You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code C01

The itinerary starts from the Bike Square rental point in Cabella Ligure. From here you take the S.P. 140 and cross the bridge over the Borbera river until you reach the towns of Dovanelli, Dova Inferior, Dova Superior and finally the pass of San Fermo, at crossing point of the Ligurian Apennines with an altitude of 1.129 m at Mount San Fermo along the road which connects Liguria with the Borbera Valley. The pass in the past was very important because it was the direct salt route to Lombardy. On the Piedmontese side of the pass is the chapel of San Fermo with two bas-reliefs from the ancient abbey of San Clemente. From the pass you have a fantastic view of the Borbera valley, Valley Scrivia and Valley Vobbia, on clear days the view reaches the Western Alps, Liguria and sometimes even Corsica. The Chapel of San Fermo is locatedin the on the border between Liguria and Piedmontat a height of 1177 meters above sea level, in the Ligurian Apennines. From the chapel you can enjoy the Ligurian Sea, the Apennines, the western Alps and, on the clearest days, Monviso. The patronal feast is characteristic Ligurian pancakes held at the chapel of the same name on 9 August every year. For the return trip you pass thisugh the towns of Casalbusone and Gordena, typical villages similar to those of the Ligurian hinterland, built with local stone and immersed in an unobstructed nature of beech, oak and chestnut woods.  


  • Departure from Cabella Ligure

  • 27 Km

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