You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code 02

This tour will make you discover the artistic and architectural beauties of Palermo, cities from the millennial roots that from the days of the Phoenicians to the present day were crossroads and encounter of different cultures that left their footprint.
The e-bikes allow you to take a much larger tour of the normal and get to know the monuments and realities that the majority of visitors cannot see.
The tour starts from the south east by meeting first the "Ponte dell 'Ammiraglio"one of the very few constructions of the Arab period still perfectly intact.

We will then travel to the city, cross via Maqueda, arrive at the Four Caints in the city where and possible to admire the Fontana di Pretoria.

It is continued on the" Arabo-Normanno " site that includes the Cathedral, the Palace of the Normans, the Palace of the Zisa, also from the Catacombs of the Cappuccini.

From the theatres Massimo before and Politeama then embroidering the Viale of Freedom, after about three kilometers you will find yourself at the Parco della Favorita where you can visit the beautiful Chinese Palazzina.

If you're hungry on the way back there has been hungry c ' it's the typical palermite street food in Kalsa Square that will make your case.

From here you can continue for the historic center rich in so many other monuments and curiosities to discover. 

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