You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code EX01

Guided tour of the Ancient Appian Way with tasting. You'll traverse the entire Park of the Ancient Appian Way. After passing through Porta San Sebastiano and walking along the Regina Viarum, you can admire the Catacombs of San Callisto, and within a few meters, you'll reach the tomb of Cecilia Metella, the Circus of Maxentius, and the tomb of Romulus. The Park of the Ancient Appian Way includes the Caffarella Valley and the Park of the Aqueducts.

Continuing the walk along the Ancient Appian Way, by turning left you'll reach the Park of the Aqueducts, where you can enjoy wine tasting with some local products. Following the path of the aqueducts, you proceed towards the Caffarella Park, admiring the Tomb of Annia Regilla, the Sacred Spring of Egeria, and its Sacred Grove. It doesn't even seem like you're just 1 kilometer away from the center of Rome. Everything remains untouched and authentic. Returning along the Via Latina, you arrive at the bike rental point.

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