Tipi Percorsi
Arriva in spiaggia a Boccasette con Rana Agile, degusta un buon pranzo con i piedi nella sabbia!!
Partendo da Porto Viro si percorrono circa 15 km pedalando lungo la pista ciclabile sull'argine del Po di Venezia costeggiando il grande fiume pe tutto il tempo, una volta conclusa la ciclabile si fa ingresso lungo la famosa Via delle Valli Sud di Porto Viro, la strada si presenta in asfalto, è aperta al traffico ma, per fortuna, è a bassissimo scorrimento veicolare, vi immergerete nella flora e nella fauna del meraviglioso Delta del Po, i fenicotteri rosa faranno capolino all'orizzonte e vi saluteranno al vostro passaggio, salendo sul ponte di barche si attraverserà il ramo del Po di Maistra, direzione spiaggia di Boccasette dove si potrà pranzare o fare uno spuntino veloce, fare una passeggiata o è, perchè no, un bagno al mare!! Un esperienza unica nel suo genere da vivere insieme a noi in modo lento e rilassante!
comacchio, salina di cervia, cervia, ravenna, goro, foce del po
Un suggestivo anello panoramico tra le colline che guardano la Valle Orba e la Valle Bormida, tra i vigneti del rinomato Dolcetto docg, il vino rosso con il quale accompagnare i piatti tipici di questo angolo di Piemonte che in cucina da sempre propone piatti d'impronta ligure. Si parte dal centro di Ovada e si compie un anello panoramico tra i borghi di Cremolino, Trisobbio, Montaldo Bormida, Carpeneto con rientro nel Centro storico di Ovada dove è possibile visitare musei, antiche Chiese, i "caruggi" (strade molto strette come quelle genovesi) e degustare prodotti locali negli ottimi caffè, pasticcerie e ristoranti fuori e dentro la città.
Per maggiori informazioni sull'ovadese: http://www.iatovada.it/it/
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
Partendo dal borgo di Buronzo, dopo una colazione/merenda nella corte di Armonie in Corte, si esce dal castello dall'arco principale per raggiungere le vicine risaie.
Quando il cielo è limpido, in primavera, la catena delle Alpi (con il massiccio del Monte Rosa e le cime imbiancate) si specchia nelle risaie allagate creando un panorama suggestivo. I più attenti potranno scorgere la cupola del Santuario di Oropa vegliare sulla valle e sulla Baraggia.
Su una strada sterrata ci si sposta verso il bosco del Rosignolo, attraversando per un breve tratto la strada provinciale, e addentrandosi, di nuovo su sterrato, con una breve salita, verso l'azienda agricola e l'Agriturismo Rosignolo, dove si potranno vedere gli animali dell'allevamento e i macchinari dell'azienda agricola al lavoro nelle risaie.
L'anello si richiude ai piedi del Castello di Buronzo, dove dalla scalinata che porta alla chiesa si rientra nel borgo e si può visitare il castello consortile.
in Baraggia, in Buronzo, in Biella, in Vercelli, in Gattinara, In San Giacomo Vercellese, in Rosavenda, in Sesia natural parc
Cycling through the hills of the Barolo Langhe on an e-bike is an exhilarating adventure that can be experienced even in half a day. This route, starting from Alba railway station, is ideal for those wishing to explore the region without a car, benefiting from a special discount on e-bike rentals for train travellers. As you gently advance, the renowned Nebbiolo vineyards stretch as far as the eye can see, offering breathtaking views at every turn. The fresh air, infused with the scents of grapes and earth, envelops you, awakening your senses and nourishing your spirit. Every village you encounter along the way tells stories of ancient wine traditions and a territory without equal.
Roddi, the first stop on your itinerary, welcomes you with its charming medieval castle that dominates the surrounding landscape. Explore the streets of the historic centre and don't miss the opportunity to visit the Truffle Museum, where you can discover the secrets of this precious tuber. The village is also known as the "poetry village", with verses scattered along the walls of the houses.
Verduno, the next stop, is famous for its Pelaverga wine, an indigenous variety with a millennial history. Visit the local wineries to taste this unique wine, with its spicy and fruity bouquet. The village's viewpoint offers a spectacular panoramic view of the surrounding hills and the plain below.
La Morra
La Morra, known as the "balcony of the Langhe", treats you to one of the most spectacular views in the region. From the viewpoint in Piazza Castello, you can admire a panorama that stretches from the Barolo hills to the Alps. Stroll through the streets of the historic centre, rich in wine shops and artisan boutiques. Don't miss the church of San Martino, an example of Piedmontese Baroque architecture.
Alba, the starting and ending point of the tour, deserves in-depth exploration. The historic centre, with its medieval towers and noble palaces, tells centuries of history. Visit the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and stroll along Via Vittorio Emanuele, known locally as "Via Maestra". For culture enthusiasts, the "Federico Eusebio" Civic Museum offers a rich archaeological and naturalistic collection. The new Truffle Museum is an immersive experience in the world of the prized tuber. If you're in town on a Saturday, the lively weekly market in the streets of the centre is the perfect opportunity to savour the local atmosphere and purchase typical products.
The Experience
This 30 km circular itinerary, starting and ending in Alba, is an experience accessible to all thanks to e-bikes that make even the most challenging stretches easier. The self-guided route, supported by the BikeSquare app, allows you to explore independently, with the freedom to stop when and where you wish. Pedalling through some of the most enchanting landscapes of the Langhe, a UNESCO World Heritage site, you'll immerse yourself in the natural beauty and cultural richness of this unique region. This journey combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of an extraordinary territory, offering an unforgettable experience where each pedal stroke is an opportunity to connect with the history, nature and traditions of the Barolo Langhe.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
Cycling through the Alta Langa hills on an e-bike is like embarking on a journey in a world suspended between sky and earth. As you climb slopes that reach nearly 800 metres in altitude, the landscape transforms before your eyes: vineyards give way to hazelnut groves, lush forests and undulating wheat fields. The fresh, pure air caresses your face, carrying with it the scents of unspoilt nature. The silence is broken only by the gentle hum of pedal assistance and birdsong. Each bend reveals a new breathtaking view, each perched village tells stories of an ancient past and a present that jealously guards centuries-old traditions.
Novello, the starting point of your tour, welcomes you with its captivating tranquillity. When coming back visit the Wine Shop to taste Nascetta, a native white wine, the best ending of your adventure.
Monforte d'Alba
Monforte d'Alba captivates you with its medieval charm. Climb up to the natural amphitheatre in the upper part of the village, an architectural gem with perfect acoustics that hosts concerts and cultural events.
Roddino, a border village between Lower and Upper Langa, offers a first taste of Alta Langa. Admire the parish church and savour local cheeses, including the renowned "Murazzano DOP".
From Roddino to Pedaggera and Serravalle Langhe
The road from Roddino to Pedaggera and Serravalle Langhe treats you to changing and evocative landscapes. Pedal among hazelnut groves and the first forests, enjoying the silence and unspoilt beauty of these highlands.
Serravalle Langhe
Serravalle Langhe, with its strategic position, offers breathtaking panoramic views. Visit the church of San Michele Arcangelo and admire the typical architecture of Alta Langa.
Bossolasco, known as the "village of roses", welcomes you with its flowery balconies (in the appropriate season). Here, at over 700 metres altitude, you'll breathe the pure air of Alta Langa and can visit the Rose Garden.
Somano surprises you with its rustic charm. Explore the historic centre with its stone houses and don't miss the church of San Donato, a jewel of Romanesque architecture.
Dogliani brings you back to the heart of the wine region. Visit the ancient village, called "Castello", and don't leave without tasting the famous Dolcetto di Dogliani DOCG.
Monchiero, the last stop, offers you a relaxing finale. Climb up to Monchiero Alto to enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding hills and the distant Alps.
The Experience
This 59 km route is an adventure that requires good physical preparation, given its length and elevation gain. The itinerary, supported by the BikeSquare app, offers you the freedom to explore at your own pace, stopping when and where you prefer. Starting from Novello and crossing the heart of Alta Langa, you'll discover unique landscapes, charming villages and authentic flavours. It's a journey that combines the pleasure of cycle tourism with the discovery of a lesser-known but equally fascinating territory of the Langhe, where each pedal stroke is a tribute to the beauty of nature and the richness of local traditions.
in Novello, in Barolo, in La Morra, in Verduno, in the Langhe, in Roero, in Barbaresco, in Neive, in Monforte, in Diano, in Castiglion Falletto, in Alba, in Bra
Questo percorso, che attraversa si l'Appennino Ligure che quello Piemontese, ripercorre in gran parte le strade dell'Appennino Bike Tour ( promosso dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia, Confcommercio Ascom Bologna e Vivi Appennino e per la prima volta viene percorso istituzionalmente nel 2017 dai rappresentanti di Istituzioni del territorio portando il drappo tricolore da Municipio a Municipio.),il Giro ,che nasce con il progetto di creare un Ciclo-Via d’Italia attraverso le strade secondarie dell’Appennino.
La partenza avviene nel punto di noleggio Bike Square di Cabella Ligure,di qui percorrendo la statale 140 si attraversa iL comune di Albera Ligure e da qui si gira a sinistra e si attraversa il centro abitato di Rocchetta ligure,da qui il percorso si fa piu' impegnativo ,ma decisamente piu' panoramico e si attraversa il comune di Roccaforte Ligure e Isola del Cantone ,qui l'impegno e' discontinuo ma elevato,ma il panorama e la natura incontaminata fa presto dimenticare la fatica.Attraversato l'abitato di Isola del Cantone ,si prosegue verso Ronco Scrivia (uno dei 40 comuni tappa del tour (Ronco Scrivia -Brallo di Pergola),da qui si entra nel Comune di Vobbia facente parte del Parco Regionale Regionale Naturale dell'Antola .Attraversato l'abitato del piccolo comune di Vobbia, si imbocca la strada sp.81 si trova circa a meta' strada tra l'abitato di Vobbia e la localita' Mulino di Salata di Mongiardino Ligure,che segna il confine tra Liguria e Piemonte sulla strada che conduce in Val Borbera. Attraversato un ponte e superato sulla sinistra il bivio per Arezzo, si costeggia sulla destra, il torrente Valenzona,sfiorando piccoli borghi rurali.Il territorio e' scarsamente popolato,la strada attraversa una serie di macchie boschive ,in prevalenza di latifoglie, interrotte da zone prative.Il fondo e' in buono stato fino a Valenzona .
Benche' la metasia ancora lontana ,appare gia' la Cappella di San Fermo ,altissima sul monte, qui oltre ad entrare nel territorio Piemontese e nel nascente Parco dell'alta Val Borbera, qui si attraversano sia i comuni di Mongiardino Ligure , Carrega Ligure .Il Valico di San Fermo si trova sotto la Cappella di San Fermo(1177 m )che e' raggiungibile grazie ad un ripido sentiero.Da qui si gode di una spettacolare vista sull'Appennino e sulle Alpi Occidentali.Il valico e' posto sul crinale dell'Antola, lungo un 'antica via del sale .Da qui si torna al punto di noleggio di Cabella Ligure.
in Val Borbera, in Arquata Scrivia, in Gavi, to Borghetto Borbera
A once-in- a-lifetime experience that will offer you the chance to enjoy the incredible landscapes of Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve, with spectacular views of its highest peaks and of the wonderful valleys surrounding Granada.
We will celebrate this amazing adventure with a final "cerveza and tapas" at a typical tapas bar.
You will start this experience from your hotel, where our professional and friendly guides will pick up you, together with your group, heading towards the Sierra Nevada, the biggest Spanish National Park.
We shall reach our departure point in 45 minutes and the tour will start from Sierra Nevada at 5pm.
The park is located at more than 1.300 mt (4300 feet) and, from this altitude, you will be able to enjoy the view of the second highest European mountain, with Mulhacén as its highest peak (3479 metres/11.400 feet).
You will admire rare plants and wild animals, among them the ibex, the uncommon mountain goat, which you don't stumble across very often in your daily life.
Then, with our powerful electric mountain bikes, helmets on, we shall start the downhill rocky crags ride. With the supervision and support of your guide, you will go at your own pace, enjoying the beautiful mountains, the old forest and the lakes in front of you.
Ending our tour, we shall relax and celebrate our wonderful journey with “cerveza and tapas” in a typical tapas bar, in the centre of Granada.
Price: 75€ p/p (included all necessary equipment, pick up and drop off from the hotel and the tapas break)
When: every day at 4pm
Minimum 5 people
Know before you go
Please note, the difficulty level of this tour is set to easy.
Sports clothing is not essential although it is advisable to wear comfortable loose fitting clothes, that allow ease of movement. We advise against wearing high heels or platforms, sandals or flip flops
a Granada
This route of about 45 kilometers starting from Montevecchio, will make you explore a fantastic area rich in history and immersed in unspoiled nature.
After crossing the mining area, head towards the sea,
Piscinas beach with its dunes will be a perfect setting for a nice souvenir photo.
Proceed along the coast for about 10 kilometers, in the tourist resort of Portu Maga you leave the sea and plunge back into the mountains with a climb surrounded by greenery that brings us back to altitude and allows us to return to the starting point by pedaling in safety on secondary roads with little traffic, with unique views.
in Sardegna, nella Sardegna meridionale, a Villacidro, nel Medio Campidano, nel Sud Sardegna
in Chianti, in Greve in Chianti, in Cavriglia, in Radda in Chianti, in Gaiole in Chianti, in Castellina in Chianti, Eroica, Tuscany in ebike
in Chianti, in Greve in Chianti, in Cavriglia, in Radda in Chianti, in Gaiole in Chianti, in Castellina in Chianti, Eroica, Tuscany in ebike
The magical flight of pink flamingos dominates the Salento coastline in the land of Primitivo and Negroamaro.
You cycle through vineyards and wild Mediterranean scrubland before reaching the coast, where the karstic land shows its "spunnulate", karstic resurgences that create small lakes of crystal-clear freshwater.
In the Reserve of the Eastern Taranto Coastline, nature takes over with the Salina dei Monaci and its extraordinary guests, along with the cold and brilliant water of the Chidro river mouth.
The route starts and ends in Manduria. Cycling along the loop, you will pass through the municipalities of Avetrana, Villaggio Boncore, Torre Lapillo, Torre Castiglione, Padula Fede, Punta Prosciutto, Torre Colimena, Specchiarica, San Pietro in Bevagna.
You mainly cycle on asphalt roads, about 75%, but also on dirt roads.
Traffic is light along almost the entire route. In the months of July and August, the stretch on the coastal road is instead characterized by heavy traffic.
The wine 'Negramaro'
Negramaro wine is an oenological excellence typical of Puglia, particularly in the provinces of Lecce, Brindisi, and Taranto.
This native grape variety, whose name derives from the words "black" and "bitter", produces full-bodied and intense red wines that encapsulate all the warmth and passion of Southern Italy.
Negramaro grapes grow lush under the Mediterranean sun, in calcareous and clayey soils that give the wine a unique and unmistakable character. Wines made from this grape variety stand out for their intense ruby color, complex aromas of berries, spices, and floral notes, and a enveloping and persistent taste that makes them perfect to pair with traditional Apulian dishes such as orecchiette with tomato sauce and strong ricotta cheese.
Il percorso si snoda fra l'amabile profumo di tartufo e la passeggiata adrenalinica sul Ponte tibetano più lungo del Mondo. Questo tour connette Carbone con Castelsaraceno, il palato con la mente.
La storia di Carbone si lega ai monaci basiliani che qui diedero grande impulso all’economia.
Carbone fu per molto tempo il centro della vita religiosa dell’area grazie al suo monastero. Nell’800 fu assalito dai briganti e poi distrutto dalle truppe del Murat. Oggi ne restano i ruderi a Valle Cancello. Da vedere la Chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli, la Chiesa Francescana al Convento, la Chiesa di S. Luca Abate, la Cappella S. Anna, la Cappella privata dei Castelli e quella dei Fraticelli, i palazzi storici, lo splendido Bosco di Vaccarizzo e le fontane Calanca, Tuvolo e Fosso.
Castalsareceno è nata come roccaforte saracena, Castrum Saracenum divenne in seguito prestigioso centro basiliano e feudo dell'Abbazia di Sant'Angelo.
All'interno del paese è possibile visitare luoghi dal notevole interesse artistico: la chiesa di S. Spirito del XVI-XVII secolo, che conserva un trittico del pittore D'Amato e il palazzo baronale del XV secolo.
Dirigendosi verso la località Mancusi, si scoprono i resti del mulino ad acqua, testimone del passato delle civiltà contadine.
Castelsaraceno celebra ancora gli antichi riti arborei, rievocati nella tradizione "della ndenna".
Nella prima domenica di giugno la gente del paese si riunisce intorno ad un tronco di faggio ben levigato ed alto più di 20 metri, che viene unito con la cima di un abete e poi innalzato al centro della piazza, E' il matrimonio degli alberi, l'occasione per condividere un momento di festa, accompagnato da canti, balli e dagli squisiti piatti della tradizione del luogo.
Il percorso prevede la visita di luoghi della memoria mineraria nissena, la visita di un geosito, l’attraversamento della Riserva Naturale Orientata di Monte Capodarso e della Valle dell’Imera Meridionale, la visita di una antica borgata rurale.
Tappa 1 – dopo la partenza dalla ciclofficina di Caltanissetta si percorre la via che facevano a piedi i Carusi per recarsi nelle antiche solfare
Tappa 2 – stop nell’ex villaggio minerario di Santa Barbara per descrizione dei luoghi e della storia, visita del geosito delle Maccalube di Terrapelata
Tappa 3 – discesa verso il Ponte ad arco di Capodarso (XVI sec.) ed attraversamento di una delle più belle Riserve Naturali dell’entroterra siciliano
Tappa 4- arrivo a Borgo Cascino (EN) e degustazione di prodotti tipici locali
Tappa 5 - Ritorno a Caltanissetta con sosta a Monte Sabucina e scoperta dell’antico sito archeologico, con insediamenti che si collocano cronologicamente dall’età del bronzo antico (fine III – inizi del II millennio a. C.) all’età ellenistica (inizi del III sec. a.C.).
Caltanissetta, Enna, Sicilia centrale
One-day 40 km tour in the Monferrato area around Acqui Terme. Visit Montechiaro d'Acqui and Castelletto d'Erro.
Castelletto d'Erro
Population 155, it's one of the peaks of this mountain area coloured by lavender fields. What to see: the medieval fortress now is just a square tower. The Assunta church contains a painting ascribed to Pietro Ivaldi called "il Muto" (the Mute"). Visit Sant'Onorato, a small chapel 1 km far from the village.
Montechiaro d'Acqui
The village is 15 km from Acqui Terme. The highest part is on the crest between Bormida and Erro Valleys: the landscape is astonishing. Its main features are the cobblestones streets, the vaults, the staircases made of sandstone. All of the houses are made of stones with plaques, gates and emblems with signs of the past centuries. You can visit the parish curch of Saint George (16th Century) and the Saint Catherine oratory, the latter is now the Peasants' Museum.
During the Roman Age via Aemilia Scauri passed here. An original mileston was found here and is now protected under the City Hall arcades. Visit the ruins of the Marquis of Carretto castle and the parish church of the Assunta. Every year, on the last Sunday of April, there is the Sagra del Polentone, which is the Festival of the Big Polenta (local cornmeal mush).
in Monferrato, in Campo ligure, to Lerma Castle, to Lavagnina's lakes, in Capanne's natural parc
The southern Francigena from Rome to Velletri.
It is a very exciting journey, full of mysteries and charm. It winds its way from Rome through the queen of streets, the ancient Appia, through Ciampino, Santa Maria delle Mole and Marino. From there you start to climb towards the Roman castles passing through the ancient path that ran along the Appian Way, you arrive at Castel Gandolfo admiring the lake of Albano, cross the town and immerse yourself in the woods reaching the splendid town of Nemi. We then continue to the Vivaro through the woods descending to the glorious city of Velletri. From here you can return directly by train or, why not, with the e-bike.
a Empoli, in Val d'Arno
Thanks to our electric bikes this cycling tour is suitable for everybody, also those not particularly fit or families with kids.
We meet at our bike centre in Filattiera and start the tour from the beautiful Sorano Romanesque Church, crucial landmark along the pilgrimage route Via Francigea.
We cycle along secondary roads towards the hilltop Malgrate Castle, that commands the valley with its 25m tall tower.
We continue cycling across the Middle Ages passing by picturesque medieval villages and castles of Lunigiana, at the foot of the Apennine National Park and Mab Unesco Reserve.
Tasting-lunch with local products at: Locanda Gavarini a Mocrone, Agriturismo Il Picchio Verde or Agriturismo Montagna Verde according to the itinerary.
Meeting: 09.30 Tourist Information Point in Filattiera, next to the Sorano Romanesque Church. Tour ends approx. 16:30.
Lenght of the itinerary: 20 to 35 Km
Difficulty: easy or medium
in 5 terre, in Tosco-Emiliano natural parc, in Argentario, to Santo Stefano's pieve, to Codimonte's pieve, in Villafranca, in Lunigiana
Starting from the BikeSquare Delta del Po headquarters, you travel along internal roads that cross the countryside of the Donzella Island and arrive in Cà Mello where the Lavender Field is cultivated, the cultivation was planted for the production of essential oil of lavender but soon became a tourist attraction in the flowering period, a show of colors and scents, flowering goes from the first / second weekend of June to the second week of July and varies according to the climatic conditions. The itinerary continues on the Sacca degli Scardovari famous for the breeding of mussels, in particular the mussel, along the sacca to the mouth of the Po della Donzella or Gnocca from where you go up the river and cross it in Santa Giulia on the typical Ponte di Barche and then head towards the other Ponte di Barche that of Gorino which crosses the Po di Goro, you arrive in Gorino overlooking the Sacca di Goro famous for clam farming. Return to the starting point by returning to cross the two bridges, skirting the Po di Gnocca and crossing the countryside.
comacchio, salina di cervia, cervia, ravenna, goro, foce del po
The first part of this route envisages a first stretch of climb on asphalt on the 'ring of the Alassio Ciclovia that leads to diving into a veritable Mediterranean jungle that gives the exotic name to this trail. Very sweet, easy and sliding path to travel quickly with a soak to the water source in the vicinity of the picnic area. It falls on the Ciclovia in the vicinity of the Pisana tower.
in Liguria, in Toirano, in Albenga, in Borghetto Santo Spirito, in Loano, in Finale ligure, to Monte Carmelo Sanctuary
What's the best way to discover Valtenesi? The E-bike, of course!
The cycle track and the secondary roads join the beauty of the nature with the historical relics that you can find on the path to Valtenesi strongholds.
On the way you have the opportunity to taste local products directly from producers; wine and oil are Lake Gardas products par excellence, and for lunch a good picnic!
at Lake Garda, in Manerba del Garda, in Salò, in Moniga del Garda, in San Felice del Benaco, in Desenzano del Garda, in Padenghe, in Peschiera del Garda, in Valeggio sul Mincio, on the Cycleway of Mincio,
What to see and do in Terracina
The e-bike route along the Ancient Appian Way has reached the penultimate stage, starting again from Terracina. Here, pedaling along scenic roads, you will find multiple points with breathtaking views of the sea and surrounding hills. During the e-bike ride, there are many opportunities to visit ancient Roman ruins, such as the Temple of Jupiter Anxur, and admire the picturesque rural landscapes dotted with olive groves and vineyards.
Recommended for a stop are the many agritourisms in the area, excellent for tasting local typical products. You can enjoy fresh cheeses, artisan cured meats, high-quality extra virgin olive oil, fine wines, and traditional sweets. Often, it is possible to combine these agricultural products with specialties based on freshly caught fish from the crystal-clear waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea.
What to see and do in Monte San Biagio
Today's e-bike tour continues on a lesser-known stretch of the Ancient Appian Way, with breathtaking views of the sea and the beautiful gulf overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. We are near Monte San Biagio, a picturesque village located on the slopes of the Ausoni Mountains, a few kilometers from the sea. If time allows, a visit to the village is recommended, easily reachable by e-bike.
The narrow and winding streets of the historic center of Monte San Biagio lead to ancient palaces, churches, and breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding hills. The village is located within the Natural Park of the Ausoni Mountains, a protected area rich in flora and wildlife. Along the trails, the most attentive can spot bird species such as birds of prey and woodpeckers while enjoying the tranquility of the countryside.
What to see and do in Fonti
The e-bike tour concludes in Fonti, highly recommended is a stop at the beach to enjoy a well-deserved rest after the ride. Once refreshed, on your e-bike or on foot, you can visit the historic center of Fonti. Getting lost in the narrow streets and cobblestone alleys allows you to admire ancient palaces, stone houses, inner courtyards, and panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. A visit to the Church of San Giovanni Battista di Fonti is suggested, one of the main attractions of the city. This sacred building dating back to the 18th century features a baroque facade and an interior rich in decorations and works of art. Inside, you can admire frescoes, sculptures, and the historical architecture of the place. A great way to end the day is dinner with local typical dishes, perhaps accompanied by a glass of fresh local white wine.
a Empoli, in Val d'Arno