Tipi Percorsi
A once-in- a-lifetime experience that will offer you the chance to enjoy the incredible landscapes of Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve, with spectacular views of its highest peaks and of the wonderful valleys surrounding Granada.
We will celebrate this amazing adventure with a final "cerveza and tapas" at a typical tapas bar.
You will start this experience from your hotel, where our professional and friendly guides will pick up you, together with your group, heading towards the Sierra Nevada, the biggest Spanish National Park.
We shall reach our departure point in 45 minutes and the tour will start from Sierra Nevada at 5pm.
The park is located at more than 1.300 mt (4300 feet) and, from this altitude, you will be able to enjoy the view of the second highest European mountain, with Mulhacén as its highest peak (3479 metres/11.400 feet).
You will admire rare plants and wild animals, among them the ibex, the uncommon mountain goat, which you don't stumble across very often in your daily life.
Then, with our powerful electric mountain bikes, helmets on, we shall start the downhill rocky crags ride. With the supervision and support of your guide, you will go at your own pace, enjoying the beautiful mountains, the old forest and the lakes in front of you.
Ending our tour, we shall relax and celebrate our wonderful journey with “cerveza and tapas” in a typical tapas bar, in the centre of Granada.
Price: 75€ p/p (included all necessary equipment, pick up and drop off from the hotel and the tapas break)
When: every day at 4pm
Minimum 5 people
Know before you go
Please note, the difficulty level of this tour is set to easy.
Sports clothing is not essential although it is advisable to wear comfortable loose fitting clothes, that allow ease of movement. We advise against wearing high heels or platforms, sandals or flip flops
a Granada
Partendo da Susa, questo emozionante giro in E-Bike ti condurrà verso il Moncenisio, attraversando un percorso immerso nella natura selvaggia.
Pedalerai attraverso suggestivi boschi su strade sterrate, in gran parte non ombreggiate, che ti faranno sentire in piena armonia con l'ambiente circostante.
Lungo il tragitto, avrai l'opportunità di fermarti in ristorantini locali, dove potrai gustare i prodotti tipici della regione e acquistare le prelibatezze direttamente negli alpeggi delle fattorie dei montanari.
Il tour si conclude al Rifugio La Riposa, situato alla base del maestoso Rocciamelone, una delle vette più alte e imponenti della Val di Susa. Un'esperienza indimenticabile che unisce panorami mozzafiato, cultura montana e sapori genuini, resa ancora più piacevole dall'uso delle E-Bike.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
A day in the saddle of a pedal-assisted bike among wine, water and legends, passing through some of the most beautiful villages in Irpinia and enjoying the wonderful flat nature of Volturara Irpina, a land of legends.
This route is a loop tour that starts and finishes at the e-bike rental point in Chiusano San Domenico, which, thanks to its privileged location, is the ideal place to set out to explore one of the most fascinating areas of Irpinia.
However, if you prefer to start from the ebike rental point located at the Ciclostazione Avellino (Contrada San Lorenzo 18, Atripalda). add the AB/BA route (16.5 km) to this track to reach the bike rental point in Chiusano San Domenico.
This is a route that presents no particular difficulty and can therefore be tackled with all available types of rental e-bike: city, trekking and full suspension e-MTB.
This trail can be lengthened or shortened as desired. Therefore, feel free to contact us to let us know your time and/or fitness needs: we will be happy to customise this path so that it perfectly suits your requirements.
Let's start!
After refilling your water bottle at the Fontana Vecchia in Chiusano San Domenico, from which clear water always gushes out fresh, it is time to hit the road!
Follow the directions on the GPS track we have provided and, whenever you arrive at a point of interest, learn more about the places by reading the tips we have prepared for you: we hope you will find them interesting and that they will help you to fully enjoy your ebike excursion along the roads of Irpinia!
After about 2 km of road, you will have to turn onto State Road 400. Although it is classified as a state road, and therefore a fast road, it is in fact a road with low traffic intensity, since it is now replaced by other, more convenient roads. In any case, we advise you to be careful and pedal in the comfortable space between the continuous line that delimits the roadway (it is very wide), because some of the few vehicles that pass along it may proceed at high speed.
The road continues with a very slight incline for 5 km, you will be able to overcome the most challenging stretch of the whole day in a short time. Once you enter the junction for Castelvetere sul Calore, you will only pedal your electric bike along roads with non-existent traffic, so you can relax, enjoy the scenery, and stop to take photographs whenever you want.
Once in Castelvetere, visit the historic centre, better known as 'La Ripa'.
Leaving the village, the road continues slightly uphill towards Montemarano, the village famous for the high quality of its Aglianico wine, for the Tarantella Montemaranese and for its Carnival. After visiting the historic centre of Montemarano, turn back to the beginning of the village and take the road to Volturara and the Piana del Dragone.
Here begins a long and beautiful descent, partly wooded and therefore sheltered from the scorching sun: enjoy the road, keeping your hands firmly on the ebike's brakes. For about 13 kilometres you can hardly pedal at all. Towards the end of the descent, take care only to turn left and follow the signs for Volturara Irpina.
At the end of the descent you will have arrived in the town of Volturara Irpinia: welcome to the Piana del Dragone. Being a plateau of about 1,110 hectares, it is a popular place for cyclists in the province of Avellino. Riding an ebike and cycling here is a real pleasure. The absence of slopes, zero traffic and the beauty of the landscape will leave you breathless.
Before visiting the town of Volturara Irpina, don't forget to visit the Bocca del Dragone, a very important place from a naturalistic point of view, being the nerve centre of the most important hydrographic basin in the central south, and to learn more about the legend connected to this evocative place with the sheet we have prepared for you. There is no shortage of picnic tables and picnic areas near the Bocca del Dragone, so if you want to plan a longer stopover, this might be the right place.
This place changes profoundly depending on the seasons: if in summer it is full of pastures and cultivated gardens, in winter - when rainfall and water quantity are conspicuous - it could literally be flooded. If you find yourself visiting it during the flooding phase, you can literally cross this kind of lake, using a walkway bordered on either side by a wooden fence.
Leaving Volturara Irpina, you will find yourself pushing the pedals of your ebike along the so-called Ofantina Vecchia. After 3 km, you will reach 'Malepasso'. The name of this place dates back to the time of the Briganti, to denote its dangerousness and the real possibility of encountering some of them.
From here on, you will be immersed in lush nature, surrounded by mountains so close that you will feel as if you could touch them. The marvellous descent will give you a stupendous panorama, with Atripalda, Avellino and Mercogliano below you, with Montevergine and the Partenio Regional Park right in front of you. There is a quarry along the descent, so watch out for heavy vehicles entering and leaving the quarry that may be driving along the hairpin bends.
After the last few pedal strokes, it will not be at all difficult to reach the ebike rental point in Chiusano San Domenico. Here you will find our staff ready to welcome you back and to collect your impressions and suggestions on the experience you will have had riding your pedal-assisted bike.
Please, remember that we are at your complete disposal before, during and after your excursions on the rented ebikes. Thanks to the GPS trackers on all our pedal-assisted bikes, we can reach you quickly and accurately in the event of difficulties.
For information on routes and rental, for assistance during ebike rental you can call us on the phone (Mon 4:30 pm-8:00 pm / Tue-Sat 9:30 am -1:30 pm, 16:30 pm - 8:00 pm) or write to us on Whatsapp 24 hours a day. The number to contact is always the same, whether you want to talk by voice or exchange messages on Whatsapp. Just add the number +39.(0)825.31.139 to your address book to chat with us.
If you just want to think about having fun, relax and let one of our guides accompany you. We will be happy to reveal hidden corners, breathtaking views and share the road with you.
Questo percorso ha come titolo "non solo off-Road" perché si snoda per la stragrande maggioranza su sentieri, mulattiere e single track.
E' sicuramente adatto ad un pubblico che ha già una certa dimestichezza nella guida su terreni sconnessi e fondi abbastanza sdrucciolevoli.
Per quanto riguarda la parte su strada abbiamo scelto per la stragrande maggioranza strade secondarie e alcuni tratti di piste ciclabili, così da poter pedalare in sicurezza.
Percorso non adatto a neofiti della MTB e bambini
Oliveto Lario, Lago di Como, Bellagio, Magreglio, Lezzeno
Si parte dal punto di noleggio Bike Square di Mongiardino e si seguono le indicazioni per Roccaforte e Grondona. Il percorso è interamente su strada asfaltata di basso traffico. Raggiunto il punto panoramico di Roccaforte e S. Martino si inizia una lunga discesa fino al caratteristico borgo di Grondona, attraverso un territorio verdeggiante e profumato ricco di numerose essenze arboree. Il borgo ricorda quelli medievali dell'entroterra Genovese, con edifici costruiti in pietra locale.Tra le numerose atrattive storiche vi sono la Chiesa dell'Annunziata e la Chiesa di S. Maria dell'Assunta, entrambe romaniche, la torre cinquecentesca superstite del Castello Doria e l'antico ponte in pietra.Ci si può fermare per assaporare i prodotti tipici locali della valle Spinti tra cui spicca l'aromatico miele.
Trascorsa una rinfrescante pausa nella quiete e nel verde si ritorna a Sisola per la riconsegna delle ebike.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Partendo da Armonie in Corte con una buona colazione/merenda a base di prodotti tipici locali, si pedala lungo la strada per San Giacomo Vercellese dopo aver puntato l'attenzione sui nidi di cicogne che si trovano subito all'inizio del percorso. Si costeggia quindi il Circuito di Balocco (o più correttamente Centro Sperimentale Balocco) un complesso di circuiti automobilistici costruito nel 1962 dall'Alfa Romeo e oggi di proprietà di Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
Il Canale Cavour
Si prosegue quindi in direzione Villarboit tra le risaie del riso DOP di Baraggia fino a incrociare il Canale Cavour, costruito a supporto dell'agricoltura (in particolare della coltura del riso) che trae origine dal Po a Chivasso (TO) e termina scaricandosi nel Ticino nel comune di Galliate (NO). La sua lunghezza totale è pari a quasi 83 km ed è il terzo canale italiano per lunghezza, dopo il canale Emiliano Romagnolo ed il canale Villoresi. All'imbocco ha una portata massima di 110 m³/s, che ad est del Sesia si riduce ad 85 m³/s. Il nome ricorda Camillo Benso di Cavour, che ne fu promotore.
Con una deviazione verso Albano Vercellese, pedalando tra le risaie fino a lambire il Parco Naturale delle Lame del Sesia, si riattraversa il Canale Cavour raggiungendo il comune di Arborio, dove agli affreschi dell'oratorio di San Sebastiano raccontano di tradizioni artistiche e contadine molto antiche, il centro mantiene la forma, almeno in parte, degli antichi ricetti medievali e gli stucchi raccontano le vicende settecentesche della parrocchiale di San Martino. Ma il nome stesso del paese, che deriva dal cognome della famiglia medievale vercellese che aveva possedimenti terrieri qui, racconta il legame forte con il riso.
In azienda agricola
Qui ad Arborio la giovane azienda agricola Zanazzo Marco accoglie turisti, appassionati di territorio e tanti abitanti locali nel cuore della produzione del riso della Baraggia vercellese. L'azienda fonda la sua tradizione sull’esperienza di tre generazioni di agricoltori succedutisi nella coltivazione del riso. Ben ancorata alla esperienza del passato, si avvale però di moderne tecnologie per la coltivazione, essiccazione e stoccaggio del risone prodotto, nel pieno rispetto dei requisiti standard di prevenzione e sicurezza. Nata nel 2009, grazie ai contributi Europei del Piano di Sviluppo Rurale con le misure di Insediamento Giovani ed Ammodernamento delle Aziende Agricole, rappresenta una sintesi di tradizione e modernità.
Passando per il santuario della “Madonna delle Grazie” o “Madonna della Cintura”, ma comunemente chiamata dagli arboriesi “Madonna del Bosco”, ci si dirige verso San Giacomo Vercellese, per fare rientro a Buronzo
in Baraggia, in Buronzo, in Biella, in Vercelli, in Gattinara, In San Giacomo Vercellese, in Rosavenda, in Sesia natural parc
A tour that will allow you to discover the beauties of the astigial Monferrato by crossing the most important municipalities of the Unesco landscapes.
The departure of the tour is planned in front of the beautiful tasting room of Tenuta Olim Bauda.
The descent along the avenue of access to the estate will lead you on the way below where you could take the bike lane after a few meters.
The first stretch of tour will be on the bike lane following the directions of Calamandrana and Canelli.
You will cross the Viale degli Innamorati in the village of Nizza Monferrato that, with its majestic trees, will give you shade and relief in the first part of the tour.
The path, later, will come out of the inhabited Nizza and will lead you on the gorgeous Hill of the Brich.
From here, the road in crest will allow you to enjoy the beautiful surrounding scenery.
You reach, later, the abate of Noche and then of Vinchio. From here, a secondary road will lead you to the Big Bench #94, immersed in the Natural Reserve of the Val Sarmassa.
Take the time for a photo and a bit of relaxation : let yourself immerse yourself in the noises of the surrounding nature.
Retaking the path, you will arrive at Cortiglione and later, a long descent will lead you to the village of Incisa Scapaccino.
Take the time to visit the Ancient Village of Incisa, located on the hillside to Castelnuovo Belbo.
A dedali of narrow streets and ways will lead you to the main square, from which you enjoy a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape.
The path will end later with a short final ride up to the Tenuta Olim Bauda.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Starting from the fraction Brengon imbues the health trail that leads up to the village of Priomiod. Finished the poderale costing the path that descends into the middle of the meadows (keeping it on the side of the same MA without going through the meadows) until arriving at a crossroads. Take the poderale that develops to your left (if you continue straight on the chargeable you come in all 'inhabited Promiod-NO). Follow the poderale for 2 km. Reached a elbow back to leave the main poderale and take a second poderline located to your right (palina with written Monte Zerbion). Follow the road (beautiful pedalable) for another 2 km until you arrive at a crossroads. Follow the directions of the paline for Nuarsaz. You will meet an 'other beautiful poderale that goes down for about 3km. At one point take the bivio to the right where the road goes up and leave the podery going down. A slight rib will finally bring you to Valserena. From there, take the poderale that goes down (you can't be wrong) and after a last rip you will arrive directly in the village of Promiod. At that point you cross the village and take the climb in front of you (not the flat road where c 'e is car parking) that will take you back to the path you have made downhill in the middle of the meadows.
Finishing this rib you will find yourself on the health trail that in a couple of minutes will take you to the starting point
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
By choosing this itinerary, you will use your rented ebike to explore the natural beauty and villages of the Partenio Regional Park in the province of Avellino.
You will be amazed by the magnificence of nature and these small villages, but since Irpinia is a land famous for the quality of its wines, the first part of the ebike excursion will be dedicated to exploring vineyards and some villages with a strong wine vocation, with excellent productions of Fiano di Avellino and Greco di Tufo, the two great DOCG white wines of the province of Avellino.
The second part of the itinerary, which you will cover on your rented ebike, takes you to the foothills of the Partenio Regional Park, a protected area established in 1993. Here, nature takes centre stage. The great thing about ebike tours is that, whenever you want, you can stop to admire a landscape and visit the villages on the slopes of Monte Vallatrone and Montevergine in more detail.
This route is a loop tour starting and finishing at the e-bike rental point located at Ciclostazione Avellino, not far from the station and halfway between the towns of Atripalda and Avellino.
However, if you prefer to start from the Chiusano San Domenico e-bike rental point, add the AB/BA route (16.5 km) to this track to reach the Avellino bike rental point.
You will face an itinerary that does not present any particular difficulties and can therefore be tackled with all types of e-bike hire available: city, trekking and full suspension e-MTB.
This route lends itself well to being lengthened or shortened as required. So, feel free to contact us to let us know your time and/or fitness requirements: we will be happy to customise this track to perfectly suit your needs.
And now... off we go!
Follow the directions on the GPS track we have provided you with and, whenever you arrive at a point of interest, learn more about the places by reading the tips we have prepared for you: we hope you will find them interesting and that they will help you to fully enjoy your ebike excursion along the roads of Irpinia!
The first four kilometres will not be exactly unforgettable, but once you have passed those, we promise you that your e-bike ride will become decidedly more interesting. Once past the village of Picarelli, a tiny hamlet in the municipality of Avellino, the road begins to climb, the traffic noticeably decreases, and the industrial atmosphere gradually gives way to rural landscapes and rolling hills.
The road continues placidly uphill, amid hazelnut groves and vineyards, to the fork for Montefredane. Arriving in the central square of this beautiful village, home of Fiano di Avellino, you will be amazed by the enormity of the space. Here you will easily spot the Town Hall and the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine. Just to the left of the church, you will notice the archway that allows passage under the bell tower. Take that passage to get to the ruins of the Caracciolo Castle, whose construction dates back to the 10th century. If you are lucky and find the gate open, you can admire a spectacular view of the Sabato Valley.
A beautiful downhill country road, with no traffic at all, will delight your legs and your e-bike, leading you without any difficulty to the village of Tufo, the birthplace of the famous DOCG Greco di Tufo white wine, the pride of the entire province of Avellino. The town will reveal itself to your eyes after crossing a small bridge over the Sabato River. When you reach the end of the road, turn right to reach the main square of the village, refill your water bottles at the fountain, and learn more about Tufo by reading the fact sheet.
Continuing your itinerary by pedal-assisted bicycle, you will pass by the ancient sulphur mines, fundamental to the development of Tufo's economy in past centuries (although they are undergoing restoration, at the time of writing this information sheet they are a site that cannot be visited) and return to cross the River Sabato. At the crossroads, turn left and, after 1 km, turn right towards Pannarano / Roccabascerana / Cervinara.
From here on, the second part of your ebike tour in Irpinia begins. In front of you towers the Partenio Regional Park with its wooded mountains. Approximately 15 km almost entirely uphill await you, so be sure to start this section with a good energy reserve in the battery of your rented ebike.
As you grind your way with your pedal-assisted bike, Monte Vallatrone and Montevergine will get closer and closer and nature will become more and more lush. Once you reach the hamlet of Ciardelli, at the crossroads continue on towards Pietrastornina. From now on, the landscape becomes more and more beautiful and you will enjoy beautiful views of the Parthenio Park, but not only... At a certain point, a marvellous panorama will open up on your right, allowing you to see Rocca Bascerana, the Sannio and the majesty of Mount Taburno. Passing here at sunset time, especially in summer, will give you a light and colours that are worth all the effort and effort put in on an ebike.
After getting onto the state road, pedal 3 km more on your e-bike to reach Pietrastornina. The stone spur from which it takes its name and on whose summit the town's castle was located, will be clearly visible to your eyes well before you enter the town. This place is teeming with stories and legends, all to be discovered, perhaps by chatting with the locals.
The next village you will cross on your ebike is Sant'Angelo a Scala, also known as 'the village of the two popes'. Here, in fact, Pope Paul IV was born, and there is a strong cult for Pope Silvester (who is celebrated on 31 December), to whom a small church is dedicated that can be reached via a footpath from which a miraculous water gushes out. According to legend, Pope Silvetro convinced Emperor Constantine to go to Sant'Angelo a Scala to bathe in the miraculous water and thus be cured of leprosy.
From Sant'Angelo a Scala to Summonte you will be right at the foot of the mountain and, in some places, you will almost feel as if you can touch it. The chestnut groves will keep you good company along this 3 km ascent, which is also the last you will face today on your ebike tour.
The Angioina Tower will welcome you to Summonte, recognised as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. So, if you have time, take the opportunity to visit its narrow streets on an e-bike or on foot. From here, numerous trails allow you to explore the Partenio Park by hiking/trekking.
Here the ascent ends and you will quickly reach Ospedaletto d'Alpinolo, famous for its nougat production and for being an obligatory crossing point for the many pilgrims who decide to go to the Montevergine Sanctuary (1,300 metres above sea level) on foot.
A long descent will take you to Mercogliano, with its beautiful avenue lined with centuries-old plane trees, and then down to the city of Avellino, passing completely along Corso Vittorio Emanuele (a pedestrian street where bicycles and ebikes are allowed). After passing through the Manganelli Urban Park, by the time you reach the mural of the famous artist Millo, you will have arrived at Avellino Station, and then in just a few minutes you will reach the ebike rental point located at the Avellino Ciclostazione.
This is where you will end your day in the saddle of the rented pedelecs.
Remember that we are at your complete disposal before, during and after your excursions on the rented ebikes. Thanks to the GPS trackers on all our pedal-assist bikes, we can reach you quickly and accurately in the event of difficulties.
For information on routes and rental, and for assistance during ebike rental, you can call us by phone (Mon 16:30-20:00 / Tue-Sat 9:30-13:30, 16:30-20:00) or text us on Whatsapp 24 hours a day. The number to contact is always the same, whether you want to talk by voice or exchange messages on Whatsapp. Just add the number 0825.31.139 to your address book to chat with us.
If you just want to think about having fun, relax and let one of our guides accompany you. We will be happy to reveal hidden corners, breathtaking views and share the road with you.
Cycling through the Langhe hills is an experience that awakens the senses and nourishes the soul. The gentle undulation of the vineyards, the scent of earth and ripe grapes, the warmth of the sun on your skin and the cool breeze caressing your face create a symphony of unforgettable sensations. Each pedal stroke brings you closer to breathtaking views, picturesque villages and authentic flavours, on a journey that is both an adventure and a balm for the spirit.
La Morra
La Morra, the balcony of the Langhe, welcomes you with its splendid viewpoint, from which you can admire a panorama that stretches from the surrounding hills to the Alps. Lose yourself in the historic centre's streets, rich in history and charm, and don't forget to visit the tourist office to discover current events and attractions. Although not accessible by bike, the Barolo Chapel, a masterpiece of contemporary art nestled in the vineyards, is worth a subsequent visit.
Verduno will surprise you with its panoramic terrace, an oasis of peace and beauty completely closed to cars. Here you can relax in the sun, enjoy the view from a bench or let children have fun in the playground. For a taste of contemporary Langhe cuisine, stop at one of the village's characteristic restaurants.
Roddi, perched on a hill and dominated by its castle, is a small gem to explore. The village is known as the "poetry hamlet": discover the verses scattered on the walls and follow the interesting trail dedicated to the trifulau, the truffle hunters. For lunch, choose between local restaurants offering traditional dishes or opt for a quick meal in one of the village bars, many of which have outdoor areas ideal for a refreshing break.
Grinzane Cavour
Grinzane Cavour awaits you with its imposing castle, a UNESCO World Heritage site and home to the Piedmont Regional Wine Cellar. Visit the ethnographic museum and the collection of ancient viticulture tools. From the castle's viewpoint, enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding hills.
Barolo, the world capital of its namesake wine, deserves an in-depth stop. Visit WiMu, an interactive and engaging wine museum, suitable even for children. Don't miss the curious Corkscrew Museum and treat yourself to a stroll through the old town, breathing in the atmosphere of one of the Langhe's most iconic places.
Novello welcomes you for the last leg of your journey. After an aperitif in the main square, explore the narrow streets leading to the panoramic terrace and viewpoint near the castle. From here, you can admire once more the beauty of the hills you've traversed, taking with you the memory of an unforgettable day.
The Experience
This 38 km e-bike tour is an adventure accessible to all, thanks to the pedal assistance that makes even the most challenging stretches manageable. The self-guided route, supported by the BikeSquare app, allows you to explore independently and at your own pace, starting and returning to Novello. It's an eco-friendly and fun way to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Langhe, savouring the landscapes, culture and traditions of one of the world's most renowned wine regions.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
Cycling through the Langhe hills as a family on e-bikes is an adventure that combines fun, discovery and relaxation. This route, designed to be accessible to all, allows even the youngest to enjoy the beauty of UNESCO landscapes effortlessly. The electric bicycles, equipped with child seats and accessories, make the journey comfortable and safe. As parents pedal gently, children can admire the succession of vineyards, listen to birdsong and breathe the pure air of the hills. Every bend reveals a new breathtaking view, every stop is an opportunity to create unforgettable family memories, with grape juice tastings for the little ones and fine wine samplings for the adults.
La Morra
La Morra, known as the "balcony of the Langhe", is the first stop on your journey. Here you can admire one of the most spectacular views in the region, spanning from the surrounding hills to the Alps. The historic centre, with its cobbled streets, is perfect for a relaxing stroll. Children will particularly appreciate the municipal playground, where they can expend energy whilst you enjoy the view. Don't miss visiting the church of San Martino, a fine example of Piedmontese Baroque architecture. For a tasty break, many ice cream parlours and pastry shops offer local delights that will delight both young and old.
Novello, the final point of your tour, welcomes you with its quiet and authentic atmosphere. The village's viewpoint offers a panoramic view that enchants adults and children alike, perfect for taking souvenir photos. In the historic centre, you can admire the Castle, albeit only from the outside. The main square is ideal for an outdoor picnic, perhaps with local products purchased in the village shops. For the more curious, a visit to the Wine Shop will allow you to discover Nascetta, a native white wine, whilst children can taste non-alcoholic grape juices.
The Experience
This 17 km route is an experience designed to be accessible to all, perfect for families with children thanks to e-bikes that make even the most challenging stretches manageable. The self-guided itinerary, supported by the BikeSquare app, offers you the freedom to explore at your own pace, with the possibility of making frequent stops to admire the landscape, have a snack or simply play outdoors. Starting from La Morra and arriving in Novello, you will cross some of the most evocative landscapes of the Langhe, a UNESCO World Heritage site, immersing yourself in the beauty of nature and the cultural richness of the region. It's a journey that combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of a unique territory in the world, offering an unforgettable experience for the whole family, where every pedal stroke is an adventure and an opportunity for sharing.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
The southern Francigena from Rome to Velletri.
It is a very exciting journey, full of mysteries and charm. It winds its way from Rome through the queen of streets, the ancient Appia, through Ciampino, Santa Maria delle Mole and Marino. From there you start to climb towards the Roman castles passing through the ancient path that ran along the Appian Way, you arrive at Castel Gandolfo admiring the lake of Albano, cross the town and immerse yourself in the woods reaching the splendid town of Nemi. We then continue to the Vivaro through the woods descending to the glorious city of Velletri. From here you can return directly by train or, why not, with the e-bike.
a Empoli, in Val d'Arno
Explore the Langhe by ebike: a journey through wine and nature, from San Rocco Seno d'Elvio to Roddi, an unforgettable experience
The Langhe, one of Piedmont's hidden gems, is famous for its breathtaking landscapes, vine-covered hills, and high-quality wine production. If you're looking for an exciting and sustainable way to explore this region, ebiking is the perfect choice. In this ebike tour from San Rocco Seno d'Elvio to Alba, La Morra, Verduno, and Roddi, you'll discover the best-kept secrets of the Langhe, along with their exquisite wines.
San Rocco Seno d'Elvio: The Starting Point
Your ebike tour begins in San Rocco Seno d'Elvio, a charming village in the heart of the Langhe. This is the ideal starting point for your adventure, with its relaxing atmosphere and panoramic roads leading you to Alba, the "City of a Hundred Towers."
Alba: The Heart of the Langhe
After a short ride, you'll reach Alba, a city that is a must-visit for food and wine enthusiasts. Here, you can explore the historic center with its medieval towers and stroll through cobbled streets to discover historic cafes and truffle shops. Don't forget to savor Alba's famous white truffles, a true culinary luxury.
But Alba is also famous for its wine. Here, you can visit some world-renowned wineries and taste some of the best wines of the Langhe, including Barolo and Barbaresco. Local winemakers will be happy to share their passion for wine and explain the production process.
La Morra: The Balcony of the Langhe
Continuing your ebike tour, you'll reach La Morra, a charming town situated on a hill that offers a spectacular panoramic view of the Langhe. La Morra is famous for its Nebbiolo vineyards, the grape that gives rise to the prestigious Barolo wine. Here, you can visit various wineries and taste Barolo right from its place of origin.
Verduno: The Authentic Village
The next stop on your tour is Verduno, a small village characterized by its narrow and picturesque streets. In this area, the star wine is Pelaverga, a light and fragrant red wine. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the wineries in Verduno and savor this fascinating wine.
Roddi: Your Return to San Rocco Seno d'Elvio
Your ebike tour will eventually lead you to Roddi, another enchanting village in the Langhe. Here, you can immerse yourself in Langhe's wine culture by visiting local wineries and tasting other exquisite wines, including Dolcetto and Barbera.
After exploring Roddi, you can start your journey back to San Rocco Seno d'Elvio, enjoying the panoramic views along the way. Remember that the beauty of the Langhe never ends, so don't hesitate to take detours to discover more hidden treasures.
Typical Langhe Wines
The Langhe is famous worldwide for its high-quality wine production. Here, you can enjoy some of Italy's finest wines, including:
1. Barolo: Known as the "king of wines," Barolo is a robust and complex red wine primarily made from Nebbiolo grapes. It's ideal for lovers of full-bodied and aged wines.
2. Barbaresco: Barbaresco is another prestigious red wine of the Langhe, also made from Nebbiolo grapes. It's known for its elegance and unique aromatic profile.
3. Dolcetto: If you prefer a lighter and fruitier wine, Dolcetto is the perfect choice. It's best enjoyed young and pairs well with traditional Piedmontese dishes.
4. Pelaverga: Pelaverga is a hidden gem of the Langhe, a light and fragrant red wine. It's perfect for those seeking an interesting alternative to the region's more famous wines.
5. Barbera: Barbera is another popular red wine of the Langhe, known for its lively acidity and fruity flavor. It's an ideal accompaniment to local cuisine.
In Summary
An ebike tour through the Langhe is a unique experience that allows you to explore the natural beauty and wine richness of this extraordinary region. Each town you visit has its own history, wines, and traditions to share. So, prepare your ebike and immerse yourself in the enchantment of the Langhe, where the passion for wine blends with the beauty of the Italian countryside."
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
Special offer
The bride does not pay her ebike rental when the rest of the group pays a full day fare.
Leave Novello for a landscape-tasting and amusement. Not far from the starting point go to The Green Guesthouse and dive into the swimming pool, relax and enjoy your glass of wine.
The party is not over, take off your bathing suit and get dressed for pedalling down to Barolo.
Barolo is one of those places that surprises you when seen from above, you're getting there and it seems so tiny and perfect. And when you get there it seems even more stunning. You have lots of things to do: visit the WiMu - Wine Museum, the Corkscrew Museum, the Castle, or one of the wineries dug in the tuff rock.
Today you don't necessarily have to do anything, perhaps the bride-to-be just wants some chill-out-time so you can stroll, find the perfect group-selfie-spot or sit at some wine-bar sipping your precious Barolo glass.
Do you still have stamina to ride your e-bike? Go to Novello through Ravera street and enjoy one of the most awesome views of Novello and if you take a look backwards you can see Monforte d'Alba, Serralunga tower and Grinzane Cavour castle.
You are now in Novello and maybe it's dinner time. Choose among our restaurants and agriturismi and then get back to BikeSquare Station - ebike rental shop in Novello, your starting point.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
In questo tour si parte dal Parco XXV Aprile di Rimini pedalando lungo tutta la pista ciclabile del fiume Marecchia, completamente immersa nella natura regala paesaggi che ben pochi si potrebbero aspettare di vedere venendo in Romagna. Una volta arrivati a Villa Verucchio si inizia a salire per un totale di circa 3 km al 6% fino ad arrivare proprio sotto la bellissima Rocca Malatestiana. Verucchio è una bella località medioevale del riminese posta su un imponente sasso dove ebbe inizio la potenza dei Malatesta. Bandiera arancione Touring dal 2005, Verucchio ha saputo mantenere intatto il proprio fascino. La sua doppia natura di città culla dei Malatesta e, parecchi secoli prima, di centro della civiltà Villanoviana unita alla bellezza paesaggistica della Valle del Fiume Marecchia in cui è immersa, rende d'obbligo per chi transita in Romagna una visita all’antico borgo. Il ritorno verso Rimini non è da meno in quanto i colli Riminesi si snodano lungo paesaggi mozzafiato con vista sempre sul mare.
in San Marino, around San Marino
Cycling through the hills of the Barolo Langhe on an e-bike is an adventure that awakens all the senses, a journey through a landscape that is a true living masterpiece. Starting from Alba station, this route leads you into the heart of a unique territory, a UNESCO World Heritage site. As you gently advance, the famous Nebbiolo vineyards follow one another in a mosaic of greens and golds, offering breathtaking views at every turn. The fresh air, infused with the scents of ripe grapes and fertile soil, envelops you, awakening your senses and nourishing your spirit. Every village you encounter along the way tells stories of ancient wine traditions, passion and a territory lovingly shaped by humans over the centuries.
Roddi welcomes you with its imposing medieval castle that dominates the surrounding landscape. Explore the "village of poetry", with verses scattered on the walls of houses, and visit the Museum of the University of Truffle Dogs to discover the secrets of searching for the precious tuber.
Verduno, famous for its Pelaverga wine, invites you to taste this rare indigenous variety in local cellars. The viewpoint offers a spectacular view of the hills and the plain below, a panorama that remains etched in your memory.
La Morra
La Morra, known as the "balcony of the Langhe", treats you to one of the most breathtaking views in the region. From the viewpoint in Piazza Castello, you can admire a panorama that stretches from the Barolo hills to the Alps. Don't miss the church of San Martino, a Piedmontese Baroque gem.
Vergne, a hamlet divided between Barolo, Novello, La Morra and Narzole, offers an authentic and tranquil atmosphere. It's the ideal place for a refreshing break, immersed in the quiet of the surrounding vineyards.
Novello surprises you with its neo-Gothic castle and panoramic terraces overlooking the surrounding hills. Taste Nascetta, an indigenous white wine, in the local Wine Shop.
Barolo, the world capital of its namesake wine, awaits you with its majestic castle housing the WiMu, Wine Museum. Stroll through the historic centre and taste the "king of wines" in the numerous wine shops. The history of Barolo comes to life in every corner of this fascinating village.
Castiglione Falletto
Castiglione Falletto, with its imposing medieval castle, offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding vineyards. Its ancient walls tell centuries of wine history.
Grinzane Cavour
Grinzane Cavour welcomes you with its majestic castle, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visit the Piedmont Regional Wine Shop and enjoy the view of the surrounding vineyards from the tower. The castle is a symbol of the region's oenological history.
Diano d'Alba
Diano d'Alba, perched on a hill, offers a 360-degree view of the Langhe. The "Belvedere di Diano" is an unmissable viewpoint, from which you can admire a sea of vineyards stretching to the horizon.
Alba, the starting and ending point of your tour, deserves in-depth exploration. Admire the medieval towers, visit the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and stroll along Via Vittorio Emanuele, known as "Via Maestra". Don't miss the new Truffle Museum, an immersive experience in the world of the precious tuber. If you're in town on a Saturday, the lively weekly market in the streets of the centre is the perfect opportunity to savour the local atmosphere and purchase typical products.
The Experience
This 56 km circular itinerary, known as "Barolo Rosso", is an adventure that requires good physical preparation, given its length and elevation gain. The use of e-bikes makes the route more accessible, but it remains an exciting challenge. The tour, supported by the BikeSquare app and marked by special road signs, offers you the freedom to explore at your own pace, stopping when and where you wish. Pedalling through some of the most evocative landscapes of the Langhe, a UNESCO World Heritage site, you'll immerse yourself completely in the natural beauty and cultural richness of this unique region. It's a journey that combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of an extraordinary territory, where each pedal stroke is a tribute to the beauty of nature and human ingenuity that has shaped this unique landscape.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Experience the magic of the great times of Cordoba exploring the Medina Azahara citadel ruins.
Ride an electric bike around the city getting a sneak peek of the city of Córdoba with references by your guide, until you reach the bike track in the fields that takes to the Medina Azahara museum.
Following this path along a river channel, crossing the fields in the outskirts of the city, you will enjoy your journey with this easy, eco-friendly vehicle.
Get introduced into Medina Azahara history at the free museum and ride again to the real ruins, where everything happened.
Price: 30 euros p/p (bike tour and Medina Azahara Museum included)
Meeting Point: Elektrik Shop - Calle Maria Cristina 5 (close to the Roman Temple)
in Cordoba
On this loop trail in the Taleggio valley, we venture to discover a valley that is described as a 'little Switzerland of Bergamo'. Perhaps because this corner of the Bergamasque mountains is particularly green, gentle and welcoming. The route ascends the valley from San Giovanni Bianco along the road carved into the steep walls of the narrow gorge overlooking the Enna stream. The Taleggio valley offers tourists the chance to enjoy an ancient atmosphere of little-used roads and small hamlets rich in history. There is no shortage of opportunities to take a break and enjoy the famous cheese that takes its name from this valley, taleggio.
in San Giovanni Bianco, in San Pellegrino Terme, in Val Taleggio, in Camerata Cornello, in Dossena, in Valpiana, in Vedeseta, in Zogno
Santuario mariano posto su sacro colle di Anglona a 263 metri sul livello del mane dominante le vallate del Sinni e dell'Agri.
La struttura attuale del santuario, datata tra l'XI secolo ed il XII secolo costruita in tufo e travertino, presenta elementi architettonici di notevole importanza quali, l'abside, il campanile e il portale in stile. L'esterno absidale è sicuramente la parte più cromatica e più raffinata dell'intero edificio, si ammirano ornamenti ad intagli, archetti pensili, lesene e un finestrone centrale adornato. Sulle pareti esterne numerose formelle con figure di animali a rilievo, di provenienza ignota, creano un effetto davvero suggestivo. Il tetto a più falde e l'armonia dei volumi, conferiscono al santuario un aspetto piacevole ed imponente. Splendidi e suggestivi affreschi sulle pareti della navata centrale.
Il portale in stile romanico è formato da un'arcata a tutto sesto arricchita da intagli e rilievi. Anche sul fronte del portale si trovano formelle di tufo calcareo con bassorilievi che raffigurano i simboli dei quattro evangelisti, Marco il leone, Luca il bue, Giovanni l'aquila, Matteo l'angelo. A sinistra della facciata spicca il campanile anch'esso in stile romanico, di forma quadrangolare, poco slanciato e in cima adornato da quattro bifore.Chiesa a croce latina disposta su tre navate è ricca di pregevoli affreschi che i recenti restauri hanno riportato alla luce.Nel XIII secolo è stato ampliato l'abside, ad opera di Melchiorre da Montalbano che fu chierico di Anglona. Risalgono al XV secolo invece il rifacimento dell'ala sinistra e la ricostruzione dell'episcopio.
La struttura è attorniata da ulivi secolari e ben curati dove il silenzio Vi immergerà in atmosfere di altri tempi.
L'8 settembre è il culmine della millenaria festa in onore di Maria SS. Regina di Anglona, patrona della diocesi di Tursi-Lagonegro.
Durante l'avvicinamento al Santuario, prima del ponte in mattoni rossi e a pochi metri dalla strada, ci si può immergere in scenari calanchivi e suggestivi a completare questo piccolo tour spirituale e scenografico.
a Montalbano Jonico, a Matera, in Basilicata