Museum of Processional Loyalties

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Museum of Processional Loyalties: what's to know

The Museum, which opened since December 2001, was born for the will of the SS Fraternity. Sacramento of Petriolo and is dedicated to Msgr. Marcello Manfroni. The exhibition snows on two floors and in addition to the processional leans are present interesting tele and a praying collection of argents. The lingers date back to the seventeenth-eighteenth century ; of the same period are the thele among which it takes on a particular bearing witness to the one that portrays Cardinal Antonio Doria intent on verging the letter with which he donates land to the Petriolo community. Then there were other canteens of the school of the Lotto and local authors.

Among the argens was a pleasant ostensil of the maceratese oraphor Domenico Piani (1782). In addition, reliquaries, former vows, embroiders, chalices, sacred paraments in silk and gold, crosses, mudslides and Priory bastions of the Brotherhood. Also on display is the historical archive of the Brotherhood dating back to 1553. The museum is housed in the premises overlooking the sacristy of the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Sacrament. Built in the fifteenth century as a Chapel dedicated to the Madonna della Misericordia, the Sanctuary was expanded and modified over time to assume, in ' 700, the present form by the work of the architect Pietro Augustoni of Corno (1741-1815). Inside the church stands out the wooden statue of the Madonna who adores the Bambino signed and dated Giannantonio Aquilano, 1525. The statue of the Child, probably lost during a fire documented in 1538, was later replaced with the current image, works by Giulio Tomassy.

Where it is Museum of Processional Loyalties

Photo Gallery

Museum of Processional Loyalties

Via Marco Martello, 8
339 4612454
Apertura su richiesta: Telefonare al comune di Petriolo o in parrocchia la guida Mercuri 339 4612454