You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code AB/BA

This path allows you to move from one ebike rental point to another, so that you have at your disposal not only the routes and GPS tracks starting from Chiusano San Domenico, but also those with origin at the Avellino cycle station in Contrada San Lorenzo, Atripalda.

This route can be cycled either one way or the other, depending on where you are. The GPS track is a little over 16 km long and takes about 2 hours to cover if it is travelled from Atripalda to Chiusano San Domenico; it will take about 1 hour if it is travelled downhill, i.e. from Chiusano San Domenico to Atripalda.

The road does not present any type of difficulty, so it can be tackled with all types of e-bike available for hire: city, trekking and full suspension e-MTB. By following the GPS track, you will avoid passing along the busier Strada Statale 7, also known as Vecchia Ofantina, preferring an itinerary that is more pleasant to follow and with less risk.

The following description was created assuming departure from the Atripalda rental point, at the Avellino cycle station. If, on the other hand, you depart from the Chiusano San Domenico hire point, all the information remains valid, inverting - naturally - their nature.

Leaving the Ciclostazione Avellino behind you, you only need to pedal your e-bike for 1 km to leave the bustling traffic of the city of Atripalda and take the SP5 after 200 metres uphill. 

For almost 4 km you can enjoy the beauty of pedalling on a road that is not at all difficult, made up of pleasant ups and downs with small, short climbs followed by short downhill stretches. Although it has been replaced by the faster and more convenient motorway link, this road connects Atripalda and Serino and, therefore, may be affected by vehicular traffic: keep to the right in single file and pay attention.

After 3.7 km the navigator will ask you to turn left onto SP17. Here begins a 2 km climb, with no steep slopes. At the end of the climb, you will enjoy a beautiful view of the Sabato valley and some magnificent vineyards. It is here, from these rows of vines, that some of Irpinia's finest wines are obtained, especially Fiano di Avellino. If you feel like it and if you have time, explore the surroundings in search of the most beautiful landscapes.

A beautiful descent will take you first to Sorbo Serpico and then to Salza Irpina, where you will have to face a short but steep climb to exit the town and turn right. For 500 metres you will ride on the SS7, with the village of Salza Irpina on your right, before turning left onto a secondary road with zero traffic. Relax and enjoy the pleasant climb (2 km) on your pedal-assisted bike. You will cross a dense and lush forest of beech and chestnut trees while maintaining a steady and decidedly rideable gradient. When you pass under an overpass and the forest gives way to a splendid panorama, it means that the climb is almost over. On your left you will have a wide view of Irpinia, with the Partenio Park, Montevergine and many small villages; on your left vineyards, countryside and the beauty of Monte Tuoro.

At the end of the road, turn right to join the SP39, which will take you to Chiusano San Domenico. When you come to a nice view (unfortunately transennined due to a landslide when this information sheet was written), it will mean you are entering the village. Go straight on, past Borgo Ripa (the old historic centre of Chiusano San Domenico, home of the journalist Carlo Nazzaro), the town square) and you have arrived. On the right, you will notice the orange sign of Reveló, the bike and rental point in Chiusano San Domenico of Ciclostazione Avellino.


  • 16 Km

  • 13 giorni 21 ore 20 minuti
  • Difficulty:   3

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