You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code 01

Verona and l 'Adige

The path goes to discovery of the 'Adige, l 'important course d 'water that encompasses the city of Verona.

From our shop you immediately cross the famous Ponte Stone, the oldest bridge in Verona, from which you can enjoy a postcard landscape. We follow the city's path of the river, then move away from the city center by following the ancient Venetian walls, to the open countryside, where long rows of pioppi accompany us to l 'Adige.

Pedalim along the cycling that follows l 'alzaia of the river, immersed in the tranquillity of the countryside : in the limpid days, the view of the Prealps and the hills is remarkable.

We go back to the city following before the country roads between orchards and asparagus crops, then we take back the bike lane in the Parco dell 'Adige Sud. Once they arrive in the city, we pass by Piazza Bra, dominated by the 'imposing Arena, we cross the medieval bridge of Castelvecchio and go back to the store following for l 'last time the course of the river.


Starting from €40
per person

  • Departure from Verona

  • 28.00 Km

  • 20 days 20 hours
  • Difficulty:   1

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