Tipi Percorsi
We hit the trails in the middle section of the ancient Via Appia, near Ciampino Airport. We’ll cycle for 5.8 km along the original paving stones of this important artery built in the late republican-imperial era. After having contemplated important consular-imperial villas, we’ll enter a short, but typical countryside landscape, with dirt roads and eventually we’ll come across sheep and other animals (a very suggestive landscape contrast given that we’re just a few miles away from the roman urban context). It doesn't take long and we’ll arrive at the Parco degli Acquedotti (WaterWays Park), which preserves an important historical heritage: crossroads of no less than 6 aqueducts (out of a total of 11) that were responsible for the water supply of the ancient Urbis, it is a place with a suggestive landscape that we will explore throughout the tour. From this point, we’ll follow the axis of the Aqua Marcia, Claudia and Anio Vetus aqueducts to reach the Tor Fiscale Park and, in sequence, a small but significant park located by the modern Via Appia. We arrive at one of the most naturalistic urban parks in Rome, the Caffarella Park. Here, we hit its dirt roads, paying close attention to pedestrians, to explore the area that was once a very fertile place used for agricultural crops (and not only). Along the way, we return to the Via Appia Antica to get to know the tombs of the Catholic martyrs, the impressive funerary monuments along the way and villas of emperors and then return to our starting point.
The activity requires a medium technical ability in riding the mountain bike (knowing how to apply the off-the-saddle technique, minimum balance and active riding) given that you will be riding on dirt roads and paths, avoiding busy streets as long as it is possible.
Il tour in e-bike parte da Terruggia con una visita ai luoghi di Angelo Morbelli, celebre pittore del Monferrato, per poi dirigersi verso il suggestivo Castello di Uviglie. Da qui, il percorso segue il Sentiero del Trifolao, offrendo panorami mozzafiato e attraversando i luoghi prediletti dai cercatori di tartufi.
Il percorso è piacevole e non particolarmente impegnativo, si snoda principalmente su sentieri collinari erbosi o sterrati, con brevi tratti su strade a basso traffico.
Nel corso del percorso, è possibile godere della vista di prati, campi coltivati e vigneti, arricchiti dalla presenza di varie cappelle e chiesette lungo il cammino. Inoltre, ci si imbatte nelle Botto Bench, panchine uniche realizzate con matite colorate, situate nei pressi dei vigneti di Sala Monferrato, vicino alla suggestiva chiesa di San Grato.
Inoltre, durante il tour è possibile scoprire il progetto "TerrEmerse", nato dall'idea della scultrice Giorgia Sanlorenzo. Questo progetto ha l'obiettivo di far rivivere gli antichi abitanti marini nel loro luogo d’origine. Attraverso installazioni artistiche in ferro lavorato, "TerrEmerse" trasmette la bellezza e la storia di questo territorio in continuo cambiamento.
Il tour continua attraverso Sala Monferrato e Rosignano, offrendo un'esperienza indimenticabile alla scoperta dei paesaggi, della cultura e della storia del Monferrato.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Any outdoor activities idea? This tour is the most tasty bike tour of the area: it runs along the streets of the Risorgimento and leads you to discover the typical products, the excellent food and the incredible landscapes of the Terre del Custoza. You can immerse yourself in this genuine climate by letting yourself be carried away by the scents and colors of these lands and our wines, starting with the most famous of the Custoza DOC area but also of the Bardolino red wine. It is possible to make wine tastings accompanied by typical local products.
at Lake Garda, in Manerba del Garda, in Salò, in Moniga del Garda, in San Felice del Benaco, in Desenzano del Garda, in Padenghe, in Peschiera del Garda, in Valeggio sul Mincio, on the Cycleway of Mincio,
The itinerary leads to the discovery of a stretch of the Via Francigena and the Castello di Quart, through the natural environments typical of the Aosta alluvial plain and the slopes exposed to the sun dell'adret.
The beautiful dirt roads that wind through the broadleaf woods follow a large part of the network of irrigation canals that unmistakably characterizes the rural landscape of the Valle d'Aosta.
Along one of these brooks, known as Pompillard, you can reach the splendid medieval aqueduct bridge located in upstream of the city of Aosta.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
in Sibari, in Corigliano Calabro, in Schiavonea, at Piana di Sibari
E20 percorso lungo e impegnativo si procede verso Paliano e da li si incomincia a percorrere la famosa ciclabile del Piglio tra mille cantine e meravigliosi paesini. Procedendo lungo l’antica ferrovia ora ciclabile di giunge alla Panchina Gigante e ammiare un splendido panorama della valle sottostante .Si arriva poi nel piccolo Paese del Piglio famoso per il vino rosso di indubbio valore e tra mille vittoli e strade asfaltate e non si arriva ad Acuto .Da li scende e costeggiando l’antica Via Prenestina e la Via Casilina si ritorno comodamente al ns punto di partenza . Percorso intenso ma ricco di mirabike esperienze .
This ring path is the shortest alternative (50 km) to the E-05 itinerary to immerse yourself in the land of Primitivo and Negroamaro wines, between vineyards and Mediterranean stain. It comes to the sea at Punta Prosciutto to discover then the Salina dei Monaci, inhabited by pink fenicoppers, and the mouth of the Chidro River before it dates back between the vineyards towards Manduria.
It is part of the Bike Square rental point of Arquata Scrivia and percurring the central route that crosses the historic center is reached by the bridge over the creek Scrivia in the direction of Grondona. At the fraction of Varinella turn left and crossing the historic center unfolds on a secondary path rich in saliscens in a verdeous rural context that comes to the all 'inhabited of Vignole and its historical centre. From here you enter on a road that is immersed in bulky fields that cost the creek Borbera until arriving at the resort of Torre Ratti and passing the bridge over the creek comes to Borghetto B. From here you take the provincial road to Garbagna by passing by the fraction of Molo Borbera of which is well visible from the road l ', ancient medieval tower. The gallery is overtaken by the characteristic of Garbagna, one of the most beautiful Borghi d 'Italy. In Garbagna you can visit the historical centre dating back to before the 'o thousand years, with its ancient churches, l 'oratorio and the remains of the 'imposing castle. In addition, this borough is now well-known for the production and trade of Montebore cheese, since the XII sec. appreciated on the noble tables of Genoa and Milan, today presidio Slow food for its history and for the particularity of being made with raw milk vaccine and ovine that confers a unique flavour to this product. Finished the visit falls to Arquata by repercurring the same route used all 'gone.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
In questo tour si parte dal Parco XXV Aprile di Rimini pedalando lungo tutta la pista ciclabile del fiume Marecchia, completamente immersa nella natura regala paesaggi che ben pochi si potrebbero aspettare di vedere venendo in Romagna. Una volta arrivati a Villa Verucchio si inizia a salire per un totale di circa 3 km al 6% fino ad arrivare proprio sotto la bellissima Rocca Malatestiana. Verucchio è una bella località medioevale del riminese posta su un imponente sasso dove ebbe inizio la potenza dei Malatesta. Bandiera arancione Touring dal 2005, Verucchio ha saputo mantenere intatto il proprio fascino. La sua doppia natura di città culla dei Malatesta e, parecchi secoli prima, di centro della civiltà Villanoviana unita alla bellezza paesaggistica della Valle del Fiume Marecchia in cui è immersa, rende d'obbligo per chi transita in Romagna una visita all’antico borgo. Il ritorno verso Rimini non è da meno in quanto i colli Riminesi si snodano lungo paesaggi mozzafiato con vista sempre sul mare.
in San Marino, around San Marino
The cyclotourist route in e-bike that starts from Aosta leaves from the city to then continue down the valley between panoramic paths to the discovery of the wonders of Valle D' Aosta.
Parting from Aosta, you will peddle along the path of Noveilloz, immersed in the pristine nature of the Alps. The route offers breathtaking panoramas in the surrounding mountains, lush woodlands and green meadows that create a perfect backdrop for a pleasant pedal in electric bike.
Man hands that pedals along the saddle path to theebike mtb, you'll have the opportunity to admire the beauty of the surrounding woods, green meadows and the impressive mountains that make from the backdrop to the landscape. The e-bikes will allow you to face the climbs from Aosta without too much effort and along the way you will be able to observe the wonders of nature like flowers and small animals.
During the route, you'll pass by picturesque villages like Cheserod and Verou, where you can take a break and peddle in electric bikes on ancient lanes between bait and ancient houses from traditional architecture and taste some local delicacies.
Continuing along the trail, you will reach Turlin by passing through Grosse Thoule, where you will be able to enjoy the quiet and relaxing atmosphere of the mountain.
Finally, you will return to Aosta by completing the circular round bringing with you indelible memories of a unique and unforgettable adventure immersed in the pristine nature of the Alps.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
1° giorno
Ritrovo a Canelli nel primo pomeriggio.
Partenza con il proprio mezzo in direzione Bubbio che raggiungiamo in circa mezz’ora. Qui ci attende una Agrichef al femminile. Ci rechiamo, con una breve passeggiata, a visitare la prima cantina che in Italia ha ottenuto la certificazione biologica. Sorseggiando i vini scopriamo l’essenza del lavoro nella vigna, la passione che questa famiglia dedica alle viti.
Inebriati dai vini e dalle storie siamo pronti per la cena di benvenuto. Degusteremo piatti della tradizione langarola preparati con prodotti del territorio (cena di benvenuto in agriturismo inclusa, vini esclusi).
Pernottamento con colazione presso l’agriturismo che ci accoglierà durante l’intero soggiorno. Camera doppia con bagno privato.
2° giorno
Dopo un’ottima colazione siamo pronti a cavalcare le nostre e-bike Il percorso di 40 km si snoda tra le colline dei vigneti che producono i famosi vini Asti Spumante e Moscato d’Asti. Iniziamo il percorso su strade secondarie tra filari e noccioleti. Arrivati sulla collina scorgiamo il fiume Belbo da un lato e il Bormida dall’altro. in lontananza le Alpi chiudono l’orizzonte.
Scendiamo a Santo Stefano Belbo, paese natale di Cesare Pavese, dove facciamo una sosta presso lo storico caffè della piazza. Respiriamo l’aria di paese e… tra le persone ci pare scorgere il grande scrittore. Visitiamo i luoghi in tranquillità.
Riprendiamo la strada in direzione Canelli, il paese di antiche origini, nel cuore della produzione del Moscato. Visiteremo una Cooperativa Sociale dove l’inclusione e la produzione biologica si incontrano. Pranzo libero. Nel pomeriggio rientriamo a Bubbio passando da due pittoreschi borghi. Ci riposiamo nel prato dell’agriturismo dove, in attesa della cena con specialità langarole, possiamo degustare dell’ottimo vino (facoltativo) raccontandoci la giornata.
3° giorno
Dopo la colazione siamo pronti per dirigerci verso Monastero Bormida, dove ci immergiamo nell’atmosfera medioevale tra le stradine del paese. Attraversiamo il Bormida che dà il nome all’intera valle e il paesaggio cambia. Le viti lasciano il posto a prati, noccioleti e boschi. Ai bordi della strada caprette brucano l’erba e ci ricordano che siamo nel territorio di produzione della Robiola di Roccaverano. La strada sale dolcemente e arriviamo a San Giorgio Scarampi. Un borgo dove il tempo si è fermato. Lo sguardo spazia dalle Alpi agli Appennini liguri. Riprendiamo la via che in discesa ci conduce verso Bubbio.
Torniamo all’agriturismo per il pranzo (libero).
Qualche acquisto gastronomico ed è tempo di saluti. Negli occhi e nel cuore ci portiamo la gente, i colori e i sapori di questo lembo di terra di Langa.
Note di viaggio
Il presente programma può essere soggetto a variazioni, sia prima che in corso di viaggio, in base al clima, le festività, alle esigenze dei viaggiatori e delle persone che ospitano il gruppo di viaggiatori.
I programmi, i trasporti e le sistemazioni nelle strutture ricettive potranno essere modificati in base alle norme nazionali e regionali per la prevenzione da contagio Covid-19.
Si prega di comunicare tempestivamente eventuali intolleranze, allergie ed altre esigenze alimentari. L’agenzia non si assume la responsabilità qualora si verifichino problematiche relative ad allergie o intolleranze alimentari non dichiarate.
Sono necessari: pantaloncini ciclista con fondello per un migliore comfort, una mantellina antipioggia, materiale per riparare le gomme in caso di foratura. È possibile il noleggio in loco dell’e-bike.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
A horse-drawn ring between the high and the low Formazza valley, will be an opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the suggestive discourses that welcomed the walsers when they arrived from the nearby Canton Valais (CH) in search of new pastures. A leap in the past, exploring one of the most suggestive waterfalls of Europe chastened into one of the least known valleys of Italy.
Attention : The path is only partly walkable with the bike trailer for children. In the stretch between the locations "Ponte" and "Under Frua" it is necessary to use the carrable road if you want to opt out of this solution. Even for all those who are not familiar with the MTB, it is ill-advised to move from the cycling between the two traits above, because the ramping up of the ramps and the close back could create difficulties.
What to see, Formazza-the Fracks
All rich in history and charm, take the time to explore the typical walser dwellings immersed in the greenery of the meadows and rich in colors in each season.
Antillone [ Puneiga ], fraction no longer inhabited, is a destination of walks to reach the nearby Alpeans of Vova and Salecchio.
Brendo [ In Dä Brendu ], "in the woods downed with the fire", is a tiny agglomeration of houses collected around the Chiesetta of the Madonna del Carmine. From here, the Valley shrinks and is steeped in steep. In the vicinity lies the Central Giacinto Motta that exploits the hydroelectric basins of Morasco, Vannino, Sruer, Toggia and Kastel for the production of Energy Electricity.
Canza [ Früduwald ] and Grovella [ Gurfalu ], "woods of the waterfall" and "area of the boulders". They are two fractions between them close to where numerous ancient dwellings in larice built by the Walsers are counted. In Canza L' abate was partially destroyed by an avalanche in 1951 that caused numerous casualties.
Church [ in der mattu ], "located between the meadows", is the seat of the Formazza Parish. The fraction is made up of a small agglomeration of houses that gathers around the Saints Bernardo and Carlo's Parrochial. In the fraction is also the ancient Walser Cemetery with the wooden crosses, equal for each deceased.
Fondovalle [ Schtafulwald ], "court for the cattle surrounded by the woods", or "forest of the enclosure," is the first village adagiarised on the afflicted plain on the "Casse" cliff. Originally the village was wooden but it was destroyed by an immense avalanche in 1863 and rebuilt in masonry.
Foppiano [ Undrum Stalda ], is the first of the Valley and is inhabited all year round. Within the fraction there is the Oratorio dedicated to St. John and typical wooden constructions.
Frua [ Uf Der Frütt ], location famous for winter tourism and for the Cascade del Toce.
Ponte [ Zumschtäg ], is the heart of the Valley and home to City Hall. The name of the Fration refers to the presence of the only bridge on the River Toce. In Fraction there is also a school for the children of the elementary school where the old Walser dialect is still learned. At the end of the country, towards the Brendo fraction, lies the oldest formaze house, the Casa Forte, ancient home of the amhand, the head of the walser colony. Here, too, there is a dedicated Oratorio in Santa Caterina. Inaugurated on November 25, 1661, the church was expanded in 1884. The last renovation dates back to 1986-1987.
San Michele [ Tuffald ], "deep woods," the woods close to the fraction were devastated by a large fire in 1765. The landscaper is home to an Fund Sci Centre, with a 12 km runway ring that runs all the flat part of the Valley, from Ponte to Fondovalle. At the location are also two religious buildings : Church of St. Michael and St. Lucia built in 1663.
Under Frua [ Unter Der Frütt ], "under the Cascade" of the Toce. There is a cloth and two large structures predominantly used by the Salesians for summer gatherings and various gatherings.
Valdo (Wald), "woods", ancient home of the Municipality of Formazza now moved to Ponte. In The Fraction is present the chairlift of the Sagersboden that leads to the top of the Pista of the Campions so defined for its beauty and typology.
Focus, the Walsers
The Walsers (contraction of the German Walliser, i.e., vallese, inhabitant of canton Valais) are a population of Germanic origin that inhabits the alpine regions around the Mount Rosa Massive. Whose language is defined as Titsch, Töitschu or Titzschu, terms related to German Deutsch.
Established in the Valley of the Goms, during the centuries XII and XIII, Walser settlers from the high Valais settled in different locations of the Alpine arch in Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and France. The history of the Walser people in the south of the alps begins in the middle of the thirteenth century, for progressive migrations, developing over time the allocated settlements that we know today.
Their peculiarity was that of having given birth to a model of colonizing high quotas occupying and transforming abandoned alpeses. The Val Formazza represented the entrance door of the Walsers, from here they transitioned and colonized the Alpine arch on the Italian side, whose first stable settlements stood beyond the 1,800 mt.s.l.m. Their peculiarity was that they gave birth to a model of colonizing the high stakes by occupying and transforming abandoned alpeses, valleys and spoiled mountains with permanent settlements.
Focus, Sbrinz Route
All years in late August, for more information www.sbrinz-route.ch
Historical resuming in costume of the journey that unites Bern to Domodossola, a walk in multiple stages during which the journey is relocated to the teaching of tradition. A great way of communication that already 600 years ago, through the Gries Pass, at 2479 m of the quota between the Val Formazza and the Upper Valais, constituted the most direct route between the Lombard Plain and central Switzerland. From Milan to Bern, from the Mediterranean to the plains of Central Europe, they transitioned men, goods, ideas. It was a commercial street, a caravaniera traveled from long rows of mule loads of goods. From the north they went down cattle, skins and cheeses (the "sbrinz" of the Oberland Bernese), but also luxury products such as the precious crystals worked by the monks of Engelberg destined for Italian courts. From the south, the cloths and lust lumps and the wine of Ossola, exported to the court of France.
Focus, the Orrids of Uriezzo
A small canyon located in the municipality of Premia. In the course of the last glaciation (finished about 12,000 years ago) in the present Valle Antigorio and Formazza was the Ghisteel del Toce that with the passage of time and with the help of the torrents at its base eroded the rock by going to form this particular natural spectacle. The tortuous cunics and the throats that it is possible to admire today were formed once the glacier has disappeared. The draining of the various glacial streams has left room for a real canyon that you can visit on foot today. The phenomenon of erosion has created a very rare natural landscape in the Alps. The water force has made up a series of large subcircular cavities separated by narrow and tortuous cunicles whose walls are covered with grooves, volutes and niches.
Focus, Piero Portaluppi-Architect
was one of the most important architects and urbanists of the first half of the ' 900 Italian. Although he has operated predominantly in northern Italy, and in particular for the high bourgeoisie meneghine, he has a real revolution in the way of thinking about the architecture of public and private spaces. Over the course of his career he has carried out projects in a number of areas : not only palaces and residential villas, but also hydroelectric power stations-in which he applied architectural styles more related to historical construction than to industrial-funerary newsrooms, exhibition pavilions, hotels and much more.
Focus, the Formaggi of the Val d' Ossola
Among the cheeses of the Val d' Ossola a place of honor certainly occupies the Bettelmatt, the "cheese of the Gods," produced in seven alpeses of the Antigory valleys and Formazza at an altitude of between 1800 and 2400 meters. The Bettelmatt is produced in the summer, and it is a cheese that nods the great tradition of breed breeding of brown breed. Obtained from the milk of one milking, worked raw and whole, therefore with two daily work, it is a true triumph of perfumes, aromas and unmistakable flavours from the aromatics pastures of the Alps Lepontine.
The maturation of the Bettelmatt can vary from a few months to more years, but only after at least 90 days of seasoning the aromas and perfumes reach the height of the intensity. Of yellow gold or clowns, thick and bronze with maturation, intense, prolonged and deep, aromatic, never trivial flavour.
Other characteristic cheese is Ossolan : a semi-fat or fatty cheese from the delicate, herbaceous, more intense and prolonged flavour in the course of the affinity, used as a dish as a stant and also in the preparation of the traditional potato gnocchi, chestnut flour and pumpkin, or in the poles conce, or still with rye bread to form the traditional oxolan merenda.
a Verbania, sui Laghi, sul Lago Maggiore, nella Val d'Ossola
We propose a beautiful route aimed to discover all the landmarks of Barcelona’s art, with special attention on the world famous Catalan Modernism. The tour is designed to be an “art lesson” on wheels.
We start in front of Port Vell, the double face of Barcelona, old and romantic on one side, new and shiny on the other. The ride will go through the beautiful green lung of Barcelona, the Ciutadella Park, and from there to Gaudí’s grand masterpiece, the Temple of Sagrada Família. After that, thanks to the powerful ebike, it will be as easy as pie to climb up to Park Güell, an unforgettable spot that lies on top of the city, and a perfect place for a nice rest to refresh and admire the genius of Gaudí’s decorative talent. As Extra for this tour, we can purchase the tickets for the Monumental Area of the Park.
Following, we will glide downhill through the charming Gràcia neighborhood and we’ll discover the magnificent façades that ornate the elegant Passeig de Gràcia one by one. We will then quickly slide down Las Ramblas to conclude our tour in Plaça Reial, the city center’s beating heart with its bustling terraced cafes and restaurants.
PARK GUELL: the visit to the Monumental Area of Park Güell (Gaudí Park) must be purchased separately (10euros/p). Book with us your entrance ticket.
in Barcellona, in Barcelona
Percorso ad anello preferito dai biker e dagli escursionisti in genere che vogliono immergersi nella Riserva Regionale dei Calanchi. Si alternano paesaggi calanchivi, pinete ombreggiate come macchia mediterranea serviti da una strada sterrata brecciata. Giro di boa la onnipresente Tempa Petrolla. Sperone di marna silicea che si eleva con i suoi oltre trenta metri dal manto argilloso tanto da essere scelta come punto di vedetta sia dagli spagnoli di un tempo che per ultimo dal brigante Crocco. A conferma di questo sul suo apice si erge una costruzione in pietra raggiungibile da una scalinata scolpita nella roccia. Presenti nelle vicinanze alcuni punti d'acqua come quello di Malabocca ma munirsi di zaino idrico o doppia borraccia nei periodi caldi.
a Montalbano Jonico, a Matera, in Basilicata
A easy ride in the countryside right outside the city centre.
After crossing the historical city centre, the itinerary reaches Valpantena, the first valley in the east of Verona, and follows little roads among the vineyards, at the bottom of the hills. It reaches Montorio, a small village that features beautiful little lakes and is crossed by small creeks. We follow a nice bike path that runs along a creek, from where we can enjoy beautiful views over the surrounding countryside. The itinerary crosses the outskirts of Verona and reaches the river Adige.
Finally, we ride along the river Adige banks until we reach the city centre.
in Verona, in Valpolicella, in South Adige parc
Variant from the main route to the Selvino plateau at an altitude of 900 metres. Here one can find an oasis of tranquillity full of initiatives especially for families, with an adventure park and a minimarcia, which is attended by thousands of people every year.
The Sanctuary of the Madonna del Perello is worth a visit. It stands on the site where the Madonna is said to have appeared in 1413 to a farmer who found himself in the middle of a storm while making hay for his cattle on the slopes of Mount Perello.
in San Giovanni Bianco, in San Pellegrino Terme, in Val Taleggio, in Camerata Cornello, in Dossena, in Valpiana, in Vedeseta, in Zogno
The southern Francigena from Rome to Velletri.
It is a very exciting journey, full of mysteries and charm. It winds its way from Rome through the queen of streets, the ancient Appia, through Ciampino, Santa Maria delle Mole and Marino. From there you start to climb towards the Roman castles passing through the ancient path that ran along the Appian Way, you arrive at Castel Gandolfo admiring the lake of Albano, cross the town and immerse yourself in the woods reaching the splendid town of Nemi. We then continue to the Vivaro through the woods descending to the glorious city of Velletri. From here you can return directly by train or, why not, with the e-bike.
a Empoli, in Val d'Arno
Let's take a trip to Montjuic, the hill hosting the 1992 Olympic Games, by electric bike. From the bottom of the hill a cable car will take us the 200 meters to the top of the hill where you can enjoy stunning views of the city.
We will stretch our legs as walk the castle and experience a 360° panoramic view of this magical city.
Then we will ride our e-bikes down to Port Vell, and climb aboard an ecofriendly catamaran to sail along the coast. We will see a completelly different perspective of the city and with the feel of the Meditertanean breeze we will enjoy a refreshing glass of Cava (included).
Once disembarked we will continue with our e-bikes through the Ciutadella Park and the magnificent Arc de Triomf.
NB: Our tours are conducted on comfortable electric bikes, suitable until 12 year old kids (or 1.45cm).
For smaller kids we have different options (trailers, child seats) so they can also enjoy the ride.
Winter: 10AM (excluded December, January and February)
Summer: 10AM
in Barcellona, in Barcelona
Starting from the fraction Brengon imbues the health trail that leads up to the village of Priomiod. Finished the poderale costing the path that descends into the middle of the meadows (keeping it on the side of the same MA without going through the meadows) until arriving at a crossroads. Take the poderale that develops to your left (if you continue straight on the chargeable you come in all 'inhabited Promiod-NO). Follow the poderale for 2 km. Reached a elbow back to leave the main poderale and take a second poderline located to your right (palina with written Monte Zerbion). Follow the road (beautiful pedalable) for another 2 km until you arrive at a crossroads. Follow the directions of the paline for Nuarsaz. You will meet an 'other beautiful poderale that goes down for about 3km. At one point take the bivio to the right where the road goes up and leave the podery going down. A slight rib will finally bring you to Valserena. From there, take the poderale that goes down (you can't be wrong) and after a last rip you will arrive directly in the village of Promiod. At that point you cross the village and take the climb in front of you (not the flat road where c 'e is car parking) that will take you back to the path you have made downhill in the middle of the meadows.
Finishing this rib you will find yourself on the health trail that in a couple of minutes will take you to the starting point
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
Questo percorso ti permetterà di immergerti nella natura, pedalando fra boschi che sembrano incantati, sorgenti naturali e paesaggi mozzafiato del Parco Nazionale del Pollino.
Il pittoresco borgo sorto alla fine del ‘400 porta il nome della potente famiglia lucana, proprietaria di numerosi feudi in Basilicata. Qui i Cistercensi promossero un grande sviluppo rurale.
Durante il brigantaggio il paese fu teatro delle orribili repressioni del Capitano Gennaro Iannarelli.
I luoghi da visitare lungo il percorso sono il Santuario della Madonna di Pollino e la Chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli. Di grande interesse sono gli antichi molini (Calabrese, Ammirati, Fasanella) e le bellezze naturali di Bosco Magnano, del Monte Pollino e delle Gole del Frido.