama on central and eastern Sicily. Around ancient frantoises for the grapes, remains of furnaces for the fusion of copper and bronze, tombs in the chamber and, in the North, the profile of Enna with the other sacred area of the Rocca di Cerere. You descend through the village again this time by touching the Piazza della fascist foundation with the monumental obelisk and, reached the Visitor center, ends with a ring ring around the lake, place of large contingents of waterfowl and the only natural lake of inland Sicily.
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
The path, linear, allows you to appreciate some of the most salient features of the landscape of the Rocca of Ceres UNESCO Global Geopark.
Parting from the Visitor center of the Special Natural Reserve of the Pergusa Lake, where the Ciclofficine is based, the route will follow the circumlacustre route from which one can admire the only inland lake of inland Sicily that is not infrequently crowded with different species of waterfowl.
The plot will come out of the lake conca and reach the largest share at 809 metres inert itself quickly along the slope of the Zagaria contrada. From there it will go down by running secondary rural roads, in an intensely inhabited countryside to reach the crossroads of Scioltalbino.
From here you will follow the path of the ancient ferdinandea road, today the SS 117 bis, precluded from great vehicular traffic. The Landscape will abruptly change itself to large and deep valleys with spectacular calcareous ruins and ancient masseys. It will cost the ancient village of the "Granci" a small rural fraction of Enna and will descend into the sinuous canyon of the serier Cateratta, excavated by the terrente San Giovannel in the heart of the calcareous rocks and staked by the. The remains of several water mills and the incredible abandoned village of St. Thomas.
Following always the SS 117 Bis will reach the state's Enna Caltanissetta, which, for a very short stretch, will take place with great attention, to the crossroads for Borgo Casino. The provincial, descending softly, will allow us to see the characteristic profile of the small country with its two towers and the many cypresses that surround it.
Built as a rural borough at the end of the fascist twenties and dedicated to the general military hero Cascino, it gathers around a beautiful square whose sides were once a place of the different civic functions, from the Church, to the Posta, to the Podestarile delegation to the Civic Tower. Today the borough has a very good restaurant and an agricamping with bungalow, plaque for the equipped soak and two small apartments in BnB.
The CEA has in the Borgo Square a local distressed spot of the cyclofficine and useful to give shelter and recharge the means.
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale