You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code A13

NB : Once you have downloaded the app you can start following the path without clicking on "START RIDING"

Splendid tour in ebike or trekking between the vineyards of the Monferrato, valorized by the presence of small boats that recall the similarities between our hills and the waves of the sea.

The first boat is located in Piazza IV November, from which you can see the imposing Castello Veggi, having mediaeval origin that is placed to the left of the Church of San Bartolomeo, which has been celebrated for just 500 years since the renovation, while on the right is the building of the Municipality.

From there you have to go down on Via Roma and you can find on the right a bike rest alongside the "Muretto dei Vini", made by the very good fountanilese painter Luigi Amerio, while taking to the left you go down to Via Fontana until you find on the right a rest area ; overcoming the peanuts, you come to a jumper, you turn to the left by immersing yourself in the green on a path leading to a vineyard, you go up to the right by finding itself after a few metres the first picnic area with the second boat : from here you can see the valley on the right while on the left we find the country of Fontanile with its imposing Church of St. John having a dome of a raging size.

From there it is set aside by climbing up the hill by arriving at the top of the hill, you are redeemed in the middle of the vineyard by carrying out on the right and you proceed to the bottom of the yarn, turn right by climbing up the hill and arriving at the top of the top, on the left. From here you proceed and proceed to the path to the third boat : at this point it is possible to scroll through a breathtaking panorama without almost seeing the hand of man.

As you go down the path, you get to the bottom of the road, you turn to the left and you continue in the middle of the vines starting to go down to the bottom of the hill, turning to the right back to the road and then continuing to the ponticello, here you turn left and go back to the hillside along the path to a crossroads to which you have to take to the right to arrive at the boat number 4 : from here you can see the country of Castelletto seen from above, the vineyard rich in vineyards, the country of Fontanile seen from another perspective, the country of Mombaruzzo in the distance and, with a bit of luck also the mountains innervate.

To be able to head to boat number 5, you need to get down the hill from the same side from where you have climbed and, who arrived at the bottom of the trail, you go back to the paved road by taking to the left and climbing down the hill by immersing yourself in the middle of the most complete nature until you arrive on a flat piece and you can take it to the left to climb along another side, and find on the right a vines and on the left of the herbs for bees, after a few metres you turn right and you proceed to the picnic area with the boat.

From there you go down in the middle of the vines, heading back down the road and you are continuing to rise in the direction of Brich Oddone. Before you arrive at Brich Oddone you will find yourself on the right the boat number 6.  Continuing along the path, you turn left to the top and you continue down the road (council : looking around because there is a crazy view at 360 degrees) to the bottom, you turn to the left and go back to the bottom of the road, you turn left again and proceed to the crossroads where you need to take a left down the descent until you see on the right the boat number 7.

From there you fall back down by a fifty-meter-long distance, turning right back to the right path and moving forward to the end of the vineyard, then left to the right, then you go back to the right, you go all the way down to the right, you turn to the left until you find a small elbow curve to the right, you are still in front of a vineyard : at the bottom of the vineyard, you can get to the top of the hill and find boat number 8 : in addition to the breathtaking panorama, if you had to hear a whirl yelling, yelling not worrying, is his call of love.

From here you descend down the hill in the middle of the orchard, turn to the left and go back to the paved road : from here you proceed to the front of the Chiesetta, where you find a rest area ; you turn right to the bottom of the road, you will be left to the left, and you are at the entrance to the country, it goes back along Via Roma and it returns to the starting point (near the Annunziata Park is another bike / rest area).


Starting from €35
per person

  • 11 Km

  • 15 giorni 23 ore 20 minuti

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