Thanks to BikeSquare APP you can discover the best e-bike routes Val Susa created by experienced local guides.
BikeSquare routes Val Susa can be guided or self-guided, you can travel them on your e-bike and with your rythm, discovering on the APP which experiences the territory offers Val Susa, or ask for one of our guides which will accompany you on your search for curiosities and small secrets that only a local would know
Val Susa: BikeSquare's e-bike tracks are usually on panoramic secondary roads, with marked difficulty degree.
Tipi Percorsi
Enjoyable and challenging route around the lakes of Avigliana, 20 km from Turin. Steep climbs (up to 20%) and technical trails. This route is not to be underestimated due to its numerous uphill stretches, requiring decent technical skills for both ascent and descent through narrow and uneven paths. Brief stretches on asphalt were necessary to connect various sections.
Highly recommend taking the time to admire the lakes from panoramic viewpoints and explore the medieval center of Avigliana, with its numerous points of artistic and architectural interest. The starting point (with parking by the roadside near a hotel-restaurant, respecting reserved spaces) is near a roundabout with a beautiful monument honoring Giovanni Valetti, a cyclist who won two Giri d'Italia. The beginning of the route skirts the small lake of Avigliana before immediately entering the woods with short but challenging climbs. Route length: 30 km Elevation gain: approximately 600m.
in Val Susa, in Valsusa, in Avigliana, in Caprie, in Villadora, in Condove, to Sacra of San Michele, to Rocca Sella
Percorso ad anello sulle tracce dei Franchi e dei pellegrini salendo all'imponente Sacra di San Michele per poi ridiscendere fino ai Laghi e al borgo medioevale di Avigliana lungo un tratto del Sentiero dei Principi.
Il percorso parte da Sant'Ambrogio per risalire la valle lungo l'inaspettata Strada Segreta del Diacono Martino che attraversa Chiusa San Michele e Vaie per raggiungere Sant'Antonino di Susa da dove si imbocca la strada che sale alla frazione Cresto.
Superato il Cresto la strada si inerpica lungo il boscoso versante nord della valle, seguendo una lunga serie di tornanti fino a raggiungere le borgate di Folatone e Bennale, da dove si possono godere suggestivi scorci panoramici sulla valle e sulla Sacra. Di qui, per un breve tratto di strada non asfaltata si arriva al Colle Braida (1007 m. slm) per poi riscendere sulla carrozzabile fino alla Sacra di San Michele... un vera e propria opera di arte sacra e architettura medioevale, permeata di storia, che vale la pena visitare, magari dopo esservi ristorati e aver ricaricato le batterie alla Cascina dei Canonici, un agriturismo immerso nel verde poco lontano dalla Sacra. La discesa prosegue poi imboccando il Sentiero dei Principi che vi porterà alla borgata Mortera passando dall'azienda agricola Carlo Guerra. Subito dopo Mortera è possibile fare una visita alla Certosa di San Francesco prima di proseguire la discesa fino a raggiungere la strada ciclabile che entra nel Parco dei Laghi di Avigliana e, costeggiando il Lago Grande, aggiunge il centro storico, sovrastato dalle rovine del Castello, da cui si può tornare a Sant'Ambrogio lungo vicoli e strade secondarie che rivelano angoli poco conosciuti di Avigliana tra cui il famoso Dinamitificio Nobel.
in Val Susa, in Valsusa, in Avigliana, in Caprie, in Villadora, in Condove, to Sacra of San Michele, to Rocca Sella
Super-panoramic tour in the southern side of the lower Val Susa for discovering Romanesque churches and baroque façades among ancient villages and ecovillages immersed in beech and chestnut woods. The basic itinerary develops in a ring over a distance of just over 50 km of asphalted and unpaved roads with slightly challenging paths. It starts from Avigliana to reach Almese, Villardora and then rise from the valley floor to reach the village of Celle, excellent vantage point in front of the Sacra di San Michele, where you can find refreshment at the small but cozy Rifugio Rocca Sella (from which you can see an interesting hiking trail that leads to the homonymous peak). From here you go along a downhill section crossing the villages of Campernaldo, Campambiardo and Peroldrado and then continue to go up strongly over the Sessi valley in the direction of Sigliodo, Lajetto and Pratobotrile from which you reach the villages Camporossetto and Muni (or Moni) on a dirt road (with the possibility of covering a small variant along the ancient path that connects the two villages). From Muni, the basic route involves going back along the road up to Sigliodo to continue up to Pralesio and then Mocchie. As an alternative variant you can take the mule track that leads to the villages Garneri, Magnotti, almost entirely "pedaled", or walkable in the few more challenging stretches ... here is a road that goes down to Mocchie passing by the perched village Bellafugera. Mocchie is worth a stop for many reasons, including the possibility of recharging the bike batteries, tasting excellent Piedmontese dishes at the Trattoria del Sole, seeing a Romanesque bell tower. Before leaving, we recommend visiting alleys which until the 50s were the most populated municipalities of the valley (today fraction of Condove), with a parish church with an imposing baroque facade and a huge square in front of which you can enjoy a spectacular landscape. From Mocchie the route continues to climb up to Frassinere from which you take a downhill road that passes from Alotti, from Trune (ecovillage) and finally from Magnoletto to finish at Condove from which you will return to Avigliana passing from Chiusa San Michele and Sant ' Ambrogio.
in Val Susa, in Valsusa, in Avigliana, in Caprie, in Villadora, in Condove, to Sacra of San Michele, to Rocca Sella
Beautiful climb from Caprie to the base of Rocca Sella, passing through Peroldrado, Campambiardo, Camparnaldo, and Celle. Ideal route for a 2-3 hour ride through nature on a pleasant asphalt road that climbs for almost 700 m in altitude to reach the alpine village Comba where you can enjoy a spectacular view of the Sacra di San Michele and the whole the lower Val Susa. Before Comba there is the cozy Rifugio Rocca Sella, a must - visit because of a good glass of wine and a hot meal.
in Val Susa, in Valsusa, in Avigliana, in Caprie, in Villadora, in Condove, to Sacra of San Michele, to Rocca Sella
The ring route, partly asphalted, partly dirt, between chestnuts and oaks up to the township Le Trune: unusual ecovillage reborn from ancient ruins and its vegetation was regained by a group of young alpine pioneers. From there to Frassinere and then descend to Mocchie, once a populous municipality in the valley, where we suggest you going to the church square to admire the imposing baroque façade and the spectacular panorama that opens from the square in front. At the exit of the village, you will find the Trattoria del Sole where Francesca, the cook and owner, awaits you at lunch or snack to make you enjoy appetizers and other delicious dishes of Piedmont cuisine enriched with imagination and passion. From here you will set off in the direction of Layetto up to the detour to Siglodo Superiore where a steep descent begins - it will take you to Siglodo Inferiore and then to Peroldrado. From there you can continue to go towards Caprie to return to the Garage Café rental point.
Itinerario ad anello misto, di asfalto e sterrato, tra castagni e roveri fino alla borgata Le Trune: inconsueto embrione di ecovillaggio rinato da antichi ruderi riconquistati alla vegetazione da un gruppo di giovani pionieri alpini. Di li fino a Frassinere per poi ridiscendere a Mocchie, un tempo popoloso comune della valle, dove consigliamo di addentrarsi fino alla piazza della chiesa per ammirare l'imponente facciata barocca e lo spettacolare panorama che si apre dalla piazza antistante. All'uscita del paese trovate la Trattoria del Sole dove Francesca, la cuoca e titolare, vi attende a pranzo o merenda per farvi gustare antipasti e altri deliziosi piatti della cucina piemontese arricchiti di fantasia e passione.
Di li si riparte in direzione Layetto fino alla deviazione per Siglodo Superiore dove inizia una ripida discesa che vi porta a Siglodo Inferiore e poi a Peroldrado da dove si prosegue in direzione Caprie per tornare al punto di noleggio del Garage Café.
in Val Susa, in Valsusa, in Avigliana, in Caprie, in Villadora, in Condove, to Sacra of San Michele, to Rocca Sella