You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code 01

From the ebike rental point you can pedal on the road 113 Northern Sicula, it is a busy road only in the vicinity of the inhabited centres.

After a few kilometres there are Bagheria where to welcome you first will be Villa Cattolica where the spoils of the famous Bagherese painter Renato Guttuso are guarded.

Profollow in your lap and all 'crossing next, by taking right, flawed course Butera. From here following our app, you can tour this beautiful town rich in baroque villas including Palazzo Butera and Villa Palagonia also called "the villa of monsters".

Exiting then from the center is set up to the fraction of Porticello, a fishing village with the most numerous fishing fleet in the Tyrratic coast of Sicily. Here it is possible to find the freshest fish and also find a place where you can enjoy it will be no problem.

From here you continue to the Borgo di Sant'Elia where you can also make a nice refreshing bath by stopping you in a wonderful beaches all 'The interior of a beautiful handset.

On the way back you can't not make a stop at the Chief Lighthouse of Zafferano that closes east the Gulf of Palermo, it is possible to reach the beacon by pedaling along a narrow path from the enchanting panorama on the sea and on the coast.

At this point making the littoral with a view of the Gulf, we recommend you a stop also in Aspra fraction of Bagheria deer to fishing and knowingly for the conserve of anchovies under salt, sardines, etc., and where there is a museum dedicated to this very ancient activity carried out since remote times.

After the anchovies you can make a return to the city with the view that falls on the sea from which Mount Pellegrino is erected.


  • 38.5 Km

  • 27 days 18 hours 40 minutes

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