You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code P02

The path to Mount Fraiteve is an exciting adventure of about 30 km, ideal for mountain biking lovers in search of a challenging challenge. Starting from Pragelato, the path begins with a moderate climb, immersing yourself in the alpine woods and crossing green meadows.

As you go up, the sights become more and more spectacular, with views that open up on the underlying valleys and surrounding peaks. The climb continues until it reaches the tip of the Mount Fraiteve cabinoway, the highest point of the route, at over 2,700 meters altitude. From here, the view is breathtaking

After admired the panorama and replenished the energies, the descent begins. This trait is technical and requires attention, with steep slopes and narrow curves that test the skills of the cyclists. The descent also offers adrenalinic emotions, with fast traits and rock sections that require precision.

The path concludes by returning to Pragelato, completing a ring that combines the natural beauty of the Alps with an intense cycling challenge.


  • 30 Km

  • 13 days 21 hours 20 minutes

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