You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code V03

Beautiful tour suitable for lovers of "climbs", it allows you to explore the rural areas of Villacidro, with the first stop at the church of San Sisinnio with its centuries-old olive trees. You proceed uphill towards one of the panoramic points that allows you to enjoy a complete view of the town and the beautiful lake on the Rio Leni.

Arrived at the panoramic point overlooking the lake, proceed uphill to the extreme point of the panoramic road of "Gariazzu", arrived at the gate that delimits the municipal road from the forest road, the route is reversed and you can enjoy the whole panorama of the valley downhill , arrived at the panoramic point, proceed towards the reservoir and follow the asphalted road that runs along the lake to the extreme point and proceed for about 2 kilometers towards the woods of Monti Mannu, you will arrive at the first source and take the opportunity to recharge the water supplies and enjoy a fresh break.

We reverse the route and head back towards the lake and follow the road that runs along it until we reach the embankment "wall" which offers us a beautiful view of the whole lake.

We proceed downhill for a few kilometers and turning left we head towards the town, a constant climb makes us rise in altitude and allows us to start our urban ride from the highest part of Villacidro.

The town hall with its panoramic terrace, Piazza Zampillo and the church of Santa Barbara, patron saint of the town, up to the Liberty-style washhouse.

After crossing the historic center, proceed uphill towards a new panoramic point, cross the entire cycle-pedestrian area overlooking the town and head towards the famous Sa Spendula Waterfall, here after a refreshment break you resume your pedaling and head towards the starting point.


  • Departure from Villacidro

  • 50 Km

  • 34 days 17 hours 20 minutes
  • Difficulty:   2

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