You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code C04

A panoramic itinerary, to the discovery of the gastronomy and the natural environments of the Valli Borbera, Curone and Grue, characterized by evocative landscapes on antically used paths as pathways for the transport of goods from the sea to the plain. It is part of the Bike Square site rental site in Cabella Ligure. This is where the inhabited inhabitants of Albera Ligure and Cantalupo are attracting. It took place at the first crossroads on the right, in the direction S. Sebastaino Curone. And ' a secondary road that crosses the locations of Campana and Cavigino almost entirely on the ridge of the two very verded-looking lumbering valleys. The panorama is rich in visuals and panoramic apartments. You arrive at the borough of Dernice where you can admire the remains of the Castle or the saracen tower harrowing on an arenarian rock sperlet. This place is now well known for the production and trade of Montebore cheese, ever since the XII sec. Appreciated on the noble tables of Genoa and Milan, today presidium Slow food for its history and for the particularity of being made with raw milk vaccine and ovine that confer a unique flavour to this product. Visit Dernice descends to S. Sebastiano Curone, a gracious country from the very 'antiquities place of encounter and bargaining along the Via del Sale (or cereal, depending on the goods), where the mulchers in long caravans, those from Genoa and those from the State of Milan, exchanged the products : for this in the country, a kind of "logistics center" was formed with large despots of goods, locande and obstery, manscalks and sensals. Features are the narrow carefully selcised routes with the old creek pebbles and flanked from high-floor, high-floor houses. S. Sebastaino is known to have become one of the most important fairs in the northern Italian truffle in recent years thanks to the presence of the forest rentals surrounding it where excellent bial and black tubers can be found. Visiting S. Sebastaino you can make a comeback, passing first for l 'omonima fraction of Montebore where you can admire a unique panorama dominated by green pastures and via a short, stickable trait you descend through Costa Merlassino locations until you get to Cantalupo Ligure and then to Cabella Ligure following the S. P. 140.


  • Departure from Cabella Ligure

  • 50 Km

  • 5/4/24, 12:00 AM h

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