You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code P04

The route starts in front of the Venetian fortress of Peschiera del Garda (testimony declared UNESCO heritage since 2017 in the transnational serial site "The Venetian defense works between the 16th and 17th centuries") and winds along an outer ring to discover the nineteenth-century fortifications , designed in the Napoleonic era and then strengthened by the Austrians, an extraordinary system of discontinuous works projected in the territory along a radius of about 1.5-1.8 km from the center. The route continues in the countryside of Lugana with its renowned wineries, near the Laghetto del Frassino (also a UNESCO heritage site for the pile-dwelling finds) and links up with the Mincio. A journey through history that has forged this unique landscape between the lake and the river.


  • Departure from Peschiera del Garda

  • 19.00 Km

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