Tipi Percorsi
Variant from the main route to the Selvino plateau at an altitude of 900 metres. Here one can find an oasis of tranquillity full of initiatives especially for families, with an adventure park and a minimarcia, which is attended by thousands of people every year.
The Sanctuary of the Madonna del Perello is worth a visit. It stands on the site where the Madonna is said to have appeared in 1413 to a farmer who found himself in the middle of a storm while making hay for his cattle on the slopes of Mount Perello.
in San Giovanni Bianco, in San Pellegrino Terme, in Val Taleggio, in Camerata Cornello, in Dossena, in Valpiana, in Vedeseta, in Zogno
Facile escursione in e-bike da Chamois verso la Magdeleine passando dal panoramico Col Pilaz. Un bell'itinerario per scoprire villaggi e frazioni dell'unico comune valdostano senza auto, circondati da una natura meravigliosa.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
Isola di Polesine Camerini e La Donzella
comacchio, salina di cervia, cervia, ravenna, goro, foce del po
Ring itinerary that leads to the border of the mouth of the Po where the land ends and the sea begins. Starting from the E-Bike Delta del Po headquarters, travel along the branch of the Po in Venice to the island of Camerini where the river flows into the sea dividing into several branches and assuming the characteristic delta shape. It runs along the mouth to the south up to the bridge that leads to Scardovari, a fishing village home to a large fish market, followed by the tourist village of Barricate with its beaches with crystal clear waters and the Spiaggia delle Conchiglie. The itinerary continues on the road that runs alongside the Sacca degli Scardovari, here the fishermen carry out their work based mainly on the breeding of mussels, of which the mussel is one of the products of excellence. After having skirted the bag, the itinerary continues inland and you arrive in Cà Mello where the Lavender Field is cultivated, the cultivation was planted for the production of lavender essential oil but soon became a tourist attraction in the flowering period, a show of colors and scents, flowering goes from the first / second weekend of June to the second week of July and varies according to the climatic conditions. The itinerary continues through the countryside to return to the starting point
comacchio, salina di cervia, cervia, ravenna, goro, foce del po
Enjoy this 2,5 hour electric bike tour of Barcelona which will introduce you to its main attractions.
You will get an overview of the Old Barcelona City Centre and its origins: you will be head to the Gothic city centre, where are the Roman ruins of the ancient Barcino, then we will move to the charming medieval district, El Born, where you will enjoy the marvellous Santa Maria del Mar (the Cathedral of the Sea), the narrow streets and much more.
We will then cycle along the Port Veill to escape the crowds in the Montjuic, a peaceful hill where you will be able to enjoy the spectacular views as well as explore the Olympic stadium and the Olympic Swimming pools. We will stop for a break watching Barcelona from one of the most amazing viewpoint of the hole city. And riding an electric bikewill make everything effortless and easy!
- Summer: Everyday at 5pm
- Winter: Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 11.00am
Meeting Point: Placa Reial
in Barcellona, in Barcelona
Sport, turismo, natura, passione per la promozione ecosostenibile del territorio, in un percorso in mountain bike che unisce, nell’amore per la Sardegna, le zone interne con quelle costiere. Si parte dal paesino Capitale della Barbagia Belvì, passando per i territori Mandrolisai, Sarcidano, Marmilla, Trexenta, Gerrei, Sarrabus, Campidano e Poetto prima del rientro e arrivo a Belvì.
In sella alle e-bike noleggiate dalla Nostra associazione o alle proprie mountain bike su tre distanze da 100, 200 e 300 chilometri, che i partecipanti potranno percorrere in modo agonistico oppure turistico.
La formula è sempre quella che tra avventura e sport, montagna e mare, ha sancito il successo nelle quattro edizioni precedenti: il percorso scelto non sarà segnalato e si dovrà scoprire inoltrandosi tra strade sterrate, mulattiere, sentieri, boschi di castagno, pascoli, leccete e praterie in quota, esclusivamente seguendo la traccia GPS che l'organizzazione consegnerà alla partenza oppure qualche giorno prima per potersi pianificare l'avventura.
L'idea è sempre stata quella di un percorso che dalla montagna andasse a collegarsi con il mare. Il messaggio, sia in chiave sportiva che turistica e naturalistica è quello di valorizzare e far scoprire ai partecipanti tutte le zone della nostra isola in modo sostenibile. La scelta di Cagliari non è stata casuale. Questo ponte sportivo tra centro Sardegna e mare rappresenta un tassello importante delle iniziative a carattere sportivo sia in campo professionistico che dilettantistico ed amatoriale.
This panoramic and engaging route will take you to discover some of the most hidden wonders of the Ciociaria area.
The first stop you will encounter along the way includes the Natural Monument of the Caves of Falvaterra and Rio Obaco, an oasis surrounded by nature where you can visit the speleological complex or simply cool off in the waters of the small river that flows from inside.
After the first stop you will leave for Falvaterra, a small medieval village where time seems to have stopped: here you can leave your e-bike and stroll through the alleys and squares of the historic center, photograph the panoramic views of the Latin Valley and taste local products from Luca and Serena in their Bottega Coquinaria.
It's time to get back on the saddle: once you have passed the village you will take a flat and panoramic road that surrounds the whole mountain on your left until you descend directly into the heart of the second village crossed by this itinerary, San Giovanni Incarico. With your e-bike you will be able to comfortably explore both the lower part and its most perched historic center.
As soon as you pass the village you will find yourself in front of a crossroads: here, based on the degree of confidence taken with the e-bike and your physical condition, you can choose whether to make a small detour from the path traced on top of the mountain on your left, where the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Guardia stands out, offering an exceptional panoramic view over the Ciociaria area. In case you decide to reach it, just retrace the road in reverse to return to the route, otherwise you can directly continue the mapped itinerary.
From the village and above all from the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Guardia, you will have happened to throw your eye on the waterways that intertwine with each other: they are the Liri River and the Sacco River that meet and flow into the characteristic Lake of San Giovanni for its shape reminiscent of an octopus. The route continues along the entire lake until it joins the Via Francigena, in a stretch of road that is partly unpaved but easily accessible through the woods, along the crescent-shaped Lake of San Giacomo (it is no coincidence that you are in Via Guardaluna) and reaches the center of Ceprano.
Here you will cross its historic alley where the signs of ancient shops are still present, you will cross the square and reach the market area: if you are lucky enough to undertake this path on market day (Saturday morning) we advise you to stop by our friend Giò where you can taste its fantastic products at km0 (it is the first stand you will meet as soon as you pass the square).
Finally, you will travel the last 2 kilometers until you return to the rental point in Ceprano, where you will have showers and shaded areas to cool off and rest.
in Ciociaria, in Falvaterra, in Ceprano, in Frosinone, at Falvaterra Cavern, in Strangolagalli, in Arce, in Colfelice
It is 8 km far from Acqui Terme, you can find here all local services and accomodation facilities. Visit the tower of the Castle and the gesso exhibition dedicated to Giulio Monteverde sculptor. From Bistagno you can follow a trail through the hills and it is suitable for walking, cycling and horse-riding. On the first Sunday of every month there is the "Bistagnatico": a flea market.
Monastero Bormida
In this small village visit the 14th Century castle, the chapel of Santa Libera (a hiking shelter) and the big bench of the heart from where you can enjoy a breathtaking landscape on Monferrato. Yearly, on the second Sunday of March, there is the Polentone: the festival of the Polenta (cornmeal mush).
Bubbio is in the Langa Astigiana, the Asti area of Langhe, and it lays on a rocky platform above the Bormida river. There are a lot of trekking and MTB routes. The octagonal chapel of San Grato is a great sightseeing point. The historical centre has maintained the 13th Century medieval structure with the "via maestra" (main road) and lateral alleys. The parish curch of Assunta is a jewel of Piedmont's Baroque. The park with sculptures by Quirin Mayer is a wonderful open-air-museum with the works of the Swiss contemporary art sculptor.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Dalla frazione di Brengon (dove noleggiate le bici) seguire la strada asfaltata sino ad incontrare il bivio per Chamois: trascurarlo e proseguire lungo la stradina fino a raggiungere un parcheggio che si trova dopo un ampio tornante a sinistra. Risalire la strada che porta al Col Pilaz nell’abetaia che ogni tanto regala interessanti scorci sul Monte Zerbion e sul Mont Tantané. Superato un tratto di strada leggermente più ripido il tracciato prosegue in un tratto quasi rettilineo, siamo sullo spartiacque con il comune di Chamois ed ogni tanto, tra i rami degli abeti, si intravede l’inconfondibile sagoma del di sua Maestà il CERVINO.
Proseguire sulla poderale che propone una breve discesa sino ad incontrare un bivio: si trascura la strada che prosegue diritta davanti a noi e si svolta a destra continuando la discesa sino al Col Pilaz (1975m).
Riprendere la strada a ritroso e al bivio (che abbiamo incontrato prima) seguire a destra le indicazioni per Chamois. La discesa è bella e pedalabile e si ricongiunge con la pista poderale che porta al caratteristico paese di Chamois (circa un venti minuti).
Il rientro si sviluppa tutto sulla famosa passeggiata La Magdeleine - Chamois e non presenta particolari difficoltà.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
Affascinante centro storico del comune di Tursi, popolato nell'ottavo secolo dai Saraceni lasciando profonde tracce sia nella sua architettura, nel caratteristico dialetto locale oltre che nel nome...Rabatana. Perdetevi nelle viuzze e scalinate che inevitabilmente Vi porteranno a scendere nella piazza principale del Paese. Il percorso in oggetto Vi permetterà di raggiungerlo per campagne o strade a bassa percorrenza abbellendo la Vostra escursione. Vari punti d'acqua facilmente individuabili ed accessibili Vi saranno di ausilio anche nelle giornate calde.
a Montalbano Jonico, a Matera, in Basilicata
Percorso MTB che collega San Giovanni Bianco con San Pietro d'Orzio
in San Giovanni Bianco, in San Pellegrino Terme, in Val Taleggio, in Camerata Cornello, in Dossena, in Valpiana, in Vedeseta, in Zogno
Un percorso che dal borgo di Buronzo, che con il suo castello consortile domina la Baraggia e le sue risaie, porta in un paesaggio unico, dominato dall'acqua e dalla natura.
Armonie in Corte
Punto di partenza è Armonie in Corte, con il suo giardino emozionale e le sue sale storiche dove consumare una colazione/merenda a base di prodotti del territorio (il riso e i suoi derivati non possono mancare). Il verde della Corte è realizzato seguendo i principi di biodiversità con piantumazioni di arbusti forestali robusti, dalla selezione e raccolta di semi provenienti dai boschi certificati dalla Regione Piemonte. Sfondo sono le pietre del Castello, i ciottoli di fiume, i blocchi di pietra. In questo si inserisce l'arte contemporanea, con il Terzo Paradiso di Michelangelo Pistoletto.
Lungo le vie d'acqua
Lungo la strada Buronzina, si incontra il Nuovo Canale della Baraggia e lo si costeggia, tra risaie e cascine, fino all'incastrone della Mapetta, un'opera di ingegneria idraulica sul cavo San Marco che ben racconta la gestione delle acque operata dal Consorzio di Bonifica della Baraggia Vercellese e Biellese e la sua importanza. Si prosegue lungo il cavo San Marco, fiancheggiando le tese d'acqua utili al ripopolamento avicolo della zona, arrivando al nodo idraulico Valversi (dal nome dell'omonima cascina) dove finisce la Roggia Marchionale. Tutto intorno, sono boschi cedui.
Le opere di ingegneria idraulica sono, insieme alla natura e all'agricoltura, i punti di interesse per eccellenza. Si incontra, per esempio, il sifone della Bartesa, un punto in cui su diversi livelli si incrociano "virtualmente" le acque della Roggia Marchionale e di una fontana naturale che prende il via nel vicino comune di Roasio. Tra boschi e risaie si incontrano laghetti per la pesca, aziende faunistiche venatorie private, ma anche spontanee nidificazioni di cicogne e aree di ripopolamento di uccelli e fauna tipica.
Si attraversa anche una ferrovia, la Santhià-Arona ormai in disuso, per tornare sulla Strada Buronzina e far rientro nel borgo di partenza.
in Baraggia, in Buronzo, in Biella, in Vercelli, in Gattinara, In San Giacomo Vercellese, in Rosavenda, in Sesia natural parc
On this loop trail in the Taleggio valley, we venture to discover a valley that is described as a 'little Switzerland of Bergamo'. Perhaps because this corner of the Bergamasque mountains is particularly green, gentle and welcoming. The route ascends the valley from San Giovanni Bianco along the road carved into the steep walls of the narrow gorge overlooking the Enna stream. The Taleggio valley offers tourists the chance to enjoy an ancient atmosphere of little-used roads and small hamlets rich in history. There is no shortage of opportunities to take a break and enjoy the famous cheese that takes its name from this valley, taleggio.
in San Giovanni Bianco, in San Pellegrino Terme, in Val Taleggio, in Camerata Cornello, in Dossena, in Valpiana, in Vedeseta, in Zogno
Cycling through the hills of the Barolo Langhe on an e-bike is an exhilarating adventure that can be experienced even in half a day. This route, starting from Alba railway station, is ideal for those wishing to explore the region without a car, benefiting from a special discount on e-bike rentals for train travellers. As you gently advance, the renowned Nebbiolo vineyards stretch as far as the eye can see, offering breathtaking views at every turn. The fresh air, infused with the scents of grapes and earth, envelops you, awakening your senses and nourishing your spirit. Every village you encounter along the way tells stories of ancient wine traditions and a territory without equal.
Roddi, the first stop on your itinerary, welcomes you with its charming medieval castle that dominates the surrounding landscape. Explore the streets of the historic centre and don't miss the opportunity to visit the Truffle Museum, where you can discover the secrets of this precious tuber. The village is also known as the "poetry village", with verses scattered along the walls of the houses.
Verduno, the next stop, is famous for its Pelaverga wine, an indigenous variety with a millennial history. Visit the local wineries to taste this unique wine, with its spicy and fruity bouquet. The village's viewpoint offers a spectacular panoramic view of the surrounding hills and the plain below.
La Morra
La Morra, known as the "balcony of the Langhe", treats you to one of the most spectacular views in the region. From the viewpoint in Piazza Castello, you can admire a panorama that stretches from the Barolo hills to the Alps. Stroll through the streets of the historic centre, rich in wine shops and artisan boutiques. Don't miss the church of San Martino, an example of Piedmontese Baroque architecture.
Alba, the starting and ending point of the tour, deserves in-depth exploration. The historic centre, with its medieval towers and noble palaces, tells centuries of history. Visit the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and stroll along Via Vittorio Emanuele, known locally as "Via Maestra". For culture enthusiasts, the "Federico Eusebio" Civic Museum offers a rich archaeological and naturalistic collection. The new Truffle Museum is an immersive experience in the world of the prized tuber. If you're in town on a Saturday, the lively weekly market in the streets of the centre is the perfect opportunity to savour the local atmosphere and purchase typical products.
The Experience
This 30 km circular itinerary, starting and ending in Alba, is an experience accessible to all thanks to e-bikes that make even the most challenging stretches easier. The self-guided route, supported by the BikeSquare app, allows you to explore independently, with the freedom to stop when and where you wish. Pedalling through some of the most enchanting landscapes of the Langhe, a UNESCO World Heritage site, you'll immerse yourself in the natural beauty and cultural richness of this unique region. This journey combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of an extraordinary territory, offering an unforgettable experience where each pedal stroke is an opportunity to connect with the history, nature and traditions of the Barolo Langhe.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
A ring path with departure from Petriolo which, through secondary or shallow roads, allows to reach the Church Church of Santa Croce d 'Ete,
Marca Maceratese, nella Marca Maceratese, a Macerata, a Petriolo
With this tour you can :
-immerse yourself in the scenic landscapes of the Sicilian interior and admire the beauty of nature and local countryside with its fields of wheat, olive groves, vineyards, almonds and calcareo-gessose;
-visit some disused mineral areas (former sulfur and salt mines) and archaeological sites frequented from the ancient Bronze Age (2200-1450 BC), that represent an important testimony of the history and millennial culture of the Sicily center ;
-get to know the authentic flavors of Sicilian cuisine and discover the local agro-food products of high quality.
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Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
Starting from our ebike rental point of at Adriano Vini, follow the narrow road between the vineyards of San Rocco Seno d 'Elvio and which leads you in the centre from the country of Treiso. Here in Treiso, as in Barbaresco, you produce the prized Barbaresco wine that comes from the Nebbiolo grape vines 100%. Do you have a taste of tasting? book a tasting at the Aegar Cise Cisa Dei Marchesi Di Grésy, a historic wine reality of the Barbaresco area, whose roots sank at the end of the eighteenth century.
In the saddle of our ebike, you can reach out without fatigue Three Stars even here you can prepare your tasting papilles to taste the wines of the area at an 'other wine cellar our partner, Rusel. You are now ready to continue to Barbaresco. Here you can park the ebikes and take a walk in the country where you could reach the top of the tower from which to take beautiful photos to the surrounding landscape.
The route now takes you to Neive : perdenying yourself with wonder among its medieval alleys, you will soon understand why Neive is one of the most beautiful boroughs d 'Italy. Here in Neive you can arrange a stay and a tasting in the 'company brothers Toso, Cascina Longoria. You are now ready to return to the base by closing your ring in ebike between the vines of the Barbaresco.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
The marvelous cycle path that runs alongside the Dora Baltea leads effortlessly to discover the countless wonders of the plain between Châtillon and Fénis. A succession of ever new glimpses make the journey a continuous and exciting discovery of this corner of Valle d'Aosta.
The route with the electric bike passes through wide meadows, cultivations of the valley floor, natural areas and several castles including Baron Gamba, Ussel, Passerin d'Entrèves and the magnificent and choreographic castle of Fénis.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
The electric bike tour around the loop starts from the rental point in Falvaterra and is designed to combine a unique experience visiting the Natural Monuments of the Caves of Falvaterra and Pastena.
E-bike tour to the Caves of Pastena
Starting with e-bikes from the rental point in Falvaterra, you ride a stretch of road immersed in the silence of nature, crossing rivers, cultivated land and wild woods. After crossing the wood you enter the SP151 which leads to the Caves of Pastena, where you can leave your bikes and visit one of the largest speleological complexes in Italy: majestic and suggestive rooms (of the Blue Lake, of the Bats, of the Weeping Willow), stalactites , stalagmites and columns with bizarre shapes that make the visit to the caves an exciting experience.
What to see in Falvaterra
After visiting the Caves of Pastena, you head back to Falvaterra, followin dirt paths and panoramic roads: in the last stretch make the most of the power of the ebike that will allow you to climb from the valley to the village. E-bikes are a great help for easily climbing uphill roads. Once you arrive in the Falvaterra village you can explore the suggestive squares and alleys of the historic center (on foot or on your e-bike) pervaded by history, culture and local traditions and which offer various panoramic views of the Latin Valley; we suggest you to stop at La Bottega Coquinaria da Luca and Serena to taste typical products in the so-called Torrione (a small square that thanks to its panoramic position becomes a fantastic viewpoint terrace).
E-bike tour to the Caves of Falvaterra
After the stop on the bike, you will cover the last 4 km until returning to the rental point at the Caves of Falvaterra where you can visit the underground complex that connects to that of the Caves of Pastena: this complex is characterized by active areas rich in water with waterfalls, rapids , gorges and lakes and you will have the opportunity to discover it both with a classic tourist visit (thanks to an internal walkway) and with a speleological visit by walking and swimming directly inside the crystalline stream and crossing lakes and waterfalls. Exploring these natural wonders is always a unique and breathtaking experience. The bike experience at the caves is always fantastic, the right mix of outdoor activities and adventure in these natural cathedrals.
Find out how to visit two of the most famous caves in Ciociaria by electric bike.
The ebike rental price does not include entrance tickets to the Caves, wich must be purchased on site.
in Ciociaria, in Falvaterra, in Ceprano, in Frosinone, at Falvaterra Cavern, in Strangolagalli, in Arce, in Colfelice
Breve tour in e-bike tra il centro storico della romantica città di Verona e le sue colline, quale luogo migliore per festeggiare in buona compagnia l'addio al nubilato o celibato della vostra amica o amico?
Verona naturalmente!
La partenza è dal nostro punto di partenza BikeSquare.
Si pedala per il centro con tappa romantica al balcone di Giulietta, poi ci si dirige verso il lungo Adige.
Potrete pedalare tra le belle colline panoramiche che sovrastano Verona.
Proprio qui in collina potrete fermarvi per una perfetta degustazione presso la cantina Salvaterra.
in Verona, in Valpolicella, in South Adige parc