You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code B03

A circular route that climbs the slope from San Giovanni Bianco to the village of Dossena at an altitude of just under 1000 metres. 

The settlement of Dossena dates back as far as the Bronze Age when substantial outcrops of iron and other minerals were discovered that were useful in the production of artefacts. Dossena continued to be an important centre of the Bembana valley even in the medieval period and today is a major tourist attraction, especially for its now disused mines, which can be visited. In the 1980s, a number of artists embellished the village with murals depicting sacred and profane scenes. Another noteworthy feature is the church of San Giovanni Battista, which contains a valuable picture gallery with frescoes by painters of the calibre of Paolo Veronese. 


  • 23 Km

  • 27 giorni 18 ore 40 minuti

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