You can find this route on the BikeSquare app with code A0-5

Part from Torre Lapillo, in the shadow of the historic tower, the fifth stage of the Cyclovia of the Ionian Salento.

After a fresco on a fantastic spunnulata (a resurgence), it pedal between the woods of Arneo and the coast with its naturalistic jewels : the paths in the perfumed stain of the Palude of the Count, the pink fenicacles in flight on the lake mirror of Salina dei Monaci, the freezing and crystalline water of the mouth of the Chidro River.
And then straight into the interior, beyond the woods there is first Manduria, with its millennial history, and finally the borgo of Avetrana.


  • 49,3 Km

  • 34 giorni 17 ore 20 minuti

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