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The Bike Route to Gavorrano - Maremma

The Gavorrano Mining e-bike Route is a simple route in Maremma ideal for a cloudy day, or when you are fed up of the seasise.

You can get the bike from the sea area (we can deliver the bikes to your hotel, camping or BnB if you wish), follow the main road from Puntone to Scarlino and then take a secondary road to Gavorrano.

The secondary road is quite interesting because it will allow you to travel in a relaxed way. It's a super easy road, no need for a mountain bike, a trekking bike with good tires will be ok.

The road will pass among the sheeps of Maremma, the olives, some wineyard. You will smell the maremman macchia mediterranea.

After a couple of Km you will get back on the asphalt road going up to Gavorrano.

The road is steep, but the e-bike will help you without too much effort.

What to see in the Gavorrano Maremma e-bike Tour

On your right you will see the Mining Museum (worth a visit, see the details in the point on the map). Visit the Tuscan Mining UNESCO Geopark.

After the museum you will get to the village center of Gavorrano, visit the historical center, discover the beautiful views of the seaside and of the Maremma.

Where to Eat

In Gavorrano you will find a few lovely places where you can have a piece of cake, a beer, a coffee or a proper dinner.

For a PIzza - you can go to the Rosticceria in the main square

For a proper Dinner - Ristorante BellaVista or Osteria della Miniera

For an Aperitivo - Pinco Panco or Bar Giardino

For a Cake - Pasticceria Il Muretto


  • Si parte da Scarlino, Gavorrano

  • 22 Km

  • 13 giorni 21 ore 20 minuti
  • Difficoltà:   2

Galleria Fotografica

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