Ogni territorio ha il suo prodotto caratteristico. Con noi li scopri dai produttori amici delle e-bike
La tua e-bike è pronta, vieni a ritirarla o te la consegniamo in Hotel o Stazione
Quel posticino che da solo non avresti mai trovato? Autentici e diversi, se sono su BikeSquare
Per tutte le tasche e per tutti i gusti, ma sempre amici della e-bike, con ricarica e ricovero
Strade secondarie e panoramiche, curiositĂ e piccoli segreti. Come se ti accompagnasse un amico del posto

Alcune delle strutture aderenti a BikeSquare sono state sostenute negli investimenti dal GAL Langhe Roero Leader, Operazione 6.4.2 del PSR che ha favorito la crescita di reti/circuiti per la promozione ela commercializzazione dell’offerta turistica locale, al fine di superare gli svantaggi della frammentazione e della piccola dimensione delle imprese favorendo economie di scala, incremento della competitività e promozione/comunicazione di sistema.
E-bike rental a bra - Bike Tour a bra - Noleggio Bici a bra
With BikeSquare you can rent e-bikes a bra and discover this territory in an innovative and fun way.
If you download the free BikeSquare app it will be even easier and you can ride independently doing a self-guided e-bike tour.
Prefer to be guided? Ask for the support of a real guide who accompanies you on an electric bike.
The routes you find on our app are pleasant, designed for e-bikes, on secondary roads, studied by those who know the territory well.
What are you waiting for? Come and discover if it's really all "little effort and lots of fun" a bra.
What you can do with BikeSquare a bra
Gold Destination
Le Destinazioni Gold offrono un servizio BikeSquare completo, con consegna e ritiro delle bici, servizi per i bambini, e molto altro.
Routes a bra
a bra: e-bike charging stations
Are you travelling with a e-bike and you need to recharge? BikeSquare partners are ready to offer you a socket, while you eat a sandwich or have a coffee. A few minutes charge allows you to have more kilometers to ride.
ultimo aggiornamento: 02-03-2025
Bike Hotels a bra
Are you looking for a place where to sleep, which will hosts willingly the bike tourists? that allows recharge your e-bike a bra e allows you to store it safely in the night?.
Look no further: BikeSquare partners are ready to host cycling tourists also with e-bikes. You can find the accomodation which is best for you: bike friendly hotel, bed & breakfast, agriturismi that host cycling tourists, charge point for the e-bikes.
ultimo aggiornamento: 24-02-2025
Rent a e-bike a bra
Do you want to rent a e-bike, including a set of additional services: emergency rescue, luggage delivery, guides. BikeSquare is there for you.
ultimo aggiornamento: 04-03-2025
Sustainable Tourism a bra
Renting a e-bike from BikeSquare means travelling in a sustainable way a bra. The e-bike consumes very little energy, is silent and does not emit exhaust gas. Most of our rental shops use green energy, produced from renewable sources or self-produced by solar panels.
ultimo aggiornamento: 23-02-2025