You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code E04


It is 8 km far from Acqui Terme, you can find here all local services and accomodation facilities. Visit the tower of the Castle and the gesso exhibition dedicated to Giulio Monteverde sculptor. From Bistagno you can follow a trail through the hills and it is suitable for walking, cycling and horse-riding. On the first Sunday of every month there is the "Bistagnatico": a flea market.

Monastero Bormida

In this small village visit the 14th Century castle, the chapel of Santa Libera (a hiking shelter) and the big bench of the heart from where you can enjoy a breathtaking landscape on Monferrato. Yearly, on the second Sunday of March, there is the Polentone: the festival of the Polenta (cornmeal mush).


Bubbio is in the Langa Astigiana, the Asti area of Langhe, and it lays on a rocky platform above the Bormida river. There are a lot of trekking and MTB routes. The octagonal chapel of San Grato is a great sightseeing point. The historical centre has maintained the 13th Century medieval structure with the "via maestra" (main road) and lateral alleys. The parish curch of Assunta is a jewel of Piedmont's Baroque. The park with sculptures by Quirin Mayer is a wonderful open-air-museum with the works of the Swiss contemporary art sculptor.


  • Departure from Acqui Terme

  • 40.00 Km

  • 27 giorni 18 ore 40 minuti
  • Difficulty:   2

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