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One-day 40 km tour in the Monferrato area around Acqui Terme. Visit Montechiaro d'Acqui and Castelletto d'Erro.

Castelletto d'Erro

Population 155, it's one of the peaks of this mountain area coloured by lavender fields. What to see: the medieval fortress now is just a square tower. The Assunta church contains a painting ascribed to Pietro Ivaldi called "il Muto" (the Mute"). Visit Sant'Onorato, a small chapel 1 km far from the village.

Montechiaro d'Acqui

The village is 15 km from Acqui Terme. The highest part is on the crest between Bormida and Erro Valleys: the landscape is astonishing. Its main features are the cobblestones streets, the vaults, the staircases made of sandstone. All of the houses are made of stones with plaques, gates and emblems with signs of the past centuries. You can visit the parish curch of Saint George (16th Century) and the Saint Catherine oratory, the latter is now the Peasants' Museum.


During the Roman Age via Aemilia Scauri passed here. An original mileston was found here and is now protected under the City Hall arcades. Visit the ruins of the Marquis of Carretto castle and the parish church of the Assunta. Every year, on the last Sunday of April, there is the Sagra del Polentone, which is the Festival of the Big Polenta (local cornmeal mush).



  • 40.00 Km

  • 27 days 18 hours 40 minutes
  • Difficulty:   2

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