You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code E15

This is the ideal road if you want to get to Alba by train (from Torino, Milano or Genova) and then visit the langhe without a car, but using a e-bike.

On the other way round it allows you to visit alba by e-bike starting from one of the  famous villages of the Langhe (Novello, La Morra e Verduno) limiting as much as possible the main roads recommended by a normal navigator.

All the roads are on asphalt (paved), no off-road. Simple route, suitable for families. Ideal if you want to have lunch, dinner, aperitivio or a dive into the swimming pool of Alba (Visit Magna Neta restaurant. "Aunt Neta" will prepare simple homely food on the side of the pool, with possibility to swim or play tennis).

If you prefer a pizza, don't miss the unusual formula of Pizzeria nell'Arte of Gallo Grinzane.


  • Departure from Novello

  • 40.00 Km

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