You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code A0-6

Directorate of Lecce, you begin pedaling from the square of Avetrana for the 6th and final stage of the Cyclovia of the Ionian Salento.

After crossing the Mediterranean spot and pastures here is the imposing test track of Porsche.
So it touches Boncore Village and begins a journey in the countryside of the Salento interior, between orti, olive trees and vineyards all the way up to Arnesano.
The arrival in Lecce is an occasion to get to know the ancient borough, from Porta Rudiae to the Cathedral with the fading bell tower, all the way to St. Oronzo Square, welcomed to the finish line by the patron of the city.


  • 51,4 Km

  • 34 giorni 17 ore 20 minuti

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