Tipi Percorsi
Proposta che non potete non cogliere al volo: noleggio di ebike e degustazione di 4 tipi di Barbera. Siamo nel Monferrato, area del Barbera. Se amate questo vino lo amate ancora di più se invece non lo conoscete...questa è l'esperienza perfetta per voi!
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Questo tour in ebike vi permette di scoprire, senza troppa fatica, le campagne della zona.
Si tratta di un percorso che parte e termina da Roselle e passa anche da Batignano per arrivare alla Città Etrusca.
Si parte da Roselle, dal punto di noleggio di bici elettriche BikeSquare; ci si dirige attraverso la ciclabile verso Nomadelfia e andando verso Batignano ci si può fermare per ammirare il panorama che affaccia verso Grosseto.
Che cosa vedere a Nomadelfia
A Nomadelfia vale la pena farci un salto e girare liberamente tra le vie della comunità, per osservare il loro stile di vita.
La comunità di Nomadelfia nacque da un’idea di don Zeno Saltini che si impegnò, negli anni della seconda guerra mondiale, a dare una casa ai numerosi bambini che gli orrori della guerra rendeva orfani. Non quindi un orfanotrofio classico, bensì una sorta di famiglia allargata. Da allora quel senso di solidarietà è cresciuto mantenendo in vita una comunità che rappresenta un modello di virtù per molti credenti.
Da Nomadelfia, arriviamo a Batignano passando dalla diga.
Che cosa vedere Batignano
Batignano è un caratteristico borgo che conserva resti della cinta muraria, con torri e porte, e un cassero, oltre ad un loggiato a tre arcate, costruito con materiali di reimpiego, probabilmente provenienti da Roselle; tutto ciò conferisce al paese un certo tono di antichità. Da segnalare, anche, la presenza di una pieve e di un antico convento, oramai sconsacrato, situato fuori dall'abitato.
Il ritorno Batignano, Città Etrusca, Roselle
Tornando indietro da Batignano, passiamo da una strada alberata molto caratteristica per arrivare alla Città Etrusca.
L'antica città etrusca di Roselle sorgeva su un’altura che consentiva il controllo dell’intera piana di Grosseto. Visitando il sito la prima cosa che colpisce è l’imponente cinta muraria che fu costruita dagli Etruschi, è possibile vedere anche i resti del quartiere artigianale etrusco ed all’esterno del perimetro murario si trova poi la necropoli con tombe a camera, a pozzetto e a fossa.
Tornando verso Roselle percorrendo la ciclabile e attraversando il paese si possono osservare Le Terme di Roselle, una stazione termale non funzionante del comune di Grosseto. Si tratta del più antico stabilimento termale della Maremma che risale all'epoca romana quando Roselle era un importante città dell'Impero con tanto di foro, anfiteatro e basilica.
in Scarlino, in Follonica, in Gavorrano, in Castiglione della Pescaia, in San Vincenzo, in Piombino, in Bolgheri, in Ribolla, in Massa Marittima, in Maremma, in Grosseto, at the Uccellina Park, in Orbetello, in Pescia, in Argentario
The path to Mount Fraiteve is an exciting adventure of about 30 km, ideal for mountain biking lovers in search of a challenging challenge. Starting from Pragelato, the path begins with a moderate climb, immersing yourself in the alpine woods and crossing green meadows.
As you go up, the sights become more and more spectacular, with views that open up on the underlying valleys and surrounding peaks. The climb continues until it reaches the tip of the Mount Fraiteve cabinoway, the highest point of the route, at over 2,700 meters altitude. From here, the view is breathtaking
After admired the panorama and replenished the energies, the descent begins. This trait is technical and requires attention, with steep slopes and narrow curves that test the skills of the cyclists. The descent also offers adrenalinic emotions, with fast traits and rock sections that require precision.
The path concludes by returning to Pragelato, completing a ring that combines the natural beauty of the Alps with an intense cycling challenge.
in Val Chisone, in Pragelato
Tour of the ancient appian way with a small detour in the Caffarella park. The Appia Antica park includes the Caffarella valley and the Aqueduct Park. Walking along the ancient appian way, you turn right entering a branch of dirt paths and admiring the Tomb of Annia Regilla, the sacred source of Egeria water and its sacred wood in front of the ancient Church of San Urbano (not open to visitors). It does not seem to be 1 km from the center of Rome. Everything is intact and authentic. From there you take the ancient appian way, on the right the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, the circus of Maxentius, and the tomb of Romulus. Returning to Rome you can admire the church of San Sebastiano and its catacombs. After an immersive tour in the Roman countryside, we return to the Eternal City by retracing the Via Latina reaching the Circus Massimo.
a Empoli, in Val d'Arno
Questo percorso ha come titolo "non solo off-Road" perché si snoda per la stragrande maggioranza su sentieri, mulattiere e single track.
E' sicuramente adatto ad un pubblico che ha già una certa dimestichezza nella guida su terreni sconnessi e fondi abbastanza sdrucciolevoli.
Per quanto riguarda la parte su strada abbiamo scelto per la stragrande maggioranza strade secondarie e alcuni tratti di piste ciclabili, così da poter pedalare in sicurezza.
Percorso non adatto a neofiti della MTB e bambini
Oliveto Lario, Lago di Como, Bellagio, Magreglio, Lezzeno
The route begins with a sweet climb, crossing breathtaking landscapes between groves and green meadows. The road snows for 36 km until it reaches Genevris, where a historic lighthouse dominates the panorama, offering a spectacular view over the surrounding territory. The climb, while challenging, is repaid by the natural beauty and tranquility of the path.
Arrived at Genevris, after a short break to admire the panorama and take a few photos, begins the descent. This trait is steep and technical, recommended only to experienced cyclists. The descent from Costa Piana is an adrenalinic challenge, characterized by narrow curves and sassy traits that require attention and skill. The pathway ends with a sense of satisfaction and a good dose of adventure, ideal for those looking for a bike excursion rich in excitement and enchanting landscapes.
in Val Chisone, in Pragelato
With this tour you can :
-immerse yourself in the scenic landscapes of the Sicilian interior and admire the beauty of nature and local countryside with its fields of wheat, olive groves, vineyards, almonds and calcareo-gessose;
-visit some disused mineral areas (former sulfur and salt mines) and archaeological sites frequented from the ancient Bronze Age (2200-1450 BC), that represent an important testimony of the history and millennial culture of the Sicily center ;
-get to know the authentic flavors of Sicilian cuisine and discover the local agro-food products of high quality.
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Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
We will skirt the whole Po grande on both sides arriving in Pila. Its lighthouse acts as a watershed between the sea and the lagoon and the fish auction in its market is a daily tradition from Monday to Thursday. Destination Boccasette to take a dip in the beach worth a visit and a stop. Returning we will skirt the Po di Maistra, a branch of the river rich in flora and fauna as a less contaminated branch of man.
comacchio, salina di cervia, cervia, ravenna, goro, foce del po
A special path for Jubilee in the capital of Christendom. This 16-mile religious character path is attributed to the priest San filippo Neri and was a two-day pedestrian path linked to the pilgrimage of the 7 churches that during the jubilee had to visit in order to have a pardon.
It is part of the port San.Paolo percurring the cycling of viale aventine costing the Colesseo and its beautiful archaeological park is thus coming to the beautiful Church of S. Maria Maggiore, the church dedicated to the Madonna, is then going through the Esquilino neighbourhood, is proceeding on a tiburtina by arriving at S. Lorenzo outside the Mura near the monumental cemetery of the Verano. It then proceeds around the mural belt of the aurelian walls and comes to the Church of S. Croce in Jerusalem where it is preserved part of the Cross on the crucifix Jesus, to follow comes to S. Giovanni in Laterano with his splendid laternanese palace his baptistery and the famous Holy Scale.
Following by proceeding on often busy roads you come to Metronia port and costing the walls and its park, its Catacombs comes on the Appia Antica where the church of San Sebastian is situated on the ancient Via delle Seven churches equip Tor Marancia and the Garbatella and arrive in São Paulo outside the Mura.So equipped with the city with its trastevere Testaccio neighbourhoods comes to the Basilica of Rome San pietro, the center of Christendom. A religious tour but filled with spiritual meanings.
a Empoli, in Val d'Arno
Evento di gruppo, alla scoperta del vino Ribona e delle cantine Murola, Saputi, Sant'Isidoro e Podere Sabbioni.
Percorso ad anello di 40 km, con partenza alle ore 10:00 da Petriolo, fino a Colmurano, e ritorno al Bar Centrale intorno alle 16:00.
Lungo il percorso, che si snoda fra strade bianche ed asfaltate (i tratti di sterrato sono stati esclusi, per evitare il fango), dopo circa 5 km di strada panoramica, incontreremo la Cantina Murola, dove degusteremo il Ribona Baccius ed il Giula '21.
Dopo la breve sosta, proseguiremo verso la valle del fiume Fiastra ed attraverseremo il parco archeologico Urbs Salvia, per salire al borgo di Urbisaglia (Urbs Salvia), Città della Regio V Picenum, che nacque come nel II secolo a.C. Da qui, proseguiremo in verso Colmurano, attraverseremo il borgo e, dopo circa 20 km dalla partenza arriveremo alla Cantina Saputi, dove ci aspettano i due assaggi di Ribona e dove potremmo consumare il pranzo al sacco in mezzo al verde.
Dopo la sosta di circa un'oretta, ripartiremo alla volta dei territori dell'Abbadia di Fiastra, e ci potremmo fermare ad scoprire la piccola e magnifica chiesa di Maestà, denominata anche Santa Maria del Massaccio: la primitiva edicola sacra venne infatti eretta a ridosso di un rudere romano, probabilmente un monumento funerario (ancora oggi visibile), situato lungo l'antica Salaria Gallica.
Continuando, lungo la direttrice del fiume Fiastra, entreremo nei territori dell'Abbadia, per poi arrivare al colle di Colbuccaro dove conosceremo la Cantina Sant'Isidoro ed i vini Pausola e Beltrovato '22.
Ci stiamo ora avvicinando al ritorno, ma prima ci aspetta la scoperta della Cantina Podere Sabbioni e del suo Ribona '22, che potremmo assaggiare in mezzo ai filari della sua vigna.
Al ritorno a Petriolo, è possibile visitare il museo dei legni processionali o, per gli irriducibili, fare un aperitivo al Bar Centrale
Marca Maceratese, nella Marca Maceratese, a Macerata, a Petriolo
Partendo da Armonie in Corte, a Buronzo, dopo una colazione/merenda a base di prodotti del territorio, si segue la Strada Buronzina, si costeggia il Nuovo Canale della Baraggia fino a incrociare il Rio Versa e il Cavo Alemanno.
Tra Buronzo e Rovasenda
Si giunge quindi all'incastrone della Mapetta, che prende il nome dalla vicina cascina e che rappresenta un punto suggestivo dove ben si comprende la gestione delle acque e l'opera di ingegneria idraulica che fa capo al Consorzio di Bonifica della Baraggia Vercellese e Biellese. Qui dopo aver pedalato accanto ai laghetti di pesca sportiva e di popolamento di anatre e uccelli tipici degli ambienti umidi e dopo l'attraversamento della ferrovia Biella-Novara, si potrebbe far rientro lungo la Buronzina, ma proseguiamo sulla strada che collega Rovasenda a San Giacomo, attraversando le risaie del riso solidale biologico della famiglia nobile Di Rovasenda Biandrate e giungendo a Rovasenda.
Escursione al ponte canale
Qui, proseguendo lungo il cavo Piantalino, una traversa d'imbocco e una presa d'acqua, oltrepassando un pioppeto suggestivo si può fare un'escursione fino al torrente Rovasenda, in un punto con un bel salto d'acqua della Roggia Marchionale, che passa sopra al torrente in un ponte canale e salta nel sottocanale Fasoli (lo chiamano il "trovone", questo angolo).
Rientrando dall'escursione si continua tra le risaie attraversando la ferrovia Novara-Biella, incontrando il naviletto di Villarboit e, attraversando la strada che collega Ghislarengo a Rovasenda, ci si dirige verso San Giacomo Vercellese per rientrare a Buronzo.
in Baraggia, in Buronzo, in Biella, in Vercelli, in Gattinara, In San Giacomo Vercellese, in Rosavenda, in Sesia natural parc
Panoramic path of naturalistic interest in the hills of the 'Alta Maremma that crosses vineyards and olive trees by offering a unique landscape, with the possibility of parking and visiting the wineries of the area.
You can start from Tenuta Impostino, rental point and wine production company that offers visits and tastings.
You proceed between vineyards, olive trees and marvellous farts on the hills.
Imp the deviation on the left, in the direction of Gello, you go through a small forest, to then arrive at Poggio al Gello, whose winery offers visits and tastings.
Profollowing in the path, you cross the podere Cavallini, with your olive trees and meadows.
You can then reach the borgo of Monte Antico, where you can visit the historic station, and you can find a restaurant bar for a stop : with a small detour you can also reach the bank of the river Ombrone, where to freshen up.
It is continued on a picturesque street flanked by strands of cipressi in the direction of the castle of Monte Antico, unvisited, from which you enjoy a unique panorama on the valley of the Ombrone and to reach out to the agricultural company Begnardi, which produces wine and oil.
The path then goes uphill, offering splendid fares on the river valley, in the direction of Casenovole, with its castle : little besides it is possible to make a stop for a visit to the archaeological site consisting of 4 Etruscan tombs, of the very recent discovery, which is located right alongside the road.
Profollowing, it is reached, through woods, hills and breathtaking panoramas, the inhabited Fercole, from which to continue to the left one returns to the Tenuta the Settle.
in Scarlino, in Follonica, in Gavorrano, in Castiglione della Pescaia, in San Vincenzo, in Piombino, in Bolgheri, in Ribolla, in Massa Marittima, in Maremma, in Grosseto, at the Uccellina Park, in Orbetello, in Pescia, in Argentario
The e-mtb tour starting from Aosta and following the Noveilloz trail will be a breathtaking experience on bike that will take you through natural landscapes and spectacular views. The Noveilloz trail is known for its natural beauty and tranquility, perfect for a pleasant ride immersed in nature.
During the tour, you will have the opportunity to admire the beauty of the surrounding forests, green meadows, and imposing mountains that serve as a backdrop to the landscape. The e-bikes will allow you to climb the slopes from Aosta without too much effort and along the way, you can admire the wonders of nature such as flowers and small animals. You can also pass through picturesque small villages like Cheserod and Verou, where you can take a break to admire the traditional architecture and taste some local delicacies.
Cycling along the Noveilloz trail will allow you to experience a unique and unforgettable adventure immersed in the pristine nature of the Alps, enjoying the peace and tranquility that only a bicycle can offer.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
L’itinerario ci porterà nella splendida riserva naturale del Bosco delle Pianelle, un’area boschiva caratterizzata da una ricca vegetazione e dalla presenza di fauna avicola. Il bosco che si estende per circa 600 ettari si raggiunge dopo una pedalata panoramica nelle campagne della murgia; giunti nella riserva si percorreranno diversi sentieri alcuni dei quali davvero spettacolari. L’escursione prevede la sosta in masseria situata all’interno dell’area boschiva con degustazione di prodotti tipici. Si conclude con il rientro a Martina Franca.
in Alberobello, in Martina Franca, in Locorotondo, along Pirro canal, in Bisceglie, in Cisternino
Ring itinerary that leads to the border of the mouth of the Po where the land ends and the sea begins. Starting from the E-Bike Delta del Po headquarters, travel along the branch of the Po in Venice to the island of Camerini where the river flows into the sea dividing into several branches and assuming the characteristic delta shape. It runs along the mouth to the south up to the bridge that leads to Scardovari, a fishing village home to a large fish market, followed by the tourist village of Barricate with its beaches with crystal clear waters and the Spiaggia delle Conchiglie. The itinerary continues on the road that runs alongside the Sacca degli Scardovari, here the fishermen carry out their work based mainly on the breeding of mussels, of which the mussel is one of the products of excellence. After having skirted the bag, the itinerary continues inland and you arrive in Cà Mello where the Lavender Field is cultivated, the cultivation was planted for the production of lavender essential oil but soon became a tourist attraction in the flowering period, a show of colors and scents, flowering goes from the first / second weekend of June to the second week of July and varies according to the climatic conditions. The itinerary continues through the countryside to return to the starting point
comacchio, salina di cervia, cervia, ravenna, goro, foce del po
Guided tour in Electric Bikes brand Moustache with the fantastic engines and batteries Bosch. Bike ideal for climbing the mountain without effort.
The Canada of the Wolf is a complex located in the heart of Sierra de Torremolinos, Benalmadena and Alhaurín de la Torre- bordering and in which we will find a refuge, a shelter and the viewpoint of stunning.
The Tour to la Cañada de Wolf is one of the most interesting rises to the mountains of Torremolinos, overlooking the mountains of Benalmadena and Alharin de la Torre, where you can see, when weather conditions permit us, Africa.
We will arrive to the Viewpoint of the Canada of the Wolf with its amazing views, to make the most spectacular snapshots of the place.
An unforgettable experience for lovers of travel and bikes!
Price: €50
Meeting point: Shop QQ Bikes at the Hotel Barracuda in Torremolinos
PS: Before of the tour we will have an explanation of the characteristics of the bicycle moustache.
Included in the Tour: Helmet safety, liability insurance and a guide every 8 participants.
a Malaga, a Málaga, nella Cosa del Sol
This itinerary is intense but very satisfyng, there are breth-taking panoramas of castelli romani and Rome. You can visit the Tuscolo's archeological site. You can visit the site from may to september( 9:30-19:30), in march and november(9:30-13:30) and in april and october(9:30-18:30). You have to take a group prenotation in january, in february and in december. There are some stocked pic-nic areas near the archeological site. Going on with the itinerary you will reach the San Silvestro church and Monte Compatri. Going down you will arrive in Rocca Priora through several bends. Coming back to the starting point you will travel along the Molara street and Pratone street.
Cycling through the gentle hills of the Langhe on an e-bike is always an exciting adventure, but this route offers a unique experience that goes beyond traditional boundaries. Starting from the famous vine-covered hills, the journey leads you towards new horizons, exploring the transition between the Langhe and the Cuneo plain, reaching the evocative Augusta Bagiennorum Special Reserve. As you move away from the classic vineyard panoramas, you'll discover a gradually transforming landscape, offering breathtaking views of the plain and immersing you in an area rich in millennial history. This itinerary is an invitation to explore the diversity of the territory, combining the beauty of the UNESCO Langhe with the surprising archaeological richness of Bene Vagienna.
Novello, the starting point of your journey, welcomes you with its neo-Gothic castle, an architectural gem that dominates the surrounding landscape. Built on the remains of an ancient medieval manor, it now offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding hills. Before departing, don't forget to visit the Wine Shop to taste Nascetta, the local white wine.
Narzole marks the border between the Cuneo plateau and the Langhe. Here the landscape changes: vineyards give way to hazelnut groves, woods and wheat fields. The quiet country road offers panoramic views of the Langhe hills on one side and the plain on the other. The historic centre, with its parish church dedicated to San Bernardo, is worth a brief visit.
Bene Vagienna
Bene Vagienna is the beating heart of this itinerary. The Augusta Bagiennorum Special Reserve, established in 1993, protects a 213-hectare area rich in Roman archaeological remains. You can explore the site through a self-guided archaeological trail, enriched with numerous information panels. Don't miss the chance to visit the monumental oak tree and the chapel of San Pietro, built in the early Middle Ages on Roman foundations. The visitor centre offers further insights into the history of the place. The historic centre of Bene Vagienna, with its noble palaces and baroque churches, completes the cultural experience.
The Experience
This 37 km route is an adventure accessible to all thanks to e-bikes, which make even the most challenging stretches manageable. The self-guided itinerary, supported by the BikeSquare app, offers you the freedom to explore at your own pace, stopping when and where you prefer. Starting from Novello and crossing Narzole before reaching Bene Vagienna, you'll discover the rich diversity of a territory that goes beyond the boundaries of the classic Langhe. It's a journey that combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of surprising landscapes, food and wine traditions, and archaeological treasures, offering a unique experience that broadens your knowledge of this wonderful region. The Augusta Bagiennorum Special Reserve, with its combination of nature and history, represents the culmination of this journey, allowing you to literally pedal through the centuries.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
Between Lombardy and Emilia, along the banks of the Po and in the countryside of the Po Valley, there are cities and towns with ancient stories to meet together with their natural environment.
The route starts from Cremona, lying on the Great River like a gigantic boat, to cross over, using the cycle path suspended on the iron bridge over the Po, in the province of Piacenza and pedaling in search of castles and fortresses like that of Monticelli d'Ongina, but peering into strange buildings like bunkers and shacks.
What to see in San Nazzaro
A passage will be dedicated to Isola Serafini, between Cremona and Piacenza, the largest island in the Po river basin with the hydroelectric power plant Carlo Bobbio and the search for a Dutch windmill and a picnic area where to take a break.
In spring, the part of the route that leads from Villanova to Cremona is dotted with cherry trees in bloom and other fruit trees, and if you can't admire the white-and-white show of flowering, you can always console yourself with a taste of the tasty fruits among the tastier than the whole plain or stopping to taste river fish.
Along the way there will therefore be an opportunity to get in touch with local excellences and products!
This ebike tour south of Cremona allows you to immerse yourself in nature. A ring that starts and ends in Cremona where you can rent your e-bikes at the camping.
Based on your needs, we can enrich the tailor-made tour and contact the most suitable facilities by sending you a dedicated quote.
Pedaling slowly is the best way to enjoy the experience, with BikeSquare Cremona you can.
in Cremona, in Trescore Cremasco, in Busseno, to Santa Maria del Monte sanctuary in Caravaggio, to Pignano palace,
The electric bike tour around the loop starts from the rental point in Falvaterra and is designed to combine a unique experience visiting the Natural Monuments of the Caves of Falvaterra and Pastena.
E-bike tour to the Caves of Pastena
Starting with e-bikes from the rental point in Falvaterra, you ride a stretch of road immersed in the silence of nature, crossing rivers, cultivated land and wild woods. After crossing the wood you enter the SP151 which leads to the Caves of Pastena, where you can leave your bikes and visit one of the largest speleological complexes in Italy: majestic and suggestive rooms (of the Blue Lake, of the Bats, of the Weeping Willow), stalactites , stalagmites and columns with bizarre shapes that make the visit to the caves an exciting experience.
What to see in Falvaterra
After visiting the Caves of Pastena, you head back to Falvaterra, followin dirt paths and panoramic roads: in the last stretch make the most of the power of the ebike that will allow you to climb from the valley to the village. E-bikes are a great help for easily climbing uphill roads. Once you arrive in the Falvaterra village you can explore the suggestive squares and alleys of the historic center (on foot or on your e-bike) pervaded by history, culture and local traditions and which offer various panoramic views of the Latin Valley; we suggest you to stop at La Bottega Coquinaria da Luca and Serena to taste typical products in the so-called Torrione (a small square that thanks to its panoramic position becomes a fantastic viewpoint terrace).
E-bike tour to the Caves of Falvaterra
After the stop on the bike, you will cover the last 4 km until returning to the rental point at the Caves of Falvaterra where you can visit the underground complex that connects to that of the Caves of Pastena: this complex is characterized by active areas rich in water with waterfalls, rapids , gorges and lakes and you will have the opportunity to discover it both with a classic tourist visit (thanks to an internal walkway) and with a speleological visit by walking and swimming directly inside the crystalline stream and crossing lakes and waterfalls. Exploring these natural wonders is always a unique and breathtaking experience. The bike experience at the caves is always fantastic, the right mix of outdoor activities and adventure in these natural cathedrals.
Find out how to visit two of the most famous caves in Ciociaria by electric bike.
The ebike rental price does not include entrance tickets to the Caves, wich must be purchased on site.
in Ciociaria, in Falvaterra, in Ceprano, in Frosinone, at Falvaterra Cavern, in Strangolagalli, in Arce, in Colfelice