Tipi Percorsi
The excursion leads to the discovery of the sunny slopes between Chatillon and Saint-Vincent.
The experience of pedaling effortlessly through beautiful deciduous and coniferous forests and verdant pastures leads to the discovery of a unique corner of Valle d'Aosta where breathtaking views will be revealed as the gaze will be captured by the imposing mountains and by the ancient medieval castles guarding the central valley.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
Percorso ad anello sulle tracce dei Franchi e dei pellegrini salendo all'imponente Sacra di San Michele per poi ridiscendere fino ai Laghi e al borgo medioevale di Avigliana lungo un tratto del Sentiero dei Principi.
Il percorso parte da Sant'Ambrogio per risalire la valle lungo l'inaspettata Strada Segreta del Diacono Martino che attraversa Chiusa San Michele e Vaie per raggiungere Sant'Antonino di Susa da dove si imbocca la strada che sale alla frazione Cresto.
Superato il Cresto la strada si inerpica lungo il boscoso versante nord della valle, seguendo una lunga serie di tornanti fino a raggiungere le borgate di Folatone e Bennale, da dove si possono godere suggestivi scorci panoramici sulla valle e sulla Sacra. Di qui, per un breve tratto di strada non asfaltata si arriva al Colle Braida (1007 m. slm) per poi riscendere sulla carrozzabile fino alla Sacra di San Michele... un vera e propria opera di arte sacra e architettura medioevale, permeata di storia, che vale la pena visitare, magari dopo esservi ristorati e aver ricaricato le batterie alla Cascina dei Canonici, un agriturismo immerso nel verde poco lontano dalla Sacra. La discesa prosegue poi imboccando il Sentiero dei Principi che vi porterà alla borgata Mortera passando dall'azienda agricola Carlo Guerra. Subito dopo Mortera è possibile fare una visita alla Certosa di San Francesco prima di proseguire la discesa fino a raggiungere la strada ciclabile che entra nel Parco dei Laghi di Avigliana e, costeggiando il Lago Grande, aggiunge il centro storico, sovrastato dalle rovine del Castello, da cui si può tornare a Sant'Ambrogio lungo vicoli e strade secondarie che rivelano angoli poco conosciuti di Avigliana tra cui il famoso Dinamitificio Nobel.
in Val Susa, in Valsusa, in Avigliana, in Caprie, in Villadora, in Condove, to Sacra of San Michele, to Rocca Sella
Right in the heart of the Rocca di Cerere UNESCO Global Geopark, a short workable route in half a day between the Lake of Pergusa and the Hill of Cozzo Matrice, site of an ancient indigenous settlement with the remains of a vast sacred enclosure dedicated to Demeter (Ceres) and Kore-Persephone (Proserpine. Landscapes breathed at 360 ° on almost the entire island and unusual natural aspects for the Sicily of the grain. It is part of the Visitor center site of the rental and it is inert to us towards Cozzo matrix passing through the many villas of the Village Pergusa. Reaching the top, the site of the vast archaeological area, lies along the main path, perfectly cycling on a dirt road to reach the area of the sacred enclosure with the remains of the temples and the two caves that for the ancient inhabitants of Sicily were the entrance to the Ade. The ancient hall of the Misterical Meetings, the "Leske" from which it enjoys a magnificent panorama on central and eastern Sicily. Around ancient frantoises for the grapes, remains of furnaces for the fusion of copper and bronze, tombs in the chamber and, in the North, the profile of Enna with the other sacred area of the Rocca di Cerere. You descend through the village again this time by touching the Piazza della fascist foundation with the monumental obelisk and, reached the Visitor center, ends with a ring ring around the lake, place of large contingents of waterfowl and the only natural lake of inland Sicily.
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
Departure from the rental point in the castle of Petriolo, which definitely deserves a walk between the alleys, the churches and the cloths on the hills (on all that from St. Martin's Square).
It is set out from the castle, passing under the Torrione (Porta Rondella or Lu Torriò as it is said from these parts) dating back to the early 1500, to continue along a downhill road and arrive towards the scenic and intranquil Via delle Grazie, where you can stop to admire the view over the hills.
It is then continued along the paved road that leads all 'Fiastra abbey, to then make an intimate and panoramic detour along a tract of gravel road and a short dirt stretch.
At this point you go down, again in the paved and untransitioned road, towards the Urbisaglia Archaeological Park (which we recommend you to contact in advance for the visit). If you decide to support here, you will also be able to charge (but you will not need it).
The next stop is l 'Abbey of Chiaravalle di Fiastra, which is reached by the easy dirt trail that is costing the Fiastra River. Here, too, it is possible to make a stop to rest and make a snack with the magnificent products of local farmers or in the bars and restaurants present in the 'area. I inform you that in the antistante area l 'Abbey and in the antistanti meadows it is not possible l 'access to the bikes, which you can take to your hand in the forbidden zone.
We are now embarking on the return to the Petriolo borough, following first a zig zag path near the woods and then returning to tarmac.
At this point you can decide to continue along the trace, which proposes a detour (with possibility of soak in the cellar), or continue along the same stretch of road made all 'gone.
The tour is about 28 kilometers long, or a pair less without the last deviation.
Singletrack : 1.00 km
Path : 8.44 km
Road : 478 m
Strada : 16.9 km
Out of network (unknown) : 1.10 km
Unpaved : 8.87 km
Paved : 336 m
Paved : 5.62 km
Asfalto : 5.62 km
Unknown : 13
Marca Maceratese, nella Marca Maceratese, a Macerata, a Petriolo
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Partendo da Brisighella saliamo la carrozzabile che porta alla Rocca e sale verso Monte Rontana. Da subito il panorama si apre sulle colline circostanti, i vigneti del Sangiovese e sui calanchi che caratterizzano la Vena del Gesso Romagnola. Continuiamo su un falsopiano alla base degli affioramenti rocciosi del gesso per scollinare e portarci nella valle del Senio. Spettacolare la vista lungo la discesa che porta in localita' Zattaglia, continuando poi lungo il fondovalle raggiungendo le prime colline in vista della citta' di Faenza. Arrivati in Piazza del Popolo, s'impone una sosta per la visita alla citta' o per un pranzo a base di piadina romagnola. Per chi lo desidera molto interessante la visita al Museo Internazionale della Ceramica che espone pregiati pezzi dell'arte maiolicara faentina e non solo. Riprendendo l'itinerario si risale la valle del Lamone, sempre pedalando tra i vitigni locali, fino ad arrivare a Brisighella.
a faenza, a imola, a ravenna, a forlì
Breve percorso MTB tra il santuario di Costa San Gallo e San Giovanni Bianco
in San Giovanni Bianco, in San Pellegrino Terme, in Val Taleggio, in Camerata Cornello, in Dossena, in Valpiana, in Vedeseta, in Zogno
Cycling through the hills of the Barolo Langhe on an e-bike is an exhilarating adventure that can be experienced even in half a day. This route, starting from Alba railway station, is ideal for those wishing to explore the region without a car, benefiting from a special discount on e-bike rentals for train travellers. As you gently advance, the renowned Nebbiolo vineyards stretch as far as the eye can see, offering breathtaking views at every turn. The fresh air, infused with the scents of grapes and earth, envelops you, awakening your senses and nourishing your spirit. Every village you encounter along the way tells stories of ancient wine traditions and a territory without equal.
Roddi, the first stop on your itinerary, welcomes you with its charming medieval castle that dominates the surrounding landscape. Explore the streets of the historic centre and don't miss the opportunity to visit the Truffle Museum, where you can discover the secrets of this precious tuber. The village is also known as the "poetry village", with verses scattered along the walls of the houses.
Verduno, the next stop, is famous for its Pelaverga wine, an indigenous variety with a millennial history. Visit the local wineries to taste this unique wine, with its spicy and fruity bouquet. The village's viewpoint offers a spectacular panoramic view of the surrounding hills and the plain below.
La Morra
La Morra, known as the "balcony of the Langhe", treats you to one of the most spectacular views in the region. From the viewpoint in Piazza Castello, you can admire a panorama that stretches from the Barolo hills to the Alps. Stroll through the streets of the historic centre, rich in wine shops and artisan boutiques. Don't miss the church of San Martino, an example of Piedmontese Baroque architecture.
Alba, the starting and ending point of the tour, deserves in-depth exploration. The historic centre, with its medieval towers and noble palaces, tells centuries of history. Visit the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and stroll along Via Vittorio Emanuele, known locally as "Via Maestra". For culture enthusiasts, the "Federico Eusebio" Civic Museum offers a rich archaeological and naturalistic collection. The new Truffle Museum is an immersive experience in the world of the prized tuber. If you're in town on a Saturday, the lively weekly market in the streets of the centre is the perfect opportunity to savour the local atmosphere and purchase typical products.
The Experience
This 30 km circular itinerary, starting and ending in Alba, is an experience accessible to all thanks to e-bikes that make even the most challenging stretches easier. The self-guided route, supported by the BikeSquare app, allows you to explore independently, with the freedom to stop when and where you wish. Pedalling through some of the most enchanting landscapes of the Langhe, a UNESCO World Heritage site, you'll immerse yourself in the natural beauty and cultural richness of this unique region. This journey combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of an extraordinary territory, offering an unforgettable experience where each pedal stroke is an opportunity to connect with the history, nature and traditions of the Barolo Langhe.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
Partendo da Armonie in Corte con una buona colazione/merenda a base di prodotti tipici locali, si pedala lungo la strada per San Giacomo Vercellese dopo aver puntato l'attenzione sui nidi di cicogne che si trovano subito all'inizio del percorso. Si costeggia quindi il Circuito di Balocco (o più correttamente Centro Sperimentale Balocco) un complesso di circuiti automobilistici costruito nel 1962 dall'Alfa Romeo e oggi di proprietà di Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
Il Canale Cavour
Si prosegue quindi in direzione Villarboit tra le risaie del riso DOP di Baraggia fino a incrociare il Canale Cavour, costruito a supporto dell'agricoltura (in particolare della coltura del riso) che trae origine dal Po a Chivasso (TO) e termina scaricandosi nel Ticino nel comune di Galliate (NO). La sua lunghezza totale è pari a quasi 83 km ed è il terzo canale italiano per lunghezza, dopo il canale Emiliano Romagnolo ed il canale Villoresi. All'imbocco ha una portata massima di 110 m³/s, che ad est del Sesia si riduce ad 85 m³/s. Il nome ricorda Camillo Benso di Cavour, che ne fu promotore.
Con una deviazione verso Albano Vercellese, pedalando tra le risaie fino a lambire il Parco Naturale delle Lame del Sesia, si riattraversa il Canale Cavour raggiungendo il comune di Arborio, dove agli affreschi dell'oratorio di San Sebastiano raccontano di tradizioni artistiche e contadine molto antiche, il centro mantiene la forma, almeno in parte, degli antichi ricetti medievali e gli stucchi raccontano le vicende settecentesche della parrocchiale di San Martino. Ma il nome stesso del paese, che deriva dal cognome della famiglia medievale vercellese che aveva possedimenti terrieri qui, racconta il legame forte con il riso.
In azienda agricola
Qui ad Arborio la giovane azienda agricola Zanazzo Marco accoglie turisti, appassionati di territorio e tanti abitanti locali nel cuore della produzione del riso della Baraggia vercellese. L'azienda fonda la sua tradizione sull’esperienza di tre generazioni di agricoltori succedutisi nella coltivazione del riso. Ben ancorata alla esperienza del passato, si avvale però di moderne tecnologie per la coltivazione, essiccazione e stoccaggio del risone prodotto, nel pieno rispetto dei requisiti standard di prevenzione e sicurezza. Nata nel 2009, grazie ai contributi Europei del Piano di Sviluppo Rurale con le misure di Insediamento Giovani ed Ammodernamento delle Aziende Agricole, rappresenta una sintesi di tradizione e modernità.
Passando per il santuario della “Madonna delle Grazie” o “Madonna della Cintura”, ma comunemente chiamata dagli arboriesi “Madonna del Bosco”, ci si dirige verso San Giacomo Vercellese, per fare rientro a Buronzo
in Baraggia, in Buronzo, in Biella, in Vercelli, in Gattinara, In San Giacomo Vercellese, in Rosavenda, in Sesia natural parc
in Chianti, in Greve in Chianti, in Cavriglia, in Radda in Chianti, in Gaiole in Chianti, in Castellina in Chianti, Eroica, Tuscany in ebike
The departure and ' the Bike Square rental point of Cabella Ligure. From here by continuing along the provincial 140, it comes in the vicinity of the inhabited Albera Ligure from which the Albirola Valley begins. After the iron bridge begins a small asphalted secondary road leading to the fraction of Santa Maria-Venaint. Percorrupting it comes in a suggestive borgo, with the stone houses and the seicentesco water mill in Santamaria, reachable via a steep path that continues to the pond feeding the Mulino where a pleasant area is located. Continuing on the 'ring, after a few returning, you reach Santa Maria where to make an 'interesting walk between the evocative stone houses, an ancient washroom and see the dedicated chiesette to the Madonna della Neve. Resuming the path comes to Venus, a small borough well valued by its inhabitants with floral addobbons. Here it is possible to see the Church of the Saints Matthew and Fortunato, dating back to the 9th century, built on the ruins of the ' Abbey of Venish, among the oldest monastic foundations in the area. From here you enjoy a breathtaking view on the Borbera Valley. After a few kilometres, Pallavicino and finally the castle of Borgo Adorno built in 1100 by the Spinola, now Casa Museum of the painter Clemen Parrocchetti, has been reached. From here the path is particularly panoramic. It reaches localities ' Campana and returns to the provincial road to Cantalupo Ligure, passing through the location of Pertuso, known as the starting point of the suggestive trial called the stone doors. From here you can admire a suggestive canyon, long a few kilometres and marked by a very bitter nature dominated by spectacular rock formations, unfortunately also known for sad episodes related to World War II. Before returning to Cabella Ligure it is worth climbing over the evocative iron bridge and crossing the river from which the beautiful territory of this valley between Piedmont and Liguria takes its name.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Cycling through the Langhe hills on an e-bike is like embarking on a sensory journey through a landscape painted by nature and shaped by humans. As you move silently among orderly vineyards and ancient villages, the fresh air, fragrant with grapes and earth, envelops you, awakening your senses and nourishing your soul. The gentle hum of pedal assistance blends harmoniously with the sounds of the countryside, allowing you to tackle every climb with ease and fully enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. Each bend reveals a new breathtaking view, each stop is an opportunity to savour the essence of this land rich in history, culture and food and wine traditions.
Novello, the starting point of your tour, welcomes you with its captivating tranquillity. Explore the historic centre, walking along the belvedere with its panoramic terraces that offer spectacular views of the surrounding hills. Don't leave without tasting Nascetta, a wine produced from a recently rediscovered native grape variety, at the local Wine Shop.
Monforte d'Alba
Monforte d'Alba captivates you with its medieval charm. Climb the ancient cobbled streets of the upper town, amidst historic houses and flowerbeds. The natural amphitheatre of the village offers an unforgettable panoramic spectacle. Don't miss visiting the Horszowski auditorium, an architectural gem nestled among the ancient walls.
From Monforte to Dogliani
The route from Monforte to Dogliani is a hymn to the beauty of the Langhe. Pedal along quiet secondary roads immersed in silence, where traffic gives way to birdsong and the rustle of wind through the vines. Vineyards follow one another in a mosaic of greens and golds, offering views that seem painted. Each bend reveals a new panorama, each climb is rewarded with thrilling descents and breathtaking vistas.
Dogliani welcomes you with its dual character: the ancient village perched on the hill and the more modern lower part. Explore the historic centre, with its baroque churches and noble palaces that tell centuries of history. Don't miss visiting the Wine Shop, where you can taste the famous Dolcetto di Dogliani DOCG.
Monchiero surprises you with its discreet charm. Climb up to Monchiero Alto, a perfectly preserved medieval village that dominates the valley. Here, on the white giant bench, you can enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding hills and the distant Alps. It's the perfect place for a refreshing break and to take unforgettable photos.
The Experience
This 42 km route is an adventure accessible to all, thanks to e-bikes that make even the most challenging stretches manageable. The self-guided itinerary, supported by the BikeSquare app, offers you the freedom to explore at your own pace, stopping when and where you prefer. Starting and returning to Novello, you'll traverse some of the most evocative landscapes of the Langhe, a UNESCO World Heritage site, fully immersing yourself in the rich food and wine culture of the region. It's an eco-friendly journey that combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of a unique territory, where each pedal stroke is a caress to the soul and a tribute to the beauty of nature and human ingenuity.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
I Piani Resinelli sono adagiati su una grande sella ai piedi del Gruppo delle Grigne. Dalla loro posizione privilegiata si può godere di un’incomparabile vista che dominando la pianura sottostante, il lago di Lecco ed i bacini dell'Alta Brianza arriva fino al Monte Rosa. Il Massiccio delle Grigne è raggiungibile attraverso diversi percorsi con partenza dai Piani Resinelli. I Piani Resinelli toccano la quota media di 1300 metri sul livello del mare, sono raggiungibili in pochi minuti di automobile, noi con le nostre e-bike partendo da Malgrate dobbiamo prevedere non meno di un'oretta e mazza per la sola ascesa. Il percorso é interamente su asfalto, e nel tratto sino all'abitato di Ballabio dobbiamo considerare che si pedalerè su una strada parecchio trafficata, ( soprattutto nel fine settimana) mentre nella parte successiva la strada diventa più stretta e meno caotica.
Oliveto Lario, Lago di Como, Bellagio, Magreglio, Lezzeno
Nel tour che collega i due parchi avventura da Rimini a Riccione, si parte dal parco XXV aprile di Rimini passando poi per l’antico borgo dei pescatori di San Giuliano, il famoso quartiere tanto amato da Federico Fellini e Tonino Guerra. Una sosta lungo la suggestiva piazza sull’acqua antistante il famoso ponte di Tiberio, per proseguire alla scoperta del Castello, i palazzi storici e il Tempio Malatestiano. In questo tour si possono vedere anche l’arco di Augusto, l’anfiteatro dei romani e il nuovo centro storico di Rimini con il rinnovato teatro Galli e il cinema Fulgor, icona dell’arte felliniana in Italia e nel mondo. Si arriva quindi sul lungomare di Rimini che con la sua pista ciclabile collega direttamente la vicina Riccione, passando per Rivazzurra, Bellariva e Miramare.
in San Marino, around San Marino
A pleasant tour suitable for everyone, it allows you to explore the rural areas of Villacidro, with the first stop at the church of San Sisinnio with its centuries-old olive trees. You proceed uphill towards one of the panoramic points that allows you to enjoy a complete view of the town and the beautiful lake on the Rio Leni.
Arrived at the panoramic point, proceed towards the reservoir and follow the asphalted road that runs along the lake, arrived at the extreme point, proceed for about 2 kilometers towards the woods of Monti Mannu, arrive at the first source and take the opportunity to recharge the supplies of water and enjoy a fresh break.
We reverse the route and head back towards the lake and follow the road that runs along it until we reach the embankment "wall" which offers us a beautiful view of the whole lake.
We proceed downhill for a few kilometers and turning left we head towards the town, a constant climb makes us rise in altitude and allows us to start our urban ride from the highest part of Villacidro.
The town hall with its panoramic terrace, Piazza Zampillo and the church of Santa Barbara, patron saint of the town, up to the Liberty style washhouse.
After crossing the historic center, proceed uphill towards a new panoramic point, cross the entire cycle-pedestrian area overlooking the town and head towards the famous Sa Spendula Waterfall, here after a refreshment break you resume your ride and head towards the starting point.
in Sardegna, nella Sardegna meridionale, a Villacidro, nel Medio Campidano, nel Sud Sardegna
Meravigliosa pedalata immersi nella Via delle Valli Sud di Porto Viro, natura incontaminata e fenicotteri rosa!!
Partendo da Porto Viro si percorrono circa 15 km pedalando lungo la pista ciclabile sull'argine del Po di Venezia costeggiando il grande fiume pe tutto il tempo, una volta conclusa la ciclabile si fa ingresso lungo la famosa Via delle Valli Sud di Porto Viro, la strada si presenta in asfalto, è aperta al traffico ma, per fortuna, è a bassissimo scorrimento veicolare, percorrendo questo itinerario potrete degustare i prodotti tipici di pesce dei vari ristoranti che troverete lungo il percorso, vi immergerete nella flora e nella fauna del meraviglioso Delta del Po, i fenicotteri rosa faranno capolino all'orizzonte e vi saluteranno al vostro passaggio, un esperienza unica nel suo genere da vivere insieme a noi in modo lento e rilassante!
comacchio, salina di cervia, cervia, ravenna, goro, foce del po
The first part of this route envisages a first stretch of climb on asphalt on the 'ring of the Alassio Ciclovia that leads to diving into a veritable Mediterranean jungle that gives the exotic name to this trail. Very sweet, easy and sliding path to travel quickly with a soak to the water source in the vicinity of the picnic area. It falls on the Ciclovia in the vicinity of the Pisana tower.
in Liguria, in Toirano, in Albenga, in Borghetto Santo Spirito, in Loano, in Finale ligure, to Monte Carmelo Sanctuary
The route takes us up to 2300 mslm, on the Italo Elvetic border of Step San Giacomo, costing some artificial basins made by the Enel between the 20 and 30 of 1900.
Attention : The path is NOT walkable with the children's bike trailer.
What to see, historical to the San Giacomo Pass
Built from 1929 by the Enel to be able to carry out the dams of Lake Castel and Toggia. As soon as abandoned the evocative conca of Riale the road becomes dirt and becomes a masterpiece of engineering, with reduced slopes, to be confronted by trucks during construction work and back from the harmonious lines complemented by dry arch mulls from which it is possible to immortalize excavations on the tops of the high Formazza and the underlying lake of the Morasco.
What to see, Lake Toggia
We are at quota 2191 mslm, this dam was built in the years 1929-1932 on the Rio Roni, has a length of 199 meters and is 44 meters high.
Focus, Piero Portaluppi-Architect
was one of the most important architects and urbanists of the first half of the ' 900 Italian. Although he has operated predominantly in northern Italy, and in particular for the high bourgeoisie meneghine, he has a real revolution in the way of thinking about the architecture of public and private spaces. Over the course of his career he has carried out projects in a number of areas : not only palaces and residential villas, but also hydroelectric power stations-in which he applied architectural styles more related to historical construction than to industrial-funerary edicts, exhibition pavilions, hotels and much more.
a Verbania, sui Laghi, sul Lago Maggiore, nella Val d'Ossola
in Sibari, in Corigliano Calabro, in Schiavonea, at Piana di Sibari