You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code A0

The sweet countryside costing massage and pajare, the wild beaches along the coast, the pinks on the sea in the parks to the scent of the Mediterranean spot, the boroughs and the small navies that treasure ancient tales and masterpieces not just a glimpse : it is an extraordinary adventure pedaling in the lands of the Salento, starting from Lecce to touch Galatin, the homeland of tarantism, and then immersing itself in the parks of which it is rich in the Ionian sea.

Between one borgo and the other, alternates thus the Natural Park of Ugento, the Park of Punta Pizzo and the Isle of Sant' Andrea, the Park of Portoselvaggio, the protected Marine Area of Porto Cesareo, the Reserve of the Palude del Conte, the Reserve of the Tarantino littoral, up to the mouth of the Chidro River.

You then enter into the land of the Primitivo by touching Manduria and Avetrana to return then to Lecce.

The complete cyclovia and the 5 ring paths

The Cycllovia of the Ionian Salento is the complete path to explore this territory, it is a ring path at the reach of all that develops in just over 300 kilometres in six recommended stages (Lecce, Nardò, Ugento, Gallipoli, Tower Lapillo, Avetrana).
Overlapping for a good part of the main itinerary, are five ring paths that allow you to make excursions of a day or to arrange to measure your journey by bike :

Escursion E-01 : from Ugento to Racale ;

Escursion E-02 : from Gallipoli to Racale ;

Escursion E-03 : from Nardò to Gallipoli ;

Escursion E-04 : from Porto Cesareo to Nardò ;

Excursion E-05 : from Manduria to Torre Lapillo

The main path, long 305.8 km, and for 82% on asphalt and 18% on stills, with low intensity traffic on almost all the route, except in July / August on littoral traits.


Lecce is the Pugliese city known as the "Florence of the South" for its extraordinary baroque beauty.

It is a city that enchants and deserves to be explored by bicycle to discover its rich artistic and architectural heritage.

Pedalando for its narrow and evocative streets, you can admire the magnificent baroque churches, the historical palaces and the enchanting squares that characterize the historical centre of Lecce. The bicycle will allow you to move agely between the most important monuments, such as the Basilica of Holy Cross, the Duomo and theRoman Anfiteatro.

Lecce is surrounded by a campaign that will amaze you in all seasons and rich in ancient olive groves and vineyards. Pedalling between the streets of the salentine countryside will offer you the chance to discover the true essence of the Puglia.

Finally, Lecce is a lively and welcoming city, rich in culinary and cultural traditions that you can discover along your bike journey. Stop in a local trattoria to taste the delicacies of the salentine cuisine and immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of this city that can conquer the heart of anyone who visits it.

Pedalare through the streets of Lecce will be an unforgettable experience that will leave you with precious memories to take with you forever.

Exiting the city meets the first important point of interest of this cyclovia : thearchaeological area of Rudiae.

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