Tipi Percorsi
Vuoi trascorrere due giorni indimenticabili tra le colline del Monferrato in sella ad una ebike? Ecco la proposta completa di BikeSquare per realizzare la tua piccola vacanza di relax con una attivitĂ outdoor facile e gratificante.
Programma generale
Giorno 1 - Arrivo ad Acqui Terme con mezzi propri e sistemazione in B&B. Visita libera della cittĂ e cena. (*)
Giorno 2 - noleggio delle bici elettriche BikeSquare e partenza per il giro I vigneti del Monferrato in ebike (34 km)
Giorno 3 - noleggio delle bici elettriche BikeSquare e partenza per il giro Da Acqui verso Castelletto d'Erro e Montechiaro d'Acqui (40 km)
Giorno 4 - Check-out e partenza.
Durata: 4 giorni / 3 notti
Luogo: Monferrato, Piemonte
Tipologia: tour autoguidato
DifficoltĂ : media
Mezzo: ebike
Guida: BikeSquare app (disponibile per iOS, Android)
(*) è possibile alloggiare anche in agriturimo fuori il centro abitato di Acqui Terme che propone la sistemazione in mezza pensione.
Costi: il prezzo indicato in questa pagina si intende per il solo noleggio della ebike.
Organizzazione tecnica: Punto Viaggio
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
It is part of the rental point Bike Square of Arquata Scrivia and crosses the centre inhabited in the direction of the archaeological site of the 'ancient city of Libarna, one of the main in Piedmont for wealth of exhibits such as l 'amphitheatre, theatre, living quarters with some urban streets and the three-dimensional reconstruction of the terms, urban doors and the public forum. Finished the visit returns to Arquata and you reach out to Don Minzoni and follow the communal road to Partolungo, a fraction of Gavi. And ' a beautiful road that through a wooded and quiet area, location Pratolungo, arrives at the Provincial Road 161. It goes through, it goes up in the Lungarola direction and takes place by taking the curve to the left. It is continued curving to the left and delaying on S.P. 161 to reach the evocative Historical Center of Gavi, d 'tourist interest for the numerous historical testimonies between which the Romanesque Church of S. Giacomo, the Palazzo Municipalee l 'ancient port of the city date back to the XVI sec. There is no shortage of Gavi the many typical local products among which are leading the l 'wine-free Gavi doc among the most renowned Italian whites and the almond amarets from the exclusive recipe. A strapiombo on the ancient borgo of Gavi stands out l 'omonima Fortress cinquecentesca, on a natural rock, today a visitor to the museum structure. Finished the visit to Gavi returns to Arquata by imbuing Via Piona and through a path even partly stumped, again reaching the location of Pratolungo and reprisals on the round-trip path. In Arquata it cannot miss a visit to the old 'Ancient Storm Centre, including the Via Interiore, where numerous alleys are arriched with stone portals dating from the thirteenth century and fifth-century arcs and arcs with sixth-acute arches. Among the buildings you note the Gotica house marked by an ' original wooden structure with murary tamponade. After a gymnastic standoff in one of the many local citizens, it is part of the rental point of Bike Square.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
The Educational farm is waiting for you!
Jump on a e-bike and reach Mama Morena in the earth of ruralty
at Lake Garda, in Manerba del Garda, in Salò, in Moniga del Garda, in San Felice del Benaco, in Desenzano del Garda, in Padenghe, in Peschiera del Garda, in Valeggio sul Mincio, on the Cycleway of Mincio,
Un piacevole percorso per scoprire il Monferrato.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
This is a loop path that starts from the Marenco Aldo winery.
From here (if you have booked it), you can pick up your picnic basket to experience a unique experience immersed in the beauty of the Langhe.
The route
Starting from Dogliani, famous for its fine wines, you cross gentle hills dotted with vineyards and woods.
The path descends almost to Farigliano, passing through vineyards and hazelnut groves. From here, you climb back up to reach the top...a fantastic panorama opens up over Dogliani and the entire Langa. You pass by the monumental cemetery of the village and descend into the center of Dogliani.
We climb back up the hills and almost reach the gates of Monforte D'Alba.
During the journey, you will have the opportunity to visit small medieval villages, savor local cuisine in traditional restaurants and farmhouses, and discover ancient churches and castles that tell the story of this fascinating region.
A almost obligatory stop to admire the beauty of the Ancient Village Dogliani Castle with its old houses in a neighborhood that takes you back in time, a medieval corner of rare beauty.
Arriving in Belvedere Langhe, you can enjoy a spectacular view of the valley below and admire the suggestive panoramas offered by the hills.
You descend again to return to Dogliani, cross the historic center and pedal for a few more kilometers, and you will be back at the winery, a bit tired but satisfied with the beautiful walk.
The route is completely paved on secondary roads with little traffic, mostly in the hamlets around Dogliani.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
A perfect cycling excursion for all, which will take you on a circular journey between pristine nature and fascinating historical boroughs. In a moment, you'll be immersed in picturesque landscapes and picturesque villages. The pathway snuggles between demanding and breathtaking salitis, offering numerous variants. Along the route, you may encounter wild animals such as foxes and deer, and walk a stretch of the famous "Strada of Assietta" before heading down to Susa, a city from the millennial past, crossroads of transalpine routes between Italy and France. Crossing the narrow streets of the historical center of Susa, you can admire the majestic Arc of Augustus, dating back to 9-8 BC, with behind the ruins of the Roman aqueduct of the 4th century. This pedal will allow you to discover numerous medieval constructions as well, perdense yourself in the charm of the streets of the historic, lively and animated centre by tourists from all over the world. Susa is also famous for the city market that is held every Tuesday, recalling visitors from all over the valley. Here you can find products typical of the piemontese enogastronomical tradition, such as the cheeses of the high mountain alpeses, as well as plants, flowers and clothing. Returning to Bussoleno, before reconnecting your e-bike, make a stop in the historic center to admire "Casa Aschieri," a magnificent example of perfectly preserved medieval architecture. An unforgettable experience between history, culture and breathtaking landscapes, ideal for those looking for an adventure to the open air rich in emotion.
in Val Susa, in Valsusa, in Avigliana, in Caprie, in Villadora, in Condove, to Sacra of San Michele, to Rocca Sella
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Si parte dal punto di noleggio BikeSquare di Casaleggio Boiro e si raggiunge il Borgo di Lerma. Si prosegue in direzione di Tagliolo Monferrato e prima del ponte sul Piota si svolta a sinistra, in direzione Località Cirimilla. Superata Cascina Cirimilla si prosegue sulla sterrata detta “della Cirimilla” di altissivo valore ambientale e paesaggistico in quanto attraversa interamente il Parco, fino ad arrivare alle Capanne di Marcarolo. Raggiunto il Centro del Parco si può fare una sosta golosa e poi riprendere la strada di ritorno. Il primo tratto è lo stesso dell'andata ma al bivio (siamo nel tratto boscoso) anzichè proseguire a sinistra si mantiene la destra per raggiungere i laghi della Lavagnina, costeggiare il grande lago e poi ritornare sulla sterrata fino a riprendere la strada asfaltata per raggiugere il borgo di Casaleggio Boiro, dove è possibile vedere il Castello utilizzato in mumerore scenografie cinematografiche.
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Discover Spello and its surroundings on an exciting self-guided ebike tour through the fascinating landscapes of Umbria. Starting from the ancient medieval town of Spello, immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and history along a route that will take you through evocative places and picturesque villages.
We start in Spello, which although small in terms of physical size, attracts visitors from all corners of the world thanks to its wealth of monuments, churches and suggestive stone alleys that climb the surrounding hills. Its town centre is characterised by a vibrant and cosmopolitan atmosphere, with craft shops and restaurants offering local and traditional Umbrian cuisine, which blends perfectly with the elegance of the medieval architecture. Its unique beauty and charming atmosphere make it an ideal destination for a pleasant and relaxing holiday amidst the greenery and culture of the beautiful region of Umbria.
From Spello, head in the direction of Assisi via the magnificent Via degli Ulivi, past enchanting views and small jewels of local history and culture such as the Maestà del Mascione (or Mascicone). This scenic mid-coast route, known for the numerous olive groves that line it, offers an evocative journey immersed in nature.
Arriving at San Vitale, we then follow the road in the direction of first Rivotorto and, along pretty little roads with little traffic, then Cannara, a place well known in Umbria for its delicious and typical onion, the subject of one of the most famous festivals in the region.
Then, following an evocative stretch of the Assisi-Spoleto cycle route, we first arrive in the splendid Bevagna, the city of the Gaite, or rather the ancient subdivision of the medieval city that still fills the eyes with beauty, and then near the legendary Lake Aiso, where a relaxing stop is a must to learn about the ancient story and legend of Chiarò, which, according to popular legend, lies at the bottom of the lake, in the shade of luxuriant trees in the green park that surrounds it.
The route then continues in the direction of Spello, filling the eyes with the typical Umbrian valley landscape of towers, cultivated fields and pretty inhabited hamlets.
Discover Umbria by ebike with this unforgettable self-guided tour and be enchanted by the timeless beauty of this fascinating Italian region.
a Spello, ad Assisi, a Foligno, a Perugia, a Spoleto
Dislivello: D+ 1600
Difficolta: Alta
Questo percorso lungo ed estremo parte dal piccolo come di La Magdeleine. Scendendo lungo la strada che porta al lago di Lod (Antey St. Andre) si raggiunge la strada statale appena fuori dal paese. Giunti alla statale purtroppo non ci sono molte alternative e occore raggiungere l'abitato di Antey St. André su asfalto (procedere con cautela auto). Cio nonostante la riserva naturale del lago di Lod e la graziosa frazione di Challien non vi deluderanno. Dopo circa 5 km si raggiunge Antey St. André e svoltando a sinistra si attraversal la frazione di Petit Antey per giungere in una splendida strada sterrata attrezzata che vi porta proprio in centro. Da li si attraversa la statale che sale a Cervinia per imboccare un sentiero lungo il fiume Marmore e vi porta alla frazione di Cerian. Piccola e praticamente inviolata, la frazione di Cerian, una volta attraversata, permette di raggiungere la centralina dell'Acqua di Antey St. Andre con una ripida e divertente discesa su sterrato. Si sale nuovamente per arrivare a Chessin e dopo aver riattraversato la statale si imbocca uno splendido sterrato che porta in collina a Chatillon. Da qui un percorso conosciuto e assai frequentato, il Rue de La Plaine, permette di raggiungere la zona delle Terme di St. Vincent. La parte di divertente e meno faticosa finisce qui. Dalla zona Termale si sale ora alla frazione di Moron (St. Vincent) e dopo circa un paio di km sulla sinistra si sale ancora per raggiungere Perrieres fantastica frazione immersa nel verde piu incontaminato. Una volta attraversata la frazione di Perrieres una poderale pianeggiante vi porta nuovamente a Chatillon per farvi iniziare l'ultima faticosa ma emozionante salita. Si attraversa un fitto bosco seguendo una strada asfaltata che porta a Nissod, piccola frazione che domina la collina di Chatillon, un paesaggio emozionante vi accoglierà. Oltrepassato Nissod si continua a salire ma la strada diventa sterrata e dopo circa 4 km si raggiungono gli alpeggi a dir poco meravigliosi ai piedi del Monte Zerbion. Non è ancora finita la salita....oltrepassati gli alpeggi si raggiunge la Valserena, un enorme radura immersa nel gran bosco della collina di Chatillon, ok la somma è quasi raggiunta, un simpatico pianoro seguito da una splendida discesa vi porterà ora al magico Promiod. Ok ci siamo la metà è vicina si sale nel bosco si incontra un bellissimo alpeggio incastonato nel bosco e voila, all'orizzonte La Magdeleine....
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
Enjoy strolling in bicycle through the historical centre of Malaga, concealing ancient buildings, theatres and parks very unique, until you reach the Sea (promenade) with its quiet beaches.Then we will reach the Gibralfaro View Point to enjoy the wonderful panorama of Malaga. We will go on to Pedregalejo, the fishing borough, where we will enjoy tapas at the famous and historic Baños del Carmen.
Duration: 3 hours/3 hours and half.
We left Muelle Uno towards the historic centre of Malaga, through the most interesting points of the city to the sea in the area of La Malagueta.
Then, we continue to Palm Grove of the Surprises, until we reach the historical centre of Malaga. We will visit Larios Street, the Cathedral of Malaga, the central Constitution Square, the Alcazaba Roman Theatre ,La Merced Square with Picasso Birth Home.
Following, we will climb with our e-bikes up the Gibralfaro Castle View Point, where we will enjoy an amazing view of Malaga: Bull Square, the Maritim Boulevarde, Malaga Commercial Port.
From there we will go down to the coastal road, cycling towards Pedregalejo, the Malaga historical fishing borough, where we will relax, enjoying a few tapas and the impressive coastal view. Then, we will come back to the port and the Muelle Uno Shopping Centre.
The Route: Muelle Uno – Palm Grove of the Surprises – Cathedral - Bishop Square · Church of San AgustĂn · Picasso Museum · Church of Santiago · Roman Theatre · Parador of the Citadel · Paseo del Parque · Town Hall · Pedregalejo (Baños del Carmen) - Muelle Uno
Tour Electric Bicycle + Tapa: €30 Tour in e-Bike Bosch: €30 | Tour in e-Bike Bosch + Tapas: €40
Meeting Point: Shopping Centre Muelle 1
a Malaga, a Málaga, nella Cosa del Sol
Irpinia is an area full of contradictions, but if you love quality wine and pedalling in total tranquillity on an ebike, perhaps a rented one, on traffic-free roads to discover small extraordinary villages with an agricultural vocation, you cannot help but love it.
We are in the province of Avellino, and it will take just a few pedal cycles to grasp the first contradiction. The metropolitan hustle and bustle of nearby Naples (the airport and station are less than 50 km from Avellino, very convenient and quick to reach) and Salerno is just around the corner, yet you are immediately struck by the peace and serenity that pervades these places.
The second great contradiction, on the other hand, you will begin to smell it - but it would be more correct to say 'taste it' - on arriving in Lapio, starting with tasting the Fiano di Avellino, one of the incredible wines produced in this territory which, more unique than rare, can boast no less than 3 Denominazioni di Origine Controllata Garantita (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin).
Although the low mileage and the not-impossible altimetry could allow this Grand Tour to be completed in a single day (there are continuous ups and downs and a few challenging climbs), we recommend that you consider splitting the trip into two stages, so that you can enjoy the winery visits, a stop at an agritourism and a few chats with the inhabitants of the villages you pass through without the anxiety of time running out.
At the end of the tour - the third contradiction - it will be natural for you, as it is for those who live and for anyone who passes through these parts, to ask yourself: how is it that such an exceptional territory is still so little known in terms of tourism?
This route is a loop tour that starts and finishes at the e-bike rental point in Chiusano San Domenico.
However, if you prefer to start from the e-bike hire point located at the Avellino Cycle Station (Contrada San Lorenzo 18, Atripalda), add the AB/BA route (16.5 km) to this track to reach Chiusano San Domenico in comfort
The Grand Tour dei Vini Irpini is an itinerary that does not present any particular difficulties and can therefore be tackled with all types of e-bike available for hire: city, trekking and full suspension e-MTB.
This route lends itself well to being lengthened or shortened as required. So, feel free to contact us to let us know your time and/or fitness requirements: we will be happy to customise this track to perfectly suit your needs.
And now... let's go!
After refilling your water bottles with spring water from the Fontana Vecchia (a few hundred metres from the Chiusano San Domenico ebike rental point), ride back for a very short distance and, at the roundabout, follow the road to the right in the direction of Lapio. From now on, as far as Lapio, the road will always be downhill, but you will not get bored. Magnificent panoramas will keep you company and there will be no lack of views to photograph. On your right you will have the majesty of Monte Tuoro to keep you company, with the villages of Luogosano, Gesualdo and Fontanarosa in the distance. To your left, on the other hand, you can admire the Partenio Park, with Montevergine and other inhabited places. You will soon find yourself immersed in olive groves and long stretches of vineyards.
When you arrive in Lapio, take a tour of the village. In this area, thanks to the peculiarities of the soil and the specific environmental conditions, some of the best Fiano di Avellino wines of the entire province are produced. If you feel like tasting some of them, you will be spoilt for choice. Along your way you will encounter many wineries of this prized Fiano DOCG wine.
Follow the GPS track and continue your descent. The houses give way to vegetation and the road becomes winding in places, so be careful. After a couple of good kilometres, immediately after a bend, an imposing iron bridge towers above the road. Stop your ebike: you have arrived at Ponte Principe di Lapio. This bridge, built to allow trains to cross the River Calore, is a jewel of modern architecture. Learn more about its history in the fact sheet and don't forget to take a few photos before setting off again.
Once the wheels of your rented ebike have crossed the bridge under which the Calore River flows (not a bad view here, is it?), a wild ascent of about 2 km will begin. Some magnificent vineyards serve as a prelude to the entrance to the village of Taurasi, famous for the DOCG wine of the same name. An elegant wine that takes time to produce (minimum 2 years of barrel ageing, according to the production discipline) and time to appreciate and enjoy. Even in Taurasi, there is no shortage of wine cellars to visit and opportunities for tasting.
After having explored the production sites of Fiano di Avellino (Lapio) and Taurasi, all that remains is to reach Tufo, the production village of Greco di Tufo on your ebike.
From Taurasi to Calore (hamlet of Mirabella Eclano) the effort for you and your e-bike will be decidedly limited. The road continues almost always downhill and the pedal strokes required by your ebike will be few and far between. When you arrive in Calore, take a few minutes to walk around the small lake and to look at the bridge on which the road you have just travelled rests.
From here to the junction for Ventinticano, pay attention! You will be cycling for about 1.5 km on the Via Appia, an often busy road, also used by heavy vehicles. Although the road is uphill, in a few minutes, after turning right at the fork for Venticano, you will be back on a low-traffic road.
After passing the village of Venticano, you will be faced with the most challenging climb. 6 km of real climbing awaits you, with some stretches that exceed 10% gradient, so be sure to arrive here with your ebike's battery still charged. This road, after passing through the village of Pietradefusi, will lead you into the historic centre of Montefusco.
The town, located at the top of a hill, was an important political centre until 1816, when the role of provincial capital was taken from it by the city of Avellino. As well as enjoying breathtaking views, excellent Fiano di Avellino and splendid Greco di Tufo wines are produced here, thanks to its proximity to Tufo. The historic prison (for information on opening hours, ask at the Proloco) and the Monastery of Sant'Egidio (on the slopes of the town), where Padre Pio stayed during his novitiate, are of great importance.
Leaving the old town centre, you will come across a beautiful fountain where you can take a break after the strenuous climb and where you can refill your water bottles, before taking to the road again and leading your e-bike downhill towards Tufo.
When you arrive in Tufo you will have covered 40 km by now since you picked up your rented ebike in Chiusano San Domenico. When you stop at the beautiful fountain in the centre of the village square, you cannot help but agree with us: we are not exaggerating at all if we say that for at least 80% of the way here you have cycled through vineyards!
This is where the famous Greco di Tufo is produced, a DOCG white wine that has an ancient history and had the distinction of being the first wine that was able to bring Irpinian oenology into the national and international limelight. Many small and large farms produce wines of the highest quality. Ask for advice in the village or set out on your own to discover the cellars where you can taste some: you will be pleasantly surprised.
After Tufo, the loop begins to bend towards Chiusano San Domenico, where the Grand Tour of Irpinia wines by ebike will end. Not before, however, having passed through Pratola Serra and tackled the last long climb of the day. Conserve some battery power because you still have 10 km left almost entirely uphill! Just outside the town of Pratola Serra, TAKE GREAT CARE: THERE IS A VERY DANGEROUS CROSS-ROAD TO BE CROSSED!
You will pass through the small villages of San Michele di Pratola and San Fele, before arriving at the entrance to Montefalcione and, without crossing the village, finally joining the provincial road that will lead you to Chiusano. Since, in order to avoid busy roads, the itinerary includes passing on minor roads, keep an eye on your GPS track and navigator so as not to miss turning at the right crossroads.
We are waiting for you at the ebike rental point in Chiusano San Domenico, ready to welcome you back and to collect your impressions and suggestions on the experience you will have had riding your pedal-assisted bike.
Remember that we are at your complete disposal before, during and after your excursions on the rented ebikes. Thanks to the GPS trackers on all our pedal-assist bikes, we can reach you quickly and accurately in the event of difficulties.
For information on routes and rental, and for assistance during ebike rental, you can call us by phone (Mon 16:30-20:00 / Tue-Sat 9:30-13:30, 16:30-20:00) or text us on Whatsapp 24 hours a day. The contact number is always the same, whether you want to talk by voice or exchange messages on Whatsapp. Just add the number 0825.31.139 to your address book to chat with us.
If you just want to think about having fun, relax and let one of our guides accompany you. We will be happy to reveal hidden corners, breathtaking views and share the road with you.
Alive an 'Experience between past, present and future. Latronic ceramics, groves and riddles along a path in e-bike.Â
Un percorso che dal borgo di Buronzo, che con il suo castello consortile domina la Baraggia e le sue risaie, porta in un paesaggio unico, dominato dall'acqua e dalla natura.
Armonie in Corte
Punto di partenza è Armonie in Corte, con il suo giardino emozionale e le sue sale storiche dove consumare una colazione/merenda a base di prodotti del territorio (il riso e i suoi derivati non possono mancare). Il verde della Corte è realizzato seguendo i principi di biodiversità con piantumazioni di arbusti forestali robusti, dalla selezione e raccolta di semi provenienti dai boschi certificati dalla Regione Piemonte. Sfondo sono le pietre del Castello, i ciottoli di fiume, i blocchi di pietra. In questo si inserisce l'arte contemporanea, con il Terzo Paradiso di Michelangelo Pistoletto.
Lungo le vie d'acqua
Lungo la strada Buronzina, si incontra il Nuovo Canale della Baraggia e lo si costeggia, tra risaie e cascine, fino all'incastrone della Mapetta, un'opera di ingegneria idraulica sul cavo San Marco che ben racconta la gestione delle acque operata dal Consorzio di Bonifica della Baraggia Vercellese e Biellese e la sua importanza. Si prosegue lungo il cavo San Marco, fiancheggiando le tese d'acqua utili al ripopolamento avicolo della zona, arrivando al nodo idraulico Valversi (dal nome dell'omonima cascina) dove finisce la Roggia Marchionale. Tutto intorno, sono boschi cedui.
Le opere di ingegneria idraulica sono, insieme alla natura e all'agricoltura, i punti di interesse per eccellenza. Si incontra, per esempio, il sifone della Bartesa, un punto in cui su diversi livelli si incrociano "virtualmente" le acque della Roggia Marchionale e di una fontana naturale che prende il via nel vicino comune di Roasio. Tra boschi e risaie si incontrano laghetti per la pesca, aziende faunistiche venatorie private, ma anche spontanee nidificazioni di cicogne e aree di ripopolamento di uccelli e fauna tipica.
Si attraversa anche una ferrovia, la Santhià-Arona ormai in disuso, per tornare sulla Strada Buronzina e far rientro nel borgo di partenza.
in Baraggia, in Buronzo, in Biella, in Vercelli, in Gattinara, In San Giacomo Vercellese, in Rosavenda, in Sesia natural parc
Cosa può esserci di più green di una vacanza in e-bike che parte dal centro di Genova (Piazza
Manin) con il trenino storico Genova - Casella ed arriva in Val Borbera, in una delle zone più verdi e
panoramiche dell 'Appennino Genovese? Da Casella, al termine dell'emozionante risalita di circa
un'ora con lo storico trenino, potrai continuare su una potente e-bike che senza fatica ti farà scoprire
con una facile pedalata assistita un territorio ricco di storia in un contesto naturale e di quiete dove
ad ogni angolo potrai scoprire scorci e panorami inaspettati.
Potrai noleggiare l'e-bike e percorrere uno degli anelli consigliati dall' app di BikeSquare in cui
trovare punti d'interesse e di ristoro dove degustare i formaggi e i vini locali come il Timorasso e il
Montebore. Oppure potrai pernottare in una delle strutture ricettive della Valle Borbera ed
assaporare i deliziosi piatti tipici godendoti la frescura ed il silenzio di un territorio ricco
di spunti naturalistici tutti da scoprire, come i panorami mozzafiato di Vendersi, il Castello di Borgo
Adorno, le strette di Pertuso, uno dei dei canyon più lunghi d'Italia, le cascate di Gordena e
l'imponente Castello della Pietra in Valle Vobbia.
Se si vuole viaggiare senza bagaglio si può richiedere il servizio locale di sherperaggio di BikeSquare.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Scopri questo magnifico itinerario che si sviluppa lungo la Via del Prosciutto Saint-Marcel che conduce fino alle miniere di Servette e alle acque verdi, sorgente da cui scorga un'acqua cristallina che colora di blù intenso il fondale del ruscello.
Lasciati tentare e degusta il Crudo Saint-Marcel in una merenderia che puoi trovare lungo il percorso.
in Valle d'Aosta, in Chatillon, in Fenis, in Ayas, In Cervino valley, to Champlong lakes, in Chamois, to Lod lake, to Zerbon mount
Questo percorso permette di raggiungere la Borgata-museo di Balma Boves da Paesana, attraverso il nuovo percorso ciclabile misto asfalto/sterrato che si sviluppa in buona parte lungo la nuova pista ciclabile che collega Paesana a Sanfront.
Una Volta raggiunta La Frazione Rocchetta di Sanfront si sale fino alle Case Forano (Bric Bardun) dove è possibile ricoverare le biciclette e proseguire a piedi (5 minuti) fino alla borgata-museo di Balma Boves.
Il rientro fino a Rocchetta si svolge lungo lo stesso percorso di salita. Una volta rientrati alla Frazione Rocchetta si sale fino alla piazza della Chiesa e poi si prosegue in direzione di Paesana, salendo sul Mombracetto tra coltivazioni di mirtilli e castagni secolari. Il sentiero prosegue in direzione di Paesana su single track e, oltrepassato un ponte con passerelle in legno (in attesa di restauro) si raggiunge la strada che rientra a Paesana, seguendo le indicazioni di colore blu “Bike Monviso”.
in paesana, at pian del re, at pian della regina, in ostana, in sanfront, in revello, in saluzzo, in staffarda, in bagnolo, in barge, in crissolo, at pian mune, in valle bronda, in brondello, in castellar, in rifreddo
Alive an 'Experience between past, present and future. The historical monuments of Episcopy, its beauties and panoramic points. Â
Beautiful tour suitable for lovers of "climbs", it allows you to explore the rural areas of Villacidro, with the first stop at the church of San Sisinnio with its centuries-old olive trees. You proceed uphill towards one of the panoramic points that allows you to enjoy a complete view of the town and the beautiful lake on the Rio Leni.
Arrived at the panoramic point overlooking the lake, proceed uphill to the extreme point of the panoramic road of "Gariazzu", arrived at the gate that delimits the municipal road from the forest road, the route is reversed and you can enjoy the whole panorama of the valley downhill , arrived at the panoramic point, proceed towards the reservoir and follow the asphalted road that runs along the lake to the extreme point and proceed for about 2 kilometers towards the woods of Monti Mannu, you will arrive at the first source and take the opportunity to recharge the water supplies and enjoy a fresh break.
We reverse the route and head back towards the lake and follow the road that runs along it until we reach the embankment "wall" which offers us a beautiful view of the whole lake.
We proceed downhill for a few kilometers and turning left we head towards the town, a constant climb makes us rise in altitude and allows us to start our urban ride from the highest part of Villacidro.
The town hall with its panoramic terrace, Piazza Zampillo and the church of Santa Barbara, patron saint of the town, up to the Liberty-style washhouse.
After crossing the historic center, proceed uphill towards a new panoramic point, cross the entire cycle-pedestrian area overlooking the town and head towards the famous Sa Spendula Waterfall, here after a refreshment break you resume your pedaling and head towards the starting point.
in Sardegna, nella Sardegna meridionale, a Villacidro, nel Medio Campidano, nel Sud Sardegna
Immersing yourself in the Langhe hills on an e-bike is an adventure accessible to all, combining the pleasure of pedal-assisted cycling with the discovery of breathtaking landscapes and villages rich in history. This route, departing from Alba railway station, is designed for those wishing to explore the region sustainably, without a car. Train travellers can take advantage of a special discount on e-bike rentals, making the experience even more appealing. As you pedal gently, the famous vineyards stretch as far as the eye can see, offering a panorama that changes with every turn. The fresh air, fragrant with grapes and earth, awakens the senses and nourishes the soul, promising an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Langhe.
Roddi welcomes you with its charming medieval castle that dominates the landscape. Explore the "village of poetry", with verses scattered on the walls of houses, and visit the Museum of the University of Truffle Dogs to discover the secrets of this precious tuber.
Verduno, famous for its Pelaverga wine, invites you to taste this indigenous variety in local cellars. The viewpoint offers a spectacular view of the hills and the plain below.
La Morra
La Morra, the "balcony of the Langhe", offers one of the most breathtaking views in the region. Admire the panorama from Piazza Castello and don't miss the church of San Martino, a Piedmontese Baroque gem.
Novello surprises you with its neo-Gothic castle and panoramic terraces. Taste Nascetta, an indigenous white wine, in the local Wine Shop.
Barolo, the world capital of its namesake wine, awaits you with its majestic castle housing the WiMu, Wine Museum. Stroll through the historic centre and taste the "king of wines" in the numerous wine shops.
Alba, the starting and ending point, deserves in-depth exploration. Admire the medieval towers, visit the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and stroll along Via Maestra. Don't miss the new Truffle Museum and, if you're in town on a Saturday, the lively weekly market.
The Experience
This 41 km circular itinerary, starting and ending in Alba, is a sustainable tourism experience accessible to all. E-bikes make even the most challenging stretches accessible, allowing you to fully enjoy the UNESCO landscapes of the Langhe. The self-guided route, supported by the BikeSquare app, offers the freedom to explore independently, stopping when and where you wish. By choosing this tour, you contribute to preserving the environment, reducing the impact of car tourism. Each pedal stroke thus becomes not only a way to connect with local history, nature and traditions, but also a concrete gesture towards more responsible and sustainable tourism. Let yourself be won over by this eco-friendly adventure, where the pleasure of discovery blends with the awareness of respecting the territory you are exploring.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra