You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code 001

Starting from the rental point headquarters, cross the Po di Venezia, the main branch of the Po Delta and head towards the Po di Maistra. The itinerary continues on a pleasant cycle path that follows the course of the river up to the Ponte di Barche di Boccasette, from here it is possible to branch off the path towards Boccasette beach. Cross the bridge and head towards Scaranello, from here begins the Via delle Valli, which runs along the Valli da Pesca where among the reeds it will be possible to see the Pink Flamingos. The road leads to Porto Levante on the branch of the Po di Levante, go up the river skirting the fish farms in the valley up to the Sadocca hydro-shelter where you continue on the dirt road that leads to Ca 'Venier sul Po di Venezia from which you return to the start point


  • Departure from Porto Tolle, Porto Viro

  • 59 Km

  • 41 days 16 hours
  • Difficulty:   2

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