Trovi questo percorso sull'App BikeSquare con il codice 02

Verona and the Torricelle hills

The itinerary is slightly challenging as it goes up to the Torricelle, the hills in the North section of Verona.

We start climbing the hills right after the shop, cycling on the Via dei Colli, the panoramic road that was on the route of the UCI Road World Championship in 1999 and 2004. The road is flanked by beautiful lines of cypresses and features some beautiful spots where you can enjoy great views: not-to-be-missed are the one from the Santuario della Madonna di Lourdes and from San Mattia fortress.

Once we reach the top, we enjoy the panorama over Valpantena. Then, the itinerary goes all the way downhill, at the bottom of the valley. There, we cycle on a road surrounded by vineyards and orchards, with nice views over the hills and a few venetian villas. 

We climb the Torricelle hills again on a small panoramic road, then we reach Castel San Pietro, the most romantic spot in Verona, where you can enjoy a great panorama over the city: that's the best way how to finish the bike ride!


  • Si parte da Verona

  • 22.00 Km

  • 20 giorni 20 ore
  • Difficoltà:   2

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