Tipi Percorsi
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Pedalata in e-bike dalle sorgenti termali di acqua sulfurea al rifugio di Malboschetto in connessione spirituale con la natura.
Latronico fu feudo dei Sanseverino, dei Corcione e dei Gesuiti. Poi passò alla Corona e al demanio.
La popolazione dal ‘700 è profondamente devota a S. Egidio, figura presente nell’arte, nella storia e nel costume del paese.
Tra i luoghi di principale interesse: la Cappella di San Cataldo del XIII sec., la Chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie, la Chiesa di S. Egidio e quella di S. Nicola, Palazzo Arcieri e Palazzo Gioia. Tra le risorse naturalistiche le sorgenti di acque minerali La Calda e l’enorme sagoma di un pesce fossile di 30 milioni di anni fa in località Solarino di Iannazzo.
This ring path is the shortest alternative (50 km) to the E-05 itinerary to immerse yourself in the land of Primitivo and Negroamaro wines, between vineyards and Mediterranean stain. It comes to the sea at Punta Prosciutto to discover then the Salina dei Monaci, inhabited by pink fenicoppers, and the mouth of the Chidro River before it dates back between the vineyards towards Manduria.
Questo percorso, che attraversa si l'Appennino Ligure che quello Piemontese, ripercorre in gran parte le strade dell'Appennino Bike Tour ( promosso dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia, Confcommercio Ascom Bologna e Vivi Appennino e per la prima volta viene percorso istituzionalmente nel 2017 dai rappresentanti di Istituzioni del territorio portando il drappo tricolore da Municipio a Municipio.),il Giro ,che nasce con il progetto di creare un Ciclo-Via d’Italia attraverso le strade secondarie dell’Appennino.
La partenza avviene nel punto di noleggio Bike Square di Cabella Ligure,di qui percorrendo la statale 140 si attraversa iL comune di Albera Ligure e da qui si gira a sinistra e si attraversa il centro abitato di Rocchetta ligure,da qui il percorso si fa piu' impegnativo ,ma decisamente piu' panoramico e si attraversa il comune di Roccaforte Ligure e Isola del Cantone ,qui l'impegno e' discontinuo ma elevato,ma il panorama e la natura incontaminata fa presto dimenticare la fatica.Attraversato l'abitato di Isola del Cantone ,si prosegue verso Ronco Scrivia (uno dei 40 comuni tappa del tour (Ronco Scrivia -Brallo di Pergola),da qui si entra nel Comune di Vobbia facente parte del Parco Regionale Regionale Naturale dell'Antola .Attraversato l'abitato del piccolo comune di Vobbia, si imbocca la strada sp.81 si trova circa a meta' strada tra l'abitato di Vobbia e la localita' Mulino di Salata di Mongiardino Ligure,che segna il confine tra Liguria e Piemonte sulla strada che conduce in Val Borbera. Attraversato un ponte e superato sulla sinistra il bivio per Arezzo, si costeggia sulla destra, il torrente Valenzona,sfiorando piccoli borghi rurali.Il territorio e' scarsamente popolato,la strada attraversa una serie di macchie boschive ,in prevalenza di latifoglie, interrotte da zone prative.Il fondo e' in buono stato fino a Valenzona .
Benche' la metasia ancora lontana ,appare gia' la Cappella di San Fermo ,altissima sul monte, qui oltre ad entrare nel territorio Piemontese e nel nascente Parco dell'alta Val Borbera, qui si attraversano sia i comuni di Mongiardino Ligure , Carrega Ligure .Il Valico di San Fermo si trova sotto la Cappella di San Fermo(1177 m )che e' raggiungibile grazie ad un ripido sentiero.Da qui si gode di una spettacolare vista sull'Appennino e sulle Alpi Occidentali.Il valico e' posto sul crinale dell'Antola, lungo un 'antica via del sale .Da qui si torna al punto di noleggio di Cabella Ligure.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Il percorso prevede la visita di luoghi della memoria mineraria nissena, la visita di un geosito, l’attraversamento della Riserva Naturale Orientata di Monte Capodarso e della Valle dell’Imera Meridionale, la visita di una antica borgata rurale.
Tappa 1 – dopo la partenza dalla ciclofficina di Caltanissetta si percorre la via che facevano a piedi i Carusi per recarsi nelle antiche solfare
Tappa 2 – stop nell’ex villaggio minerario di Santa Barbara per descrizione dei luoghi e della storia, visita del geosito delle Maccalube di Terrapelata
Tappa 3 – discesa verso il Ponte ad arco di Capodarso (XVI sec.) ed attraversamento di una delle più belle Riserve Naturali dell’entroterra siciliano
Tappa 4- arrivo a Borgo Cascino (EN) e degustazione di prodotti tipici locali
Tappa 5 - Ritorno a Caltanissetta con sosta a Monte Sabucina e scoperta dell’antico sito archeologico, con insediamenti che si collocano cronologicamente dall’età del bronzo antico (fine III – inizi del II millennio a. C.) all’età ellenistica (inizi del III sec. a.C.).
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
Cycling through the Langhe hills on an e-bike is like immersing yourself in a living painting. The landscape unfolds before your eyes in a succession of orderly vineyards, ancient villages and breathtaking views. The fresh, fragrant air caresses your face whilst the pedal-assisted bicycle allows you to tackle every climb with ease. Each bend reveals a new wonder, each stop is an opportunity to savour the essence of this land rich in history, culture and food and wine traditions. A journey that stimulates all the senses and nourishes the soul, promising unforgettable emotions with every pedal stroke.
La Morra
La Morra, known as the "balcony of the Langhe", welcomes you with a spectacular view that spans from the surrounding hills to the Alps. Stroll through the streets of the historic centre, admiring the elegant palaces and baroque churches. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the municipal wine cellar, where you can taste renowned local wines. For contemporary art lovers, the Barolo Chapel, with its vibrant colours, offers a fascinating contrast to the surrounding landscape.
Grinzane Cavour
Grinzane Cavour will amaze you with its imposing castle, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Home to the Piedmont Regional Wine Cellar, the manor houses an interesting ethnographic and oenological museum. Climb the tower to enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding vineyards. Don't forget to visit the village below, with its characteristic stone and brick houses.
Barolo, the world capital of its namesake wine, is an unmissable stop. The majestic Falletti Castle dominates the village and houses the WiMu, the Wine Museum, an interactive and engaging experience suitable for all ages. Walk through the narrow streets of the historic centre, stopping at the numerous wine shops to taste the prized "king of wines". For enthusiasts, the Corkscrew Museum offers a curious collection of these essential tools for every wine lover.
Novello, the last village on your itinerary, welcomes you with its quiet and authentic atmosphere. Reach the panoramic terrace near the castle, from where you can admire a view that encompasses much of the route you've tackled. The historic centre, with its cobbled streets and historic buildings, deserves a relaxing stroll. Don't leave without tasting the famous "hand-pulled breadsticks", a local speciality.
The Experience
This 31 km route is an adventure accessible to all, thanks to e-bikes that make even the most challenging stretches manageable. The self-guided itinerary, supported by the BikeSquare app, offers you the freedom to explore at your own pace, stopping when and where you prefer. Starting and returning to La Morra, you'll traverse some of the most evocative landscapes of the Langhe, a UNESCO World Heritage site, fully immersing yourself in the rich food and wine culture of the region. It's an eco-friendly journey that combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of a unique territory, where each pedal stroke is a caress to the soul and a tribute to the beauty of nature and human ingenuity. An experience that will leave you with the desire to return, to explore these magical hills again and again.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
Part from Lecce, the capital of the Baroque, the first leg of the Ciclovia of the Ionian Salento. And it is immediately a journey between history and nature : as soon as the city leaves the archaeological area of Rudiae with its amphitheatre, the fiabian road of the Cupa Valley and the rural chiesthole of the Madonna della Neve. Then you enter the Grecìa Salentina, touching on Sternatia and Soleto, to stop in Galatin to admire the magnificent frescoes of the Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria and the atavics suggestive of the tarantates. You arrive in Nardò that comes with its ancient borgo rich in history.
This tour runs through the countryside between Quintano, Capralba, Casaletto Vaprio and Trescore Cremasco and allows you to discover some of the most important fountains of the Cremas.
The phenomenon of water resurgence occurs in that band of variable width where there is the passage between the high plain, formed by coarse pebbles, and the low plain formed by sands and clays. The rainwater or fluvial waters penetrating under the ground do not find more space to flow and emerge limpid and at a constant temperature.
The phenomenon was used in the past for the practice of rotting: the water was running in the winter on the lawns keeping them free, then, from frost and snow and allowing further mowing even in the bad season.
a Crema, in Lombardia, a Treviglio, a Caravaggio
We hit the trails in the middle section of the ancient Via Appia, near Ciampino Airport. We’ll cycle for 5.8 km along the original paving stones of this important artery built in the late republican-imperial era. After having contemplated important consular-imperial villas, we’ll enter a short, but typical countryside landscape, with dirt roads and eventually we’ll come across sheep and other animals (a very suggestive landscape contrast given that we’re just a few miles away from the roman urban context). It doesn't take long and we’ll arrive at the Parco degli Acquedotti (WaterWays Park), which preserves an important historical heritage: crossroads of no less than 6 aqueducts (out of a total of 11) that were responsible for the water supply of the ancient Urbis, it is a place with a suggestive landscape that we will explore throughout the tour. From this point, we’ll follow the axis of the Aqua Marcia, Claudia and Anio Vetus aqueducts to reach the Tor Fiscale Park and, in sequence, a small but significant park located by the modern Via Appia. We arrive at one of the most naturalistic urban parks in Rome, the Caffarella Park. Here, we hit its dirt roads, paying close attention to pedestrians, to explore the area that was once a very fertile place used for agricultural crops (and not only). Along the way, we return to the Via Appia Antica to get to know the tombs of the Catholic martyrs, the impressive funerary monuments along the way and villas of emperors and then return to our starting point.
The activity requires a medium technical ability in riding the mountain bike (knowing how to apply the off-the-saddle technique, minimum balance and active riding) given that you will be riding on dirt roads and paths, avoiding busy streets as long as it is possible.
The magical flight of pink flamingos dominates the Salento coastline in the land of Primitivo and Negroamaro.
You cycle through vineyards and wild Mediterranean scrubland before reaching the coast, where the karstic land shows its "spunnulate", karstic resurgences that create small lakes of crystal-clear freshwater.
In the Reserve of the Eastern Taranto Coastline, nature takes over with the Salina dei Monaci and its extraordinary guests, along with the cold and brilliant water of the Chidro river mouth.
The route starts and ends in Manduria. Cycling along the loop, you will pass through the municipalities of Avetrana, Villaggio Boncore, Torre Lapillo, Torre Castiglione, Padula Fede, Punta Prosciutto, Torre Colimena, Specchiarica, San Pietro in Bevagna.
You mainly cycle on asphalt roads, about 75%, but also on dirt roads.
Traffic is light along almost the entire route. In the months of July and August, the stretch on the coastal road is instead characterized by heavy traffic.
The wine 'Negramaro'
Negramaro wine is an oenological excellence typical of Puglia, particularly in the provinces of Lecce, Brindisi, and Taranto.
This native grape variety, whose name derives from the words "black" and "bitter", produces full-bodied and intense red wines that encapsulate all the warmth and passion of Southern Italy.
Negramaro grapes grow lush under the Mediterranean sun, in calcareous and clayey soils that give the wine a unique and unmistakable character. Wines made from this grape variety stand out for their intense ruby color, complex aromas of berries, spices, and floral notes, and a enveloping and persistent taste that makes them perfect to pair with traditional Apulian dishes such as orecchiette with tomato sauce and strong ricotta cheese.
Si parte dal punto di noleggio Bike Square di Mongiardino e si seguono le indicazioni per Roccaforte e Grondona. Il percorso è interamente su strada asfaltata di basso traffico. Raggiunto il punto panoramico di Roccaforte e S. Martino si inizia una lunga discesa fino al caratteristico borgo di Grondona, attraverso un territorio verdeggiante e profumato ricco di numerose essenze arboree. Il borgo ricorda quelli medievali dell'entroterra Genovese, con edifici costruiti in pietra locale.Tra le numerose atrattive storiche vi sono la Chiesa dell'Annunziata e la Chiesa di S. Maria dell'Assunta, entrambe romaniche, la torre cinquecentesca superstite del Castello Doria e l'antico ponte in pietra.Ci si può fermare per assaporare i prodotti tipici locali della valle Spinti tra cui spicca l'aromatico miele.
Trascorsa una rinfrescante pausa nella quiete e nel verde si ritorna a Sisola per la riconsegna delle ebike.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
Between pajare and dry mulls, it is a ride in the interior of the Salento the second leg of the Cycloth of the Ionian Salento. After Nardò, it touches Galatone, with its borgo dominated by the Sanctuary of the Crucifix, and then passes from Sannicle and Alezio. The sweet salentine campaign alternates to the municipalities of Taviano, Racale and Alliste. The small and evocative borgo of Felline opens the way to the approx in Ugento, the town of the tiny Zeus.
The itinerary starts from the Bike Square rental point in Cabella Ligure. From here you take the S.P. 140 and cross the bridge over the Borbera river until you reach the towns of Dovanelli, Dova Inferior, Dova Superior and finally the pass of San Fermo, at crossing point of the Ligurian Apennines with an altitude of 1.129 m at Mount San Fermo along the road which connects Liguria with the Borbera Valley. The pass in the past was very important because it was the direct salt route to Lombardy. On the Piedmontese side of the pass is the chapel of San Fermo with two bas-reliefs from the ancient abbey of San Clemente. From the pass you have a fantastic view of the Borbera valley, Valley Scrivia and Valley Vobbia, on clear days the view reaches the Western Alps, Liguria and sometimes even Corsica. The Chapel of San Fermo is locatedin the on the border between Liguria and Piedmontat a height of 1177 meters above sea level, in the Ligurian Apennines. From the chapel you can enjoy the Ligurian Sea, the Apennines, the western Alps and, on the clearest days, Monviso. The patronal feast is characteristic Ligurian pancakes held at the chapel of the same name on 9 August every year. For the return trip you pass thisugh the towns of Casalbusone and Gordena, typical villages similar to those of the Ligurian hinterland, built with local stone and immersed in an unobstructed nature of beech, oak and chestnut woods.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
This route develops into the territory in the Valdastico along narrow white and paved roads and allows you to pedal for about 34 kilometers with a 579-meter level off from Arserum to arrive until San Pietro Valdastico.
Start point
The starting point is in Arsero-Via dei Longhi where you start with a breakfast / merenda at the bar Campagna with coffee and brioche.
Arserum-Old Railway Station- Cartiera Rossi
From the starting point, the Old Railway Station is reached strongly by Alessandro Rossi, ledader of the Italian industrialists, who promoted and financed the construction to connect the manufacturing plant of Schio, Piovene Rocchette and Arserum.
The path continues in the direction Cartiera Rossi, founded in 1878 by Francesco Rossi, a major company in which over 1300 employees were employed, becoming in a few years the largest European cartiera of the era.
Contrà Pria-Valdastico
Profollowing our path comes to the Treatoria all 'Isola, typical trattoria where you can taste typical homemade dishes, then continue to Contrà Pria, also known as the "Caribbean of the Veneto", prestigious location immersed in nature, where the river forms some anse by creating small, ideal ponds for bathing.
It is still continuing to arrive at the Torrions of Pedescala, ancient guard towers placed in an 'altura between Contrà La Pria and Barcarola site in the territory of Cogollo in the Horographical Left of the Astico valley falls into this defense optics and is thought to be used as a signalling tower in the event of danger by being in visual correspondence with the castle of Velo. Some scholars argue that the foundations are of Roman invoice.
Profollowing the journey to the valley of the Valdastic, there is a fascinating "Il Gorgo", fascinating place with regoglish waterfalls, fostered upstream directly from the mountain, creates unique beauty landscapes, its sassi beach allows it to relax and freshen up in its waters.
This place is also associated with the ancient Italo-Austrian border.
From here it is pedal to the pizzeria Antica Valdastico, local rennomed for its gourmet pizza.
Anelli delle Anguane
After a short culinary break, you go back to the ferrata "
Anelli delle Anguane", recent ferrata composed of an intertwining of vertical ferred streets, equipped dines and ribbed paths that develop along about 300 mt. of a peak rocky bastion on the Val d' Astico. There are three vertical traits and a Tibetan bridge.
You are almost at the end of the 'ring' itinerary at the return ebike point.
Part from Torre Lapillo, in the shadow of the historic tower, the fifth stage of the Cyclovia of the Ionian Salento. After a fresco on a fantastic spunnulata (a resurgence), it pedal between the woods of Arneo and the coast with its naturalistic jewels : the paths in the perfumed stain of the Palude of the Count, the pink fenicacles in flight on the lake mirror of Salina dei Monaci, the freezing and crystalline water of the mouth of the Chidro River. And then straight into the interior, beyond the woods there is first Manduria, with its millennial history, and finally the borgo of Avetrana.
This route of about 45 kilometers starting from Montevecchio, will make you explore a fantastic area rich in history and immersed in unspoiled nature.
After crossing the mining area, head towards the sea,
Piscinas beach with its dunes will be a perfect setting for a nice souvenir photo.
Proceed along the coast for about 10 kilometers, in the tourist resort of Portu Maga you leave the sea and plunge back into the mountains with a climb surrounded by greenery that brings us back to altitude and allows us to return to the starting point by pedaling in safety on secondary roads with little traffic, with unique views.
in Sardegna, nella Sardegna meridionale, a Villacidro, nel Medio Campidano, nel Sud Sardegna
Santuario mariano posto su sacro colle di Anglona a 263 metri sul livello del mane dominante le vallate del Sinni e dell'Agri.
La struttura attuale del santuario, datata tra l'XI secolo ed il XII secolo costruita in tufo e travertino, presenta elementi architettonici di notevole importanza quali, l'abside, il campanile e il portale in stile. L'esterno absidale è sicuramente la parte più cromatica e più raffinata dell'intero edificio, si ammirano ornamenti ad intagli, archetti pensili, lesene e un finestrone centrale adornato. Sulle pareti esterne numerose formelle con figure di animali a rilievo, di provenienza ignota, creano un effetto davvero suggestivo. Il tetto a più falde e l'armonia dei volumi, conferiscono al santuario un aspetto piacevole ed imponente. Splendidi e suggestivi affreschi sulle pareti della navata centrale.
Il portale in stile romanico è formato da un'arcata a tutto sesto arricchita da intagli e rilievi. Anche sul fronte del portale si trovano formelle di tufo calcareo con bassorilievi che raffigurano i simboli dei quattro evangelisti, Marco il leone, Luca il bue, Giovanni l'aquila, Matteo l'angelo. A sinistra della facciata spicca il campanile anch'esso in stile romanico, di forma quadrangolare, poco slanciato e in cima adornato da quattro bifore.Chiesa a croce latina disposta su tre navate è ricca di pregevoli affreschi che i recenti restauri hanno riportato alla luce.Nel XIII secolo è stato ampliato l'abside, ad opera di Melchiorre da Montalbano che fu chierico di Anglona. Risalgono al XV secolo invece il rifacimento dell'ala sinistra e la ricostruzione dell'episcopio.
La struttura è attorniata da ulivi secolari e ben curati dove il silenzio Vi immergerà in atmosfere di altri tempi.
L'8 settembre è il culmine della millenaria festa in onore di Maria SS. Regina di Anglona, patrona della diocesi di Tursi-Lagonegro.
Durante l'avvicinamento al Santuario, prima del ponte in mattoni rossi e a pochi metri dalla strada, ci si può immergere in scenari calanchivi e suggestivi a completare questo piccolo tour spirituale e scenografico.
a Montalbano Jonico, a Matera, in Basilicata
The spin in E-bike leaves from the Bussia Estate, located in the heart of the Langhe.
From here, pedal to Monforte d' Alba, ideal for a relaxing break and a remembrance photo. Next, the route continues to the location Pozzetti in Roddino, where it is possible to make a stop to tasting a delicious Pic-Nic among the vines, enriched by typical Langhe products and accompanied by a good DOC wine, the whole thing immersed in the scenic panoramas of the region.
The scenic spots are continued towards Serralunga d' Alba, where the panoramic points offer breathtaking views on the vineyards and the surrounding hills.
Finally, you go back to the Bussia Estate, completing a unique experience between landscapes, culture and the flavours of the Langhe, the all made even more enjoyable by the use of E-bikes, which allow you to enjoy the path without too much physical effort.
Ask Us for the Pic-Nic.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
Questa è l'esperienza per chi: ama pedalare ma anche parcheggiare la bici per gustare del buon cibo sorseggiando il vino giusto!
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
A horse-drawn ring between the high and the low Formazza valley, will be an opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the suggestive discourses that welcomed the walsers when they arrived from the nearby Canton Valais (CH) in search of new pastures. A leap in the past, exploring one of the most suggestive waterfalls of Europe chastened into one of the least known valleys of Italy.
Attention : The path is only partly walkable with the bike trailer for children. In the stretch between the locations "Ponte" and "Under Frua" it is necessary to use the carrable road if you want to opt out of this solution. Even for all those who are not familiar with the MTB, it is ill-advised to move from the cycling between the two traits above, because the ramping up of the ramps and the close back could create difficulties.
What to see, Formazza-the Fracks
All rich in history and charm, take the time to explore the typical walser dwellings immersed in the greenery of the meadows and rich in colors in each season.
Antillone [ Puneiga ], fraction no longer inhabited, is a destination of walks to reach the nearby Alpeans of Vova and Salecchio.
Brendo [ In Dä Brendu ], "in the woods downed with the fire", is a tiny agglomeration of houses collected around the Chiesetta of the Madonna del Carmine. From here, the Valley shrinks and is steeped in steep. In the vicinity lies the Central Giacinto Motta that exploits the hydroelectric basins of Morasco, Vannino, Sruer, Toggia and Kastel for the production of Energy Electricity.
Canza [ Früduwald ] and Grovella [ Gurfalu ], "woods of the waterfall" and "area of the boulders". They are two fractions between them close to where numerous ancient dwellings in larice built by the Walsers are counted. In Canza L' abate was partially destroyed by an avalanche in 1951 that caused numerous casualties.
Church [ in der mattu ], "located between the meadows", is the seat of the Formazza Parish. The fraction is made up of a small agglomeration of houses that gathers around the Saints Bernardo and Carlo's Parrochial. In the fraction is also the ancient Walser Cemetery with the wooden crosses, equal for each deceased.
Fondovalle [ Schtafulwald ], "court for the cattle surrounded by the woods", or "forest of the enclosure," is the first village adagiarised on the afflicted plain on the "Casse" cliff. Originally the village was wooden but it was destroyed by an immense avalanche in 1863 and rebuilt in masonry.
Foppiano [ Undrum Stalda ], is the first of the Valley and is inhabited all year round. Within the fraction there is the Oratorio dedicated to St. John and typical wooden constructions.
Frua [ Uf Der Frütt ], location famous for winter tourism and for the Cascade del Toce.
Ponte [ Zumschtäg ], is the heart of the Valley and home to City Hall. The name of the Fration refers to the presence of the only bridge on the River Toce. In Fraction there is also a school for the children of the elementary school where the old Walser dialect is still learned. At the end of the country, towards the Brendo fraction, lies the oldest formaze house, the Casa Forte, ancient home of the amhand, the head of the walser colony. Here, too, there is a dedicated Oratorio in Santa Caterina. Inaugurated on November 25, 1661, the church was expanded in 1884. The last renovation dates back to 1986-1987.
San Michele [ Tuffald ], "deep woods," the woods close to the fraction were devastated by a large fire in 1765. The landscaper is home to an Fund Sci Centre, with a 12 km runway ring that runs all the flat part of the Valley, from Ponte to Fondovalle. At the location are also two religious buildings : Church of St. Michael and St. Lucia built in 1663.
Under Frua [ Unter Der Frütt ], "under the Cascade" of the Toce. There is a cloth and two large structures predominantly used by the Salesians for summer gatherings and various gatherings.
Valdo (Wald), "woods", ancient home of the Municipality of Formazza now moved to Ponte. In The Fraction is present the chairlift of the Sagersboden that leads to the top of the Pista of the Campions so defined for its beauty and typology.
Focus, the Walsers
The Walsers (contraction of the German Walliser, i.e., vallese, inhabitant of canton Valais) are a population of Germanic origin that inhabits the alpine regions around the Mount Rosa Massive. Whose language is defined as Titsch, Töitschu or Titzschu, terms related to German Deutsch.
Established in the Valley of the Goms, during the centuries XII and XIII, Walser settlers from the high Valais settled in different locations of the Alpine arch in Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and France. The history of the Walser people in the south of the alps begins in the middle of the thirteenth century, for progressive migrations, developing over time the allocated settlements that we know today.
Their peculiarity was that of having given birth to a model of colonizing high quotas occupying and transforming abandoned alpeses. The Val Formazza represented the entrance door of the Walsers, from here they transitioned and colonized the Alpine arch on the Italian side, whose first stable settlements stood beyond the 1,800 mt.s.l.m. Their peculiarity was that they gave birth to a model of colonizing the high stakes by occupying and transforming abandoned alpeses, valleys and spoiled mountains with permanent settlements.
Focus, Sbrinz Route
All years in late August, for more information www.sbrinz-route.ch
Historical resuming in costume of the journey that unites Bern to Domodossola, a walk in multiple stages during which the journey is relocated to the teaching of tradition. A great way of communication that already 600 years ago, through the Gries Pass, at 2479 m of the quota between the Val Formazza and the Upper Valais, constituted the most direct route between the Lombard Plain and central Switzerland. From Milan to Bern, from the Mediterranean to the plains of Central Europe, they transitioned men, goods, ideas. It was a commercial street, a caravaniera traveled from long rows of mule loads of goods. From the north they went down cattle, skins and cheeses (the "sbrinz" of the Oberland Bernese), but also luxury products such as the precious crystals worked by the monks of Engelberg destined for Italian courts. From the south, the cloths and lust lumps and the wine of Ossola, exported to the court of France.
Focus, the Orrids of Uriezzo
A small canyon located in the municipality of Premia. In the course of the last glaciation (finished about 12,000 years ago) in the present Valle Antigorio and Formazza was the Ghisteel del Toce that with the passage of time and with the help of the torrents at its base eroded the rock by going to form this particular natural spectacle. The tortuous cunics and the throats that it is possible to admire today were formed once the glacier has disappeared. The draining of the various glacial streams has left room for a real canyon that you can visit on foot today. The phenomenon of erosion has created a very rare natural landscape in the Alps. The water force has made up a series of large subcircular cavities separated by narrow and tortuous cunicles whose walls are covered with grooves, volutes and niches.
Focus, Piero Portaluppi-Architect
was one of the most important architects and urbanists of the first half of the ' 900 Italian. Although he has operated predominantly in northern Italy, and in particular for the high bourgeoisie meneghine, he has a real revolution in the way of thinking about the architecture of public and private spaces. Over the course of his career he has carried out projects in a number of areas : not only palaces and residential villas, but also hydroelectric power stations-in which he applied architectural styles more related to historical construction than to industrial-funerary newsrooms, exhibition pavilions, hotels and much more.
Focus, the Formaggi of the Val d' Ossola
Among the cheeses of the Val d' Ossola a place of honor certainly occupies the Bettelmatt, the "cheese of the Gods," produced in seven alpeses of the Antigory valleys and Formazza at an altitude of between 1800 and 2400 meters. The Bettelmatt is produced in the summer, and it is a cheese that nods the great tradition of breed breeding of brown breed. Obtained from the milk of one milking, worked raw and whole, therefore with two daily work, it is a true triumph of perfumes, aromas and unmistakable flavours from the aromatics pastures of the Alps Lepontine.
The maturation of the Bettelmatt can vary from a few months to more years, but only after at least 90 days of seasoning the aromas and perfumes reach the height of the intensity. Of yellow gold or clowns, thick and bronze with maturation, intense, prolonged and deep, aromatic, never trivial flavour.
Other characteristic cheese is Ossolan : a semi-fat or fatty cheese from the delicate, herbaceous, more intense and prolonged flavour in the course of the affinity, used as a dish as a stant and also in the preparation of the traditional potato gnocchi, chestnut flour and pumpkin, or in the poles conce, or still with rye bread to form the traditional oxolan merenda.
a Verbania, sui Laghi, sul Lago Maggiore, nella Val d'Ossola