You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code 01

The cyclotourist path in ebike in the Serre Park, located in Calabria, offers an 'unique and suggestive experience for nature lovers and cyclotourism.

The route begins from Serra San Bruno, in the center of the park, and is snowed through a variety of breathtaking landscapes, such as lush woods, green hills and spectacular sights on the sea. The ebikes, with their electrical support, make the pathway accessible to everyone, even to those who are not experienced cyclists.

During the route, cyclists will have l 'opportunity to admire the rich flora and fauna of the park, which includes rare and protected species. They will also be able to visit ancient boroughs and historical sites along the route, such as medieval castles and centuries-old churches, thus enriching their cultural experience.

There are refreshments along the way, where cyclists can take a break and enjoy typical local dishes.

In conclusion, the cyclotourism pathway in ebike in the Park of the Serre is an 'ideal option for those who wish to explore the natural and cultural beauty of Calabria in a sustainable and fun way.

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