Tipi Percorsi
This itinerary is intense but very satisfyng, there are breth-taking panoramas of castelli romani and Rome. You can visit the Tuscolo's archeological site. You can visit the site from may to september( 9:30-19:30), in march and november(9:30-13:30) and in april and october(9:30-18:30). You have to take a group prenotation in january, in february and in december. There are some stocked pic-nic areas near the archeological site. Going on with the itinerary you will reach the San Silvestro church and Monte Compatri. Going down you will arrive in Rocca Priora through several bends. Coming back to the starting point you will travel along the Molara street and Pratone street.
Si parte dal punto di noleggio BikeSquare di Casaleggio Boiro per compiere un anello sul quale tragitto si potranno vedere quattro castelli particolarmente suggestivi. Il percorso si svolge su strada asfaltata, da Lerma fino a Strada Bellaria e poi in Strada Casale Bacchetti. Si arriva all'abitato di Silvano D'Orba e si costeggia la collina del Castello. Si attraversa il caratteristico borgo connotato dal suo imponente castello e noto per le sue distillerie di grappa. Si ritorna risalendo i tornanti percorrendo una strada sterrata panoramica che si ricongiunge a Strada Bellaria. Si svolta a destra nella sterrata “Cascina Canali” fino ad arrivare al ponte sul torrente Piota. Si arriva alla S.P. 172 che si percorre svoltando a destra per circa 300 m per poi attraversare e prendere la strada asfaltata che porta a Tagliolo Monferrato, antico borgo medioevale che sorge intorno al castello, composto da strette viuzze, muri in pietra ed archivolti, con la casa del boia e la Chiesa di S. Maria Annunziata, antica parrocchiale.
Ancora visibile è l’edificio della Corte d’appello sede di tribunale durante il XVIII secolo
La chiesa più antica è S. Vito, situata all'interno del cimitero, che fu la prima parrocchia del paese. L'attuale parrocchia è San Nicolò, nella piazza prospiciente il Castello, con un campanile in pietra arenaria lavorato a sbalzo. Da Tagliolo si ritorna a Lerma percorrendo la S.P. 170 e da lì si rientra a Casaleggio.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
The easy route of about 30 km runs mainly through country roads, with small detours to see interesting fountains, agricultural views and places of worship, from small devotional chapels to the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Fonte in Caravaggio.
a Crema, in Lombardia, a Treviglio, a Caravaggio
E019 percorso piu impegnativo e più variabile. Si parte dal ns punto di Noleggio e si percorre un tratto della Casilina e si arriva al Paese di Colleferro con il castello e il suo centro storico. Da si procede lungo una splendida ciclabile che costeggia la strada principale e arrivare al famoso borgo arroccato di Artena con i suoi vicoli e le sue bellezze .Salendo su al paese anche con grandi salite si arriva al Ristorante Chio Chio’ un famoso ristorante dove è possibile degustare i piatti tipici del territorio. Visitato poi il paese si procede lungo strade asfaltate arrivando a Valmontone e tornando al Punto di partenza –
It is part of the Bike Square rental point of Arquata Scrivia and percurring the central route that crosses the historic center is reached by the bridge over the creek Scrivia in the direction of Grondona. At the fraction of Varinella turn left and crossing the historic center unfolds on a secondary path rich in saliscens in a verdeous rural context that comes to the all 'inhabited of Vignole and its historical centre. From here you enter on a road that is immersed in bulky fields that cost the creek Borbera until arriving at the resort of Torre Ratti and passing the bridge over the creek comes to Borghetto B. From here you take the provincial road to Garbagna by passing by the fraction of Molo Borbera of which is well visible from the road l ', ancient medieval tower. The gallery is overtaken by the characteristic of Garbagna, one of the most beautiful Borghi d 'Italy. In Garbagna you can visit the historical centre dating back to before the 'o thousand years, with its ancient churches, l 'oratorio and the remains of the 'imposing castle. In addition, this borough is now well-known for the production and trade of Montebore cheese, since the XII sec. appreciated on the noble tables of Genoa and Milan, today presidio Slow food for its history and for the particularity of being made with raw milk vaccine and ovine that confers a unique flavour to this product. Finished the visit falls to Arquata by repercurring the same route used all 'gone.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Partendo dall'abitato di La Magdeleine (frazione Brengon dove noleggiate le bici) salire in direzione frazione Artaz, lasciata la frazione la strada diventa sterrata e con una leggera pendenza inizia la bella scalata per raggiungere i 2200m. Dopo alcuni km si raggiunge il lago di Crous, un piccolo lago di montagna dal grande fascino, superato quest'ultimo sulla destra si deve affrontare una complessa salita di circa 300m quindi marcia facile motore a turbo.
Finita la salita il sentiero ritorna pianeggiande e si raggiungono i laghetti del Col Pilaz. Giunti nei pressi della vasca recintata in cemento inizia, sulla destra, la vera e propria salita per andare alla conquista dei laghi di Champlong. Dopo alcuni km la strana diventa pianeggiante e sulla destra potete scorgere il lago di Charey ma dovete ancora proseguire ed affrontare nuovamente una salita importante. Prestate attenzione al fondo sdrucciolevole e se è il caso scendete dalla bicicletta e spingete, il tratto è breve. Una volta superato l'alpeggio di Charey e la difficile salita si continua per l'ultimo tratto di salita. Si arriva su di un tornantino e si sale decisi per raggiungere il "pianoro" dei laghi di Champlong.
Ecco che dopo un paio di km si scorge l'alpeggio di Champlong con il suo laghetto. Complimeti siete arrivati a 2200m in un'oasi dove la vista delle montagne e la natura vi lasceranno a bocca aperta. Dopo una pausa il percorso continua ancora una leggera salitina per raggiungere il colle che vi porta a Chamois, una splendida vista sul monte Cervino vi accoglierà. Infilatevi nella sella di gesso bianco ed iniziate la discesa verso Chamois. Fate attenzione alle pendenze perche la strada è sempre una poderale e con tutta calma godetevi la discesa. Sulla sinistra potete scorgere l'alpeggio dei Corts ma la strada va a destra e si inoltra nel bosco. Una volta affrontata la discesa nel boschetto giungerete ad un altro alpeggio, quello di Foresus. Da qui prestate attenzione perche la strada da prendere per andare al lago di Lod di Chamois è la seconda sulla destra appena dopo la discesina e procede in piano verso una piccola casetta. Una volta presa la strada dovrete percorrerla in piano per circa 1 km per giungere al fantastico laghetto di Lod. Da qui tutto facile procedete verso l'arrivo della seggiovia e sulla sinistra affrontate la divertente discesa verso l'abitato di Chamois. Una volta giunti in paese riprendete sulla destra dello stabile del comune la strada per La Magdeleine. In pochi minuti raggiungerete la postazione dei gelati arigianali. Ci siamo ancora 400m e ritroverete la strada asfaltata, girate a destra e raggiungete il centro del paese di La Magdeleine. Complimenti!
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
Partendo da Armonie in Corte, a Buronzo, dopo una colazione/merenda a base di prodotti del territorio, si segue la Strada Buronzina, si costeggia il Nuovo Canale della Baraggia fino a incrociare il Rio Versa e il Cavo Alemanno.
Tra Buronzo e Rovasenda
Si giunge quindi all'incastrone della Mapetta, che prende il nome dalla vicina cascina e che rappresenta un punto suggestivo dove ben si comprende la gestione delle acque e l'opera di ingegneria idraulica che fa capo al Consorzio di Bonifica della Baraggia Vercellese e Biellese. Qui dopo aver pedalato accanto ai laghetti di pesca sportiva e di popolamento di anatre e uccelli tipici degli ambienti umidi e dopo l'attraversamento della ferrovia Biella-Novara, si potrebbe far rientro lungo la Buronzina, ma proseguiamo sulla strada che collega Rovasenda a San Giacomo, attraversando le risaie del riso solidale biologico della famiglia nobile Di Rovasenda Biandrate e giungendo a Rovasenda.
Escursione al ponte canale
Qui, proseguendo lungo il cavo Piantalino, una traversa d'imbocco e una presa d'acqua, oltrepassando un pioppeto suggestivo si può fare un'escursione fino al torrente Rovasenda, in un punto con un bel salto d'acqua della Roggia Marchionale, che passa sopra al torrente in un ponte canale e salta nel sottocanale Fasoli (lo chiamano il "trovone", questo angolo).
Rientrando dall'escursione si continua tra le risaie attraversando la ferrovia Novara-Biella, incontrando il naviletto di Villarboit e, attraversando la strada che collega Ghislarengo a Rovasenda, ci si dirige verso San Giacomo Vercellese per rientrare a Buronzo.
in Baraggia, in Buronzo, in Biella, in Vercelli, in Gattinara, In San Giacomo Vercellese, in Rosavenda, in Sesia natural parc
Explore the natural beauty of the badlands, admire the Grande Panchina, and discover the ancient history of the Tower of Merana on an adventurous and engaging tour.
Travel along quiet roads and enjoy breathtaking views along a medium to high difficulty itinerary developed on climbs and descents that will make the experience even more exciting.
Be enchanted by the 360-degree view that you can admire while comfortably seated on the Grande Panchina, with the majesty of the Bormida valley and its gentle surrounding hills.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
The path, linear, allows you to appreciate some of the most salient features of the landscape of the Rocca of Ceres UNESCO Global Geopark.
Parting from the Visitor center of the Special Natural Reserve of the Pergusa Lake, where the Ciclofficine is based, the route will follow the circumlacustre route from which one can admire the only inland lake of inland Sicily that is not infrequently crowded with different species of waterfowl.
The plot will come out of the lake conca and reach the largest share at 809 metres inert itself quickly along the slope of the Zagaria contrada. From there it will go down by running secondary rural roads, in an intensely inhabited countryside to reach the crossroads of Scioltalbino.
From here you will follow the path of the ancient ferdinandea road, today the SS 117 bis, precluded from great vehicular traffic. The Landscape will abruptly change itself to large and deep valleys with spectacular calcareous ruins and ancient masseys. It will cost the ancient village of the "Granci" a small rural fraction of Enna and will descend into the sinuous canyon of the serier Cateratta, excavated by the terrente San Giovannel in the heart of the calcareous rocks and staked by the. The remains of several water mills and the incredible abandoned village of St. Thomas.
Following always the SS 117 Bis will reach the state's Enna Caltanissetta, which, for a very short stretch, will take place with great attention, to the crossroads for Borgo Casino. The provincial, descending softly, will allow us to see the characteristic profile of the small country with its two towers and the many cypresses that surround it.
Built as a rural borough at the end of the fascist twenties and dedicated to the general military hero Cascino, it gathers around a beautiful square whose sides were once a place of the different civic functions, from the Church, to the Posta, to the Podestarile delegation to the Civic Tower. Today the borough has a very good restaurant and an agricamping with bungalow, plaque for the equipped soak and two small apartments in BnB.
The CEA has in the Borgo Square a local distressed spot of the cyclofficine and useful to give shelter and recharge the means.
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
With this route you can take a dip into the past and visit 4 historically important castles of the Southern area of Lake Garda; you visit, in order, the castles of Moniga, Padenghe, Polpenazze and Soiano. In the castles, from which you have a marvelous view of the lake, you can admire the ancient walls and old buildings.
To return to the present you can stop at the Big Bench of Chiaretto, or Pink Big Bench, not far from winery La Guarda, which organizes tastings of wine and of typical products and prepares delicious picnics.
at Lake Garda, in Manerba del Garda, in Salò, in Moniga del Garda, in San Felice del Benaco, in Desenzano del Garda, in Padenghe, in Peschiera del Garda, in Valeggio sul Mincio, on the Cycleway of Mincio,
A horse-drawn ring between the high and the low Formazza valley, will be an opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the suggestive discourses that welcomed the walsers when they arrived from the nearby Canton Valais (CH) in search of new pastures. A leap in the past, exploring one of the most suggestive waterfalls of Europe chastened into one of the least known valleys of Italy.
Attention : The path is only partly walkable with the bike trailer for children. In the stretch between the locations "Ponte" and "Under Frua" it is necessary to use the carrable road if you want to opt out of this solution. Even for all those who are not familiar with the MTB, it is ill-advised to move from the cycling between the two traits above, because the ramping up of the ramps and the close back could create difficulties.
What to see, Formazza-the Fracks
All rich in history and charm, take the time to explore the typical walser dwellings immersed in the greenery of the meadows and rich in colors in each season.
Antillone [ Puneiga ], fraction no longer inhabited, is a destination of walks to reach the nearby Alpeans of Vova and Salecchio.
Brendo [ In Dä Brendu ], "in the woods downed with the fire", is a tiny agglomeration of houses collected around the Chiesetta of the Madonna del Carmine. From here, the Valley shrinks and is steeped in steep. In the vicinity lies the Central Giacinto Motta that exploits the hydroelectric basins of Morasco, Vannino, Sruer, Toggia and Kastel for the production of Energy Electricity.
Canza [ Früduwald ] and Grovella [ Gurfalu ], "woods of the waterfall" and "area of the boulders". They are two fractions between them close to where numerous ancient dwellings in larice built by the Walsers are counted. In Canza L' abate was partially destroyed by an avalanche in 1951 that caused numerous casualties.
Church [ in der mattu ], "located between the meadows", is the seat of the Formazza Parish. The fraction is made up of a small agglomeration of houses that gathers around the Saints Bernardo and Carlo's Parrochial. In the fraction is also the ancient Walser Cemetery with the wooden crosses, equal for each deceased.
Fondovalle [ Schtafulwald ], "court for the cattle surrounded by the woods", or "forest of the enclosure," is the first village adagiarised on the afflicted plain on the "Casse" cliff. Originally the village was wooden but it was destroyed by an immense avalanche in 1863 and rebuilt in masonry.
Foppiano [ Undrum Stalda ], is the first of the Valley and is inhabited all year round. Within the fraction there is the Oratorio dedicated to St. John and typical wooden constructions.
Frua [ Uf Der Frütt ], location famous for winter tourism and for the Cascade del Toce.
Ponte [ Zumschtäg ], is the heart of the Valley and home to City Hall. The name of the Fration refers to the presence of the only bridge on the River Toce. In Fraction there is also a school for the children of the elementary school where the old Walser dialect is still learned. At the end of the country, towards the Brendo fraction, lies the oldest formaze house, the Casa Forte, ancient home of the amhand, the head of the walser colony. Here, too, there is a dedicated Oratorio in Santa Caterina. Inaugurated on November 25, 1661, the church was expanded in 1884. The last renovation dates back to 1986-1987.
San Michele [ Tuffald ], "deep woods," the woods close to the fraction were devastated by a large fire in 1765. The landscaper is home to an Fund Sci Centre, with a 12 km runway ring that runs all the flat part of the Valley, from Ponte to Fondovalle. At the location are also two religious buildings : Church of St. Michael and St. Lucia built in 1663.
Under Frua [ Unter Der Frütt ], "under the Cascade" of the Toce. There is a cloth and two large structures predominantly used by the Salesians for summer gatherings and various gatherings.
Valdo (Wald), "woods", ancient home of the Municipality of Formazza now moved to Ponte. In The Fraction is present the chairlift of the Sagersboden that leads to the top of the Pista of the Campions so defined for its beauty and typology.
Focus, the Walsers
The Walsers (contraction of the German Walliser, i.e., vallese, inhabitant of canton Valais) are a population of Germanic origin that inhabits the alpine regions around the Mount Rosa Massive. Whose language is defined as Titsch, Töitschu or Titzschu, terms related to German Deutsch.
Established in the Valley of the Goms, during the centuries XII and XIII, Walser settlers from the high Valais settled in different locations of the Alpine arch in Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and France. The history of the Walser people in the south of the alps begins in the middle of the thirteenth century, for progressive migrations, developing over time the allocated settlements that we know today.
Their peculiarity was that of having given birth to a model of colonizing high quotas occupying and transforming abandoned alpeses. The Val Formazza represented the entrance door of the Walsers, from here they transitioned and colonized the Alpine arch on the Italian side, whose first stable settlements stood beyond the 1,800 mt.s.l.m. Their peculiarity was that they gave birth to a model of colonizing the high stakes by occupying and transforming abandoned alpeses, valleys and spoiled mountains with permanent settlements.
Focus, Sbrinz Route
All years in late August, for more information www.sbrinz-route.ch
Historical resuming in costume of the journey that unites Bern to Domodossola, a walk in multiple stages during which the journey is relocated to the teaching of tradition. A great way of communication that already 600 years ago, through the Gries Pass, at 2479 m of the quota between the Val Formazza and the Upper Valais, constituted the most direct route between the Lombard Plain and central Switzerland. From Milan to Bern, from the Mediterranean to the plains of Central Europe, they transitioned men, goods, ideas. It was a commercial street, a caravaniera traveled from long rows of mule loads of goods. From the north they went down cattle, skins and cheeses (the "sbrinz" of the Oberland Bernese), but also luxury products such as the precious crystals worked by the monks of Engelberg destined for Italian courts. From the south, the cloths and lust lumps and the wine of Ossola, exported to the court of France.
Focus, the Orrids of Uriezzo
A small canyon located in the municipality of Premia. In the course of the last glaciation (finished about 12,000 years ago) in the present Valle Antigorio and Formazza was the Ghisteel del Toce that with the passage of time and with the help of the torrents at its base eroded the rock by going to form this particular natural spectacle. The tortuous cunics and the throats that it is possible to admire today were formed once the glacier has disappeared. The draining of the various glacial streams has left room for a real canyon that you can visit on foot today. The phenomenon of erosion has created a very rare natural landscape in the Alps. The water force has made up a series of large subcircular cavities separated by narrow and tortuous cunicles whose walls are covered with grooves, volutes and niches.
Focus, Piero Portaluppi-Architect
was one of the most important architects and urbanists of the first half of the ' 900 Italian. Although he has operated predominantly in northern Italy, and in particular for the high bourgeoisie meneghine, he has a real revolution in the way of thinking about the architecture of public and private spaces. Over the course of his career he has carried out projects in a number of areas : not only palaces and residential villas, but also hydroelectric power stations-in which he applied architectural styles more related to historical construction than to industrial-funerary newsrooms, exhibition pavilions, hotels and much more.
Focus, the Formaggi of the Val d' Ossola
Among the cheeses of the Val d' Ossola a place of honor certainly occupies the Bettelmatt, the "cheese of the Gods," produced in seven alpeses of the Antigory valleys and Formazza at an altitude of between 1800 and 2400 meters. The Bettelmatt is produced in the summer, and it is a cheese that nods the great tradition of breed breeding of brown breed. Obtained from the milk of one milking, worked raw and whole, therefore with two daily work, it is a true triumph of perfumes, aromas and unmistakable flavours from the aromatics pastures of the Alps Lepontine.
The maturation of the Bettelmatt can vary from a few months to more years, but only after at least 90 days of seasoning the aromas and perfumes reach the height of the intensity. Of yellow gold or clowns, thick and bronze with maturation, intense, prolonged and deep, aromatic, never trivial flavour.
Other characteristic cheese is Ossolan : a semi-fat or fatty cheese from the delicate, herbaceous, more intense and prolonged flavour in the course of the affinity, used as a dish as a stant and also in the preparation of the traditional potato gnocchi, chestnut flour and pumpkin, or in the poles conce, or still with rye bread to form the traditional oxolan merenda.
a Verbania, sui Laghi, sul Lago Maggiore, nella Val d'Ossola
Percorso ad anello preferito dai biker e dagli escursionisti in genere che vogliono immergersi nella Riserva Regionale dei Calanchi. Si alternano paesaggi calanchivi, pinete ombreggiate come macchia mediterranea serviti da una strada sterrata brecciata. Giro di boa la onnipresente Tempa Petrolla. Sperone di marna silicea che si eleva con i suoi oltre trenta metri dal manto argilloso tanto da essere scelta come punto di vedetta sia dagli spagnoli di un tempo che per ultimo dal brigante Crocco. A conferma di questo sul suo apice si erge una costruzione in pietra raggiungibile da una scalinata scolpita nella roccia. Presenti nelle vicinanze alcuni punti d'acqua come quello di Malabocca ma munirsi di zaino idrico o doppia borraccia nei periodi caldi.
a Montalbano Jonico, a Matera, in Basilicata
in Chianti, in Greve in Chianti, in Cavriglia, in Radda in Chianti, in Gaiole in Chianti, in Castellina in Chianti, Eroica, Tuscany in ebike
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Scopri questo magnifico itinerario che si sviluppa lungo la Via del Prosciutto Saint-Marcel che conduce fino alle miniere di Servette e alle acque verdi, sorgente da cui scorga un'acqua cristallina che colora di blù intenso il fondale del ruscello.
Lasciati tentare e degusta il Crudo Saint-Marcel in una merenderia che puoi trovare lungo il percorso.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
Between Lombardy and Emilia, along the banks of the Po and in the countryside of the Po Valley, there are cities and towns with ancient stories to meet together with their natural environment.
The route starts from Cremona, lying on the Great River like a gigantic boat, to cross over, using the cycle path suspended on the iron bridge over the Po, in the province of Piacenza and pedaling in search of castles and fortresses like that of Monticelli d'Ongina, but peering into strange buildings like bunkers and shacks.
What to see in San Nazzaro
A passage will be dedicated to Isola Serafini, between Cremona and Piacenza, the largest island in the Po river basin with the hydroelectric power plant Carlo Bobbio and the search for a Dutch windmill and a picnic area where to take a break.
In spring, the part of the route that leads from Villanova to Cremona is dotted with cherry trees in bloom and other fruit trees, and if you can't admire the white-and-white show of flowering, you can always console yourself with a taste of the tasty fruits among the tastier than the whole plain or stopping to taste river fish.
Along the way there will therefore be an opportunity to get in touch with local excellences and products!
This ebike tour south of Cremona allows you to immerse yourself in nature. A ring that starts and ends in Cremona where you can rent your e-bikes at the camping.
Based on your needs, we can enrich the tailor-made tour and contact the most suitable facilities by sending you a dedicated quote.
Pedaling slowly is the best way to enjoy the experience, with BikeSquare Cremona you can.
in Cremona, in Trescore Cremasco, in Busseno, to Santa Maria del Monte sanctuary in Caravaggio, to Pignano palace,
The route begins with a sweet climb, crossing breathtaking landscapes between groves and green meadows. The road snows for 36 km until it reaches Genevris, where a historic lighthouse dominates the panorama, offering a spectacular view over the surrounding territory. The climb, while challenging, is repaid by the natural beauty and tranquility of the path.
Arrived at Genevris, after a short break to admire the panorama and take a few photos, begins the descent. This trait is steep and technical, recommended only to experienced cyclists. The descent from Costa Piana is an adrenalinic challenge, characterized by narrow curves and sassy traits that require attention and skill. The pathway ends with a sense of satisfaction and a good dose of adventure, ideal for those looking for a bike excursion rich in excitement and enchanting landscapes.
in Val Chisone, in Pragelato
Have you ever thought about how cool it can be to discover a city by night?
With our electric bike Night Tour, you’ll be able to explore the best of Barcelona by bike when the sun goes down and the streets are less crowded: we’ll take you to admire charming hidden spots that are even more charming at dusk.
The tour will end in Plaça d’Espanya to admire the Magic Fountains, a spectacular work of architecture that will amaze you with its exhibition of colors, lights, music and water games: the combination of all these elements just makes pure magic! Highly recommended!
Summer: Thu & Sat at 8.00pm
Winter: not available
Meeting Point: Placa Reial
in Barcellona, in Barcelona
in Chianti, in Greve in Chianti, in Cavriglia, in Radda in Chianti, in Gaiole in Chianti, in Castellina in Chianti, Eroica, Tuscany in ebike
This path allows you to move from one ebike rental point to another, so that you have at your disposal not only the routes and GPS tracks starting from Chiusano San Domenico, but also those with origin at the Avellino cycle station in Contrada San Lorenzo, Atripalda.
This route can be cycled either one way or the other, depending on where you are. The GPS track is a little over 16 km long and takes about 2 hours to cover if it is travelled from Atripalda to Chiusano San Domenico; it will take about 1 hour if it is travelled downhill, i.e. from Chiusano San Domenico to Atripalda.
The road does not present any type of difficulty, so it can be tackled with all types of e-bike available for hire: city, trekking and full suspension e-MTB. By following the GPS track, you will avoid passing along the busier Strada Statale 7, also known as Vecchia Ofantina, preferring an itinerary that is more pleasant to follow and with less risk.
The following description was created assuming departure from the Atripalda rental point, at the Avellino cycle station. If, on the other hand, you depart from the Chiusano San Domenico hire point, all the information remains valid, inverting - naturally - their nature.
Leaving the Ciclostazione Avellino behind you, you only need to pedal your e-bike for 1 km to leave the bustling traffic of the city of Atripalda and take the SP5 after 200 metres uphill.
For almost 4 km you can enjoy the beauty of pedalling on a road that is not at all difficult, made up of pleasant ups and downs with small, short climbs followed by short downhill stretches. Although it has been replaced by the faster and more convenient motorway link, this road connects Atripalda and Serino and, therefore, may be affected by vehicular traffic: keep to the right in single file and pay attention.
After 3.7 km the navigator will ask you to turn left onto SP17. Here begins a 2 km climb, with no steep slopes. At the end of the climb, you will enjoy a beautiful view of the Sabato valley and some magnificent vineyards. It is here, from these rows of vines, that some of Irpinia's finest wines are obtained, especially Fiano di Avellino. If you feel like it and if you have time, explore the surroundings in search of the most beautiful landscapes.
A beautiful descent will take you first to Sorbo Serpico and then to Salza Irpina, where you will have to face a short but steep climb to exit the town and turn right. For 500 metres you will ride on the SS7, with the village of Salza Irpina on your right, before turning left onto a secondary road with zero traffic. Relax and enjoy the pleasant climb (2 km) on your pedal-assisted bike. You will cross a dense and lush forest of beech and chestnut trees while maintaining a steady and decidedly rideable gradient. When you pass under an overpass and the forest gives way to a splendid panorama, it means that the climb is almost over. On your left you will have a wide view of Irpinia, with the Partenio Park, Montevergine and many small villages; on your left vineyards, countryside and the beauty of Monte Tuoro.
At the end of the road, turn right to join the SP39, which will take you to Chiusano San Domenico. When you come to a nice view (unfortunately transennined due to a landslide when this information sheet was written), it will mean you are entering the village. Go straight on, past Borgo Ripa (the old historic centre of Chiusano San Domenico, home of the journalist Carlo Nazzaro), the town square) and you have arrived. On the right, you will notice the orange sign of Reveló, the bike and rental point in Chiusano San Domenico of Ciclostazione Avellino.